Here is my list of changes that would overall lead to a healthier more balanced game for both sides.

ThiccMick Member Posts: 17
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Killer Perks: 


Tinkerer: Tinkerer can only proc once per generator. 

Bamboozle: Bamboozle can only active once every 30 seconds. 

Hex: No One Escapes Death: The first healthy survivor you hit after the last generator is finished will now go into the dying state. After you hook this survivor, all other survivors will receive a -25% penalty to gate opening speed.


Jolt: Jolt will now activate with Special Attacks.

Knock Out: Knock Out will now active with Special Attacks.

Nemesis: Once the obsession is changed in a trial, the new obsession will receive a -5% penalty to Healing and Gate Opening speeds. 

Hex: The Third Seal: Survivors effected by Hex: The Third Seal will now suffer with the Exhaustion status effect. 

Hysteria: Whenever a healthy survivor is injured, ALL survivors will suffer from the oblivious status effect for 30 seconds. 

Survivor Perks:


Boon: Circle Of Healing: Circle Of Healing no longer gives a speed boost to Medkit healing. 

Edit based on feedback: Snuffing the Boon destroys the Totem.

Dead Hard: Dead Hard no longer provides I-Frames. 

Iron Will: Grunts of pain are now lowered by 75%. 

Spine Chill: Spine Chill will no longer activate if the killer is Undetectable. 

Decisive Strike: If another survivor is downed and hooked, Decisive Strike deactivates. 


No Mither: The survivor now starts the trial healthy, once put into the injured state, they will stay broken for the remainder of the trial. 

Up The Ante: Every time a survivor is hooked for the first time, you gain 25% of charges back on your current item. This is 25% of base item charges and does not take charge addons into consideration.

Lightweight: While you are in the killers terror radius your footstep sounds are silent. 

Solidarity: Solidarity now has a conversion rate of 75%.

Self-Care: Players that choose to run Self-Care will automatically have their game uninstalled. This will take effect regardless of platform.


Alchemist Ring: After landing a successful hit with a lethal rush, token regeneration rate is increased by 100%. 

Redhead's Pinky Finger: While holding a charged bottle, movement speed is decreased by 50%. 

Mother-Daughter Ring: Survivors hit immediately after phasing are inflicted with the Hindered and Broken status effect for 30 seconds. (Speed buff removed).

Tombstone Piece: If a survivor is killed while in Evil Within 3, the Shape is put back into Tier-1 for the remainder of the trial. 


Med kits: All med kits will now have 16 charges (Enough for one full heal). The higher rarity the med kit, the quicker it will heal you/others. 

Maps: Maps will no longer be able to detect Trappers Traps. 


Michael Myers: 

  • Myers now receives a stalking speed bonus, the further away the survivor is. 
  • Myers now breaks pallets 20% faster while in Tier-3. 
  • Myers now has a normal lunge distance while in Tier-1. 


  • Ghostface's movement speed while crouched is now 110%.


  • Deathslinger now moves at 115%.

The Pig:

  • The key for the reverse bear-trap now has a 10% chance of being in the first searched box. 
  • The Pig now moves at 110% while crouched. 

The Clown: 

  • Removed the noise the clown makes while vaulting. 

The Twins: 

  • If Victor is not removed from a mounted survivor after 30 seconds, the mounted survivor will enter the dying state. 

The Hag:

  • The Hag can no longer place traps within 5 meters of a hooked survivor. 

The Trickster:

  • Removed The Tricksters lullaby.

General Mechanics:

Spawns: Survivors will now always spawn together. 

Exhaustion: Survivors effected by the Exhaustion status effect now receive a -25% penalty to the Healing and Repairing action. (This does not work if the killer has inflicted the Exhausted status effect on the survivor with either addons or perks)

Boon Totems: Once a killer has snuffed a Boon Totem, the perk goes onto a cooldown of 60 seconds. Another Boon cannot be activated by this survivor while the perk is on cooldown.

Perk Tiers: Perk Tiers have now been removed.  

Bloodweb Reroll: Once a new bloodweb is generated, you can pay 5000 blood points to reroll a new random bloodweb. 

The Rift Challenges: Players can now select and have active, 1 killer and 1 survivor challenge at the same time.

Healing: Healing speeds across the board have been capped at 8 seconds. No matter what buffs are currently applied to the player, the player will always take a minimum of 8 seconds to complete a full self-heal. Healing other players will has not been capped. 

Lockers: Flashlight saves are no longer possible from lockers. 

Basement: The basement now has 2 entrances. 

Basement Hooks: All basement Hooks are now considered Scourge Hooks.  

Skill Rating: A players MMR is now visible. Players can choose to hide their MMR to other players via the options menu. 

Skill Rating Adjustment: The amount of time a player is chased in a trial will now have an effect on MMR Loss/Gain. The amount of time a player spends Idling (Not within the killers terror radius, repairing generators, healing, Cleansing/Blessing Totems or Saving other survivors from hooks will also effect MMR Loss/Gain. 

Rank Rewards: Players will now earn cosmetic rewards for hitting certain MMR thresholds. 

Weekly Challenges: A pool of 5 weekly challenges will be available at the begging of the week. Players can choose 1 of these challenges. These challenges will reward both bloodpoints and Iri Shards on completion. 


Maps will now have 5 fairly balanced variations/seeds.

These seeds can be tailored to create a fairer experience for both sides by eliminating unfair spawns of strong tiles linked together and also better spacing of tiles to eliminate dead-zones. 

New and existing maps will not surpass a certain size. This is to encourage more interaction between both sides. 

If you disagree with anything I have suggested, please let me know why.

If you have any other suggestions, please comment below and I will add them to the original post If I like the idea.

Post edited by ThiccMick on


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Hoo buddy. These are all over the place. I'm sorry that bamboozle inconvenienced you one time, maybe.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064
    edited January 2022

    Wait... so you're going to nerf DS so that it doesn't work if the unhooker gets downed as they're unhooking you, the killer hooks them, and then goes after you again? Or if the killer downs you off hook, chases the rescuer, downs them, hooks them, and then comes back for you? But you're only going to nerf CoH's heal-in-chase-with-a-green-medkit aspect without touching how giving everyone 16-second self heals and We'll Make It destroys pressure and the entire-team perk can't be stopped without tunneling out the holder?

    I like a lot of these (preventing survivors from stealing Victor, bloodweb rerolls, better MMR data-taking, and joint rift challenges), but some of these nerfs seem pointless (Bamboozle) and others won't fix the problem presented (Hag can trap before hooking someone, and 6m will still suit her just fine.) Also can't say I'm a fan of giving the basement another entrance or medkits only having 16 charges. And if Spine Chill doesn't work on Undetectable killers, it's pretty much pointless.

    Self-Care seems legit, though.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Trickster would be even more annoying to face.

  • ThiccMick
    ThiccMick Member Posts: 17

    Hey, thanks for the feedback.

    The logic behind the Bamboozle perk follows the map changes at the bottom of the post. In an ideal world, where maps are better balanced, just having an instant loop shutdown with no cooldown seems a little excessive. I think the perk as a whole is badly designed and seems to just remove any sort of outplay potential from both sides.

    The logic behind the Tinkerer nerf is as follows: Blight.

  • ThiccMick
    ThiccMick Member Posts: 17

    The DS point is a very good one that I overlooked.

    Spine chill is 1 survivor perk, it should not trump a very strong aspect of many killers powers and perks.

    How would you balance COH?

    Thanks for the feedback.

  • ThiccMick
    ThiccMick Member Posts: 17

    He would still have a basic terror radius, just not a 60 odd meter warning.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    Spine Chill is only a problem with Ghostface and Myers, in my opinion, because they require you to be looking at the survivor to use their power and the "just strafe" counter isn't an option. If a killer has Tinkerer, or a Wraith is coming at them, I've got no issue with Spine Chill working on that. It'd be a dead perk if it didn't work on Undetectable, because otherwise it's just a niche Oblivious counter that mostly tells you things you already knew. And I'd rather face the occasional Spine Chill than Dead Hard x4. So if Spine Chill is going to be looked at, I'd rather have some exceptions baked in for the killers that really get throttled by it rather than having all of its use torpedoed (and even then, I wouldn't want it perfect stealth - maybe a 16m activation rather than 36m.) I know T1 Myers used to be an exception to Spine Chill, so there is precedent.

    With CoH - I'd either remove the self-heal aspect or the double speed healing others aspect. One or the other, but not an all-purpose healing station that invalidates every other healing perk. I'd also settle for leaving both in, nerfing the bonus healing speed to 50%, and giving the killer the option to destroy the booned totem instead of merely snuffing it.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Yo, 110% movement speed while crouched would be so pogchamp. Just add that teabagging them after a down from crouched Ghostface gives them a "humiliation" status. It does nothing, but now everyone in the lobby knows hat happened.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I don't disagree with all of these, but these fixes lack flavor. Deathslinger shouldn't be a 115% killer. He should be the ambling, stealthy gun-toting bastard he was designed to be. They need to fix him, not make him more like every other killer. Homogenization should be a crime.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Hey, I honestly like 99% of these changes. I like the jolt buff (I love this perk paired with ruin), self care uninstall (I hate that perk), boon changes, and others. The only changes I don’t like honestly is decisive strike. I think the change makes it worse when it’s already very situational. The other I don’t like is the basement change. But other than that, I think these would be good.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "The key for the reverse bear-trap now has a 10% chance of being in the first searched box."

    Can we go down to 0% chance? I'd rather not turn RBTs into a kobe-type deal where there's a small chance of the Pig randomly being screwed.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    Twins need a QoL rework. Switching between them should be more accessible, quick. The change you've suggested maybe could buff their power, but wouldn't solve the actual issue.

    CoH has to be nerfed properly. Also, make snuffing any boon worth it.

    Decisive is okay the way it is. Just needs to deactivate when you are opening a gate

    There is a lot I disagree with, BUT I really like the "survivors spawn together" change. That alone could make many maps not as hell-ish as now.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited January 2022

    Tinkerer doesn't need a nerf, if one survivor is upset due that perk then equip Spine Chill and problem solved.

    Bamboozle is OK and is only used by Hillbilly and Bubba.

    The third seal buff is cool, that would be a more reliable exhaustion counter than Fearmonger and I'm sure that perk combined with Udying would become meta with a lot of killers if Dead Hard is not nerfed.

    The Circle of Healing nerf is not enough.

    In Dead Hard I prefer the removal of the dash instead the iframes, the most annoying thing of that perk is when survivors use it for reaching a pallet or window. Removing the iframes doesn't solve the main problem of the perk.

    Spine Chill is good as it is, it's a stealth counter.

    Decisive Strike is OK now.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2022

    This is interesting. Assume that anything I don't mention I agree with (about half are really, really good suggestions).

    • Tinkerer: I'm not sure if this actually needs a nerf. It's strong, but it has counterplay. The major issue is Blight. Let's nerf his nutty addons slightly and see where we land.
    • Bamboozle: Absolutely does not need a nerf. It's essential to handle some loops as some killers on some maps, and this would make playing Bubba and Billy a misery.
    • NOED: Eh...honestly I'd rather just redesign the perk completely. Something like 'as soon as the endgame collapse begins, all survivors gain the Hindered status for 10 seconds and their auras become visible for 10 seconds. Any survivor who remains in the exit zone for more than 3 seconds becomes Exposed'. Make it not a hex.
    • Nemesis: This is still really weak. I'd say something like 'the obsession's aura becomes visible to you for 3 seconds whenever they perform a rushed action' in addition.
    • COH: It may need more nerfs, but this is a fine start. It shouldn't stack with perks either.
    • DS: I think this would be too much of a nerf. I'd just have it deactivate if you enter a locker, to allow for counterplay.
    • No Mither: This would still suck. I'd rather give No Mither something like an extra life, say - you can survive 3 hook states before sacrifice.
    • Up The Ante: This may be overpowered, and it would allow a team to genrush like you've never seen before.
    • Basement having Scourge Hooks sounds nice, but in reality it would probably be overpowered.
    • Pinky Finger: The 5.5 nerf seems fair. Let's see how that plays out.
    • Tombstone Piece: No. This still retains the really frustrating 'I got hit once and now I'm out of the match' issue while also making it unfun for the killer. I'd rather have it be something like 'Downing a survivor while in Tier 2 will refresh their 'stalk' meter to full'.
    • Deathslinger: This would probably make him too strong, honestly. I'd rather keep his 'slower' theme, and just put his TR back to a sensible value. Sniping was really fun, and the quickscoping nerf is more than enough.
    • Pig: The core issue with Ambush is that it makes a distinctive noise and is too slow and predictable, making it super easy to spin or juke. I'd also give the Ambush strike a bigger hitbox, to make landing it a little bit simpler.
    • Boon Totems: I'd rather just have snuffing the bloody things break that totem.
    • Skill Rating: I'd be happy just letting us see our own ratings.
    • Why can't killers also earn cosmetic rewards?

    Otherwise, great job.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Hm some things are okey and cool but also there are a lot of changes that dont make any sense and straight up kill the according perk or addon like Mother daughter ring, Alchemists ring, Tinkerer or Hag nerf. Same goes the the Basement change? There would be no reason at all to go for the basement with 2 entrances.

    Also some buffs would make these according perks completly busted like Lightweight. The Exhaustion change and Locker change are also very weird? Locker saves are very hard and exetremly skill full, there is no real reason to remove them. The exhaustion change would provide just boring gameplay for longer repairs.

    If the Deathslinger would be a fast Killer that would make him pretty busted and very boring in a chase, he is already still to this day annoying to go against and this would just encourage it.

    The Trickster change would do the same, just provide very unfun gameplay, there are already a lot of situations where you are in a unsave loop against him and you will just die and you cannot do anything to prevent that, with the lullaby change this would just increase the amount of these situations and would make trickster even more unfun to play against.

  • ThiccMick
    ThiccMick Member Posts: 17

    I like a lot of your ideas!

    The cosmetic rewards was a typo. I meant to say: Players will earn rewards.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Interesting how you're nerfing only survivor meta perks but not a single gen regression/stalling perk

  • ThiccMick
    ThiccMick Member Posts: 17

    I think the slowdown perks are mainly fine.

    They are only really obnoxious, when a killer brings 3/4 of them at once.

    How would you change them?

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Tinkerer/Bamboozle/NOED: No

    Dead Hard: i-frames aren’t the problem with its design, the dash is

    Decisive Strike: Doesn’t need the nerf. It means they weren’t on gens or anything helpful for 60s or you’re snowballing fast enough it doesn’t matter anyways.

    Lightweight: No, completely overtuned and introduces tons of problematic combos.

    Pinky Finger: This is garbage

    Mother-Daughter Ring: This is garbage

    Tombstone Piece: This is garbage

    Pig key chance: No

    Twins: Would need to exclude chase

    Hag: No, her power is literally for area defense

    Exhausted: Unnecessary

    Lockers: No

    Basement second entrance: No