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Flashlight tips anyone? Because I suck at it

Member Posts: 64
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Seriously I don't know what to do with these flashlights. I shine them into the face of a guy but I guess I don't get him with a clean shot in the eyes. I'm tired of flashlights, they only get me killed. I don't even want them in my web. We should be able to hit cancel or pass with the button and darken the thing so it costs us no money. I don't want to spend money on flashlights since they are useless for me. By the way, can I report a colluding Killer & Survivor who teamed up with the Killer intentionally & got me killed? I have video of it and I think these people should be banned,


Post edited by turfking on

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  • Member Posts: 2,002

    There's a certain timing to getting a flashlight save that has a very tight window. If you do it too early the blind doesn't count.

    I believe the timing is to shine the light AFTER the pick up animation has begun and JUST before the survivor is up on their shoulder. As you get better and fancier, you can even pull off flashlight saves and pallets or when the killer is vaulting a window (that's the most risky)

  • Member Posts: 277
    edited January 2022

    Count in your mind 1,2,3.... When you think you're 2,75 seconds start lighting their faces... Or watch a vid of people training flashlight saves and you get the hang of It... I did that at the beginning and I manage to hit clear shots when possible.

  • Member Posts: 5,047
    edited January 2022
  • Member Posts: 1,933
    edited January 2022

    Here's my tip for positioning: unless you're blind and can't see the auras, follow the ass of the downed survivor.

    When the killer picks them up, the ass will always point in the direction the killer is looking at, so you'll know where to position yourself for the save. This really helps in case of corn or stuff impairing your vision.

    Also staring at asses is easier than following the red stain

    Here's an example of what i mean lol

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Getting saves aside, a couple tips from a killer main

    • Don’t get so set on making a flashlight save that you ignore gens. If a killer is chasing someone and you’re chasing the killer hoping to get a save then the killer is keeping two people off the gens for the price of one. If you figure a flashlight save is worth about 20 seconds of time then you shouldn’t be following a killer for most of a chase. But if they’re near the gen you’re on and you think you can get a save quickly go for it.
    • Don’t bother trying to blind a killer once they’re already picked up someone and are on the move. Only new players will typically get blinded mid carry since all you need to do is look down or up or away. Not only are you wasting time, you might even get smacked if you’re too close.
    • Blinding at a pallet the killer is breaking always works and is worth some bloodpoints but otherwise doesn’t do that much since the time you blind them you could have gained extra distance if you just ran during the kick animation. So pallet blinds are really just for extra points in my opinion.
    • It’s hard to do without comms, but you can also get automatic blinds on a killer while they grab someone out of a locker. Probably not worth worrying about if you’re solo, but you might want to check it out if you play on comms. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 454

    Aim your characters neck at the killers head. Timing for fl save is to flash the fl when the survivor sort of bounces at the killers knee just before survivor is lifted to shoulder.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    The main trick is to start the blinding as the killer is starting to bind down for the pick up with their arm out reached. Also dont follow their head down just keep it to were it is normally when they are standing up. this will make blinding become second nature and its unavoidable by the kill. I only know this not because i can do it with ease but its absolutely how i always get blinded when im playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    do bones

    i suck with flashlights I have only blinded the killer like 3 times with it lmao

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited January 2022

    Demi's beginner guide breaks it down into very simple terms. Simple enough it gave me the guts to attempt it more and even see some success.

    Starts at 6:45

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Practicing on killers breaking pallets is one of the best way to get practice in, people may complain, but that happens regardless.

  • Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2022

    I want to thank everybody for all the tips and advice and help. I still suck at it I've been trying everything you guys are saying and if I improved, I haven't really noticed myself. I maybe a bit hard on myself but I don't think I'm getting better. I think I need to stay away from flashlights for awhile as they only seem to get me killed since I'm always trying to help and save somebody but I'm much better not being a flashlight guy thus far. I'm sure since they're in my inventory, I'll try to use them again but I don't think I'm going to get this timing right. if I do get any better I will post back here. Appreciate it, peace out -turfking. `

    ps> I'm a little late to the party and I missed out on the stranger things chapter and it's not even the survivors that I want, I want the Killer and I don't even play killer except three times or so thus far because I was terrible at it and I figured if I get a handle on the survivors, it'll help me be a better killer ... so that's my goal, to learn each Survivor to then become a better killer but anyway... My question is, is there any way to get the Stranger Things DLC still and if not, does the Nightmare Edition still work? Does buying a download of that edition work or the physical disc NM edition? Will I be able to use the characters if I buy that Edition new? It sucks that I'd have to have the disc in my system because I'm used to using downloaded games now but if the nightmare Edition actually works still and that's my only option then I will do it & pay the extra for another full game.... so can please anyone confirm if that works or not before I waste money on iṫ. thank you very much

    Post edited by turfking on

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