Why killers are toxic when they lose hex totems they decided to bring

Everyone knows hexes are a risk. You can’t pick where your totems spawn. Almost every time I get a killer (usually wraith?) who has devour hope, and sometimes ruin, the second it gets cleansed they get salty and start hard tunnelling and face camping. Why bring a hex totem if you can’t stand the risk of losing it?

I get it sucks losing a totem, but it also sucks when a killer stands on the hook and instantly downs you when you’re saved just because they’re mad about losing a totem that would have made the game difficult. It’s objective to cleanse hexes? Especially powerful ones like devour. And now you’re angry I did that? You’re mad I didn’t let you get insta downs and moris? Just had the third game of the day where a wraith camped my hook standing still and the second I got saved he downed me again just because I did his devour. It’s not always wraiths but I see it the most in that killer for some reason.

I know it isn’t even fun to just watch someone sit on hook, so it’s gotta be just spite and the desire to ruin the game for everyone else. Because you can’t win without devour/ruin?

He still managed to walk away with 30k blood points because no one wants to just sit on gens and leave after quing for 15 minutes. The whole gen rush counter is bull. Survivors are punished no matter what they do. It’s either try to actually play the game, which means attempting to get a risky save (since the killer won’t leave) and try to get chased, leading to most likely being face camped or slugged. The other option which is considered the counter to this is not enjoying the game at all and walk away with maybe 8k points from doing gens and leaving, wasting time you could be in another game actually having fun. Either way, not only do survivors not get any points from these matches, it is literally a waste of time.

I’m not saying camping and slugging and tunneling are toxic on their own. It’s one thing when killers tunnel and slug and hard camp for strategy, it makes sense a lot and if that’s the best way to win the game then it is what it is. But it’s obvious when it’s out of petty spite. Four gens and two hooks in you have to hit me off hook and immediately kill me because you lost a hex you decided to bring?

I just don’t think it’s fair how killers are rewarded for this game play and survivors are punished. We either get no blood points and no game play and live, or die and maybe get 2 seconds worth of any game experience. If we try to do the second option the killer walks away with a bunch of points. If we do the first the killer still mananged to achieve what he wanted which is ruin the game for everyone out of spite. Not all killers are bad or spiteful of course, and some play like that for tactic which I respect, but I hate the lack of punishment and power they have to just do that with little repercussion.


  • legrosporc69
    legrosporc69 Applicant Posts: 250

    Its call using the best strategie to win. The killer took a risk true if the perk stayed the entire match maybe he would not have tunnel, camp or slug but the survivor remove his perk he had no choice but to adapt to the situation. The killer is not pissed or anything he just doing what he think its the best strat to win the match.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    If you can’t win without instadowns (which aren’t even given until you get three hooks) then you need to pick better perks? It’s obvious when you’re hit on the hook over and over and danced on that it’s out of spite. And even if they don’t do that, which happens a lot, only going for the person who cleansed the totem and refusing to hit an easy target in front of them and body blocking for them, shows that. I’m not mad at them for trying to win, I’m mad at them for doing it when they’re trying to be petty. I think it’s pretty obvious when that’s the case. I’ve played long enough to be able to tell. I left out the obvious tells in my post, I didn’t think I’d have to point it out.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    Ruin and undying are different than devour hope though. Dh doesn’t activate super early, and is placed in the game as a hex because by the time you get stacks survivors have had time to look. That perk is meant to be risky. I’m only assuming mood because killers who tunnel out of spite do things like slap you over and over on the hook, shake their head, etc. And if they ignore easy targets just to go for the totem cleanser, I think it’s kind of clear.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    You're damn right I'm pissed about losing my Lullaby!

    What am I going to do without it? The game's almost unwinnable at that point, 2/10

    Truthfully I do play differently when I lose my hexes. On the other hand, I'll only be a prick about it if someone else is first.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    He already had 2 hooks and was about to get a third when one gen popped. I found his devour and he left the chase to go cross map and find me. It’s not like this every game, and on games where I see a gen rush I definitely understand tunneling and camping better. I’m not mad about those strats on there own, it’s just when it’s at a high gen number, having a good start on hooks, and completely ignoring every other person except the one who did the totem where it gets really annoying.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    i remember when people would just DC when they're Ruin got cleansed lmao

    chances are, they would of likely done all these actions even if they're totem was still up

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    I’m not not considering a killers fun guys, if anything I’m questioning that too. If it wasn’t out of spite and because they just wanted to have fun, why sit still in front of one person doing nothing for 2 minutes straight while gens pop around you instead of trying to get someone else? Or if they’re altruistic, how much more fun is it sitting there, hitting someone off hook, hooking them again, then sitting there some more? Repeat maybe one or 2 more times.

    It may very well be survivor bias, I’ll openly admit my view might be skewed, but that seems boring to me? The only way I can see that being fun is if my purpose of doing so if being spiteful. I rather play the game and try to kill someone after a chase and potentially lose, than secure a win sitting in front of a hook. I’ve played killer a good bit of times for challenges and I don’t find it very fun, but I have way more fun trying to go after different people than I do sitting on a hook to secure a win. I’m not a killer main, and I’m not trying to speak for anyone other than myself, it just seems like if they face camp and tunnel that hard early on, it’s most likely spiteful.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I think most people who have been in this community for a while wouldn't disagree with you there, hell even Otz is losing hope and that dude is absurdly positive.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    That’s why I’m trying to say! Everyone is saying that not liking those strats is not being considerate of killer fun, but standing still on someone for two minutes doing nothing isn’t fun? It’s just rewarded by the game. I think if the game encouraged and rewarded game play that was fun for everyone it wouldn’t happen so much. Like if killers got blood points for leaving hooks and didn’t get any for standing near one for a prolonged about of time. But the game can’t tell the difference between being an ######### and a camping with a purpose so I doubt it will happen. I wish killers would get rewarded more for trying and putting in effort. Then losing a kill but going after everyone would be better than getting one but only camping/tunneling the entire time.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    He was a fool to bring hexes in the first place, you were right to punish his poor choice of perks but actions have consequences womp womp

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    That's great!

    But that's not what you said in your original post.

    Here's what you said, as a refresher: "but I hate the lack of punishment"

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209
  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417
    edited January 2022

    Ha. I know what you mean because I used to do this. Back when I wasn't scared to be a toxic killer and I saw someone break my ruin 30 seconds into the match I would straight up tunnel them out of spite. It is kind of stupid because once you realize it it's like what was the survivor supposed to do? Leave the totem there to make the game harder for themselves? Kinda a lose lose situation for the survivor in that sense.

    I also apply this logic to survivors being tunnled in strategic scenarios as well however. The killer shouldn't be expected to make the game harder for themselves if they don't want to by 12 hooking. I only opt to play this way and avoid tunneling as much as possible (but if it happens it happens. Sorry.) because it's what I prefer and I know the survivors prefer it too, but it should not be expected of every killer.

    Anyways to answer your post it's just human nature tbh. Really all i can say. I've left all that pettiness behind along with bming and bringing strong oppressive builds after being destroyed in the previous matches etc etc. Realized there's no reason for me to take the game that serious and it's not that deep :p

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Careful, they might nerf twins again if they see this.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    If you don't like getting camped and tunnelled maybe you need to pick better perks.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    When even Otz is losing hope with them, then we know we are screwed...

    Not that I don't get him, he is trying a lot to help this game. Whole Whisperers thing is joke, they are just walking advertising for them. If they would be smart they would use them more for ideas about balancing and early testing. Then community for skin ideas. Work smarter, you know...

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Apart from facecamping and BMing at 5 gens, all tactics called tunneling and camping are just sweating.

    I dont think anyone is angry when doing it, they try to win as fast as they can

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited January 2022

    So they can excuse themselves for tunneling or camping I guess

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    Don't look down on Killers too hard their just annoyed that they can't re-light their "Broken Hex's" like survivors "Fair Boon's".

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    ... it's not that they're salty, they just need to apply more pressure because now they're only working with 3 perks

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    At this point if the only way to nerf them harder is to take them out of the game

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Why break my totem if you do not want to be hard focused? Maybe you shouldn't destroy it if you cannot handle the consequences of removing it from play?

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    That stream was really sad to see, Otz very clearly takes his role as a fog whisperer far more seriously then anyone at bhvr and he really tries to do what's best for the community, and even for BHVR only to be disappointed over and over again. It's like being a teacher and seeing the brightest and kindest kid in your class be constantly abandoned by their dead beat parent.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Not to bring up drama, but after the True situation, it was sort of obvious the entire thing was PR based.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I mean don't get me wrong I don't disagree as far as I'm concerned the fog whisperer program is just an advertising strategy but Otz at least tries to do more then that since him being a fog whisperer does apparently put him in contact with people at bhvr.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Oh, yes, of course. I am an Otz simp, we are really lucky to have him in this community. Coming from my other communities, they all lack someone as well meaning and reasoned as Otz. I am really jealous even though I am now a part of this community and he is mine too, lol. There is just some sort of envy I still have because I wish more people were like him in other games I care about.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You took 2 perks away, that were meant to play the game without camping and tunneling. Why do you expect that the killer continues playing "nice" afterwards?

    Also, a camping killer won´t leave the match with 30k bloodpoints. Thats maxing the special ability, hit and chase category. While not getting full hook category due to camping. So thats impossible by "standing still". Your teammates would have to feed that killer really badly and even than...

    Oh and why do you think you have 15 minute queues?