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Did Something Happen with MMR?

Member Posts: 21,210

I've been playing a lot of Survivor (and Nurse fml) recently but it was very weird today. Normally, my matches are kinda bleh, bad teammates and a okay-good Killer.

However, I've played 7 games tonight and literally all of them have gone like this.

Did something change with how matchmaking is handled because this is kinda dumb. I don't really want to play another match because it's just gonna be the same thing.

also as an afterthought context:

The Plague chased me for the a gen (one had already popped before she found me) and then obviously, one popped as she hooked me. She had Corrupt, PGTW, NOED and Bamboozle.

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  • Member Posts: 8,600
    edited January 2022

    Happening to me at least every other game for the last week or so. Completely over-matched killer gets run for multiple gens at the start, then hard facecamps the hook while smacking me.

    It's just throwing killers wherever there is room. I'm getting killer lobbies with 100 hr survivors (I have nearly 4k)

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    How long did you wait to get into that game?

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I mean MMR was never consistent when I played so idk.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    It wasn't for me either, but now it's consistently bad.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Idk they change ######### behind the scenes all the time without telling anyone so its possible they lowered the matchmaking rating again or something.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Unless they changed something, the longer you wait in queue the wider selection of players it pits you against. So if you have to wait for a few minutes the matchmaking server just grabs some poor sod and says 'hey. get'em.'

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    My queues were surprisingly fast tonight.

    No longer than 5 minutes, several were instant.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    that might be it though. I had almost instant matches as survivor this morning and the games were close and we sould have won if people would stop disconnecting!

    When the matches take longer to find, it can work for or against you and you may be put with 20 hour noobs of 5k hour gods after the match maker says screw it and throws you in with anyone.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I mean, yeah for sure.

    My issue is that we've had bad nights before, but never such consistently bad games.

  • Member Posts: 1,324
    edited January 2022

    Something is going on with it. I get sometimes deathsquads with thousands of hours against me and then i get boiled potatoes with 10 hours. Its not steady at all.

    As a survivor i should get decent killers but i get killers that have just started the game.

    I personally think theres lack of killers in the game so the game is matching you up with whoever has waited the longest, not caring if its even close to the same level as you are as killer or survivor.

    Problem is that if the game keeps giving killers survivors that are way out of their league new killers might not stay in this game. They will get frustrated after getting swfs with thousands of hours in them just running the killer around. Same goes for survivors of course.

    I have 1400 hours + which is not that much, but yesterday i was playing killers i have maybe 5 matches underneath my belt and i had impossible matches like that and even i felt like closing the game and taking a long break.

  • Member Posts: 277

    I'm in a 7 losing streak right now and the last game was against a pinhead streamer which went testing tryhard builds with it while everyone in the game gave up and decided to kill themselves on hook...I really don't know wth this mmr have in it's code but whatever it is, isn't working.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    They are changing something with matchmaking again and I hate it. I want my good teammates back :(

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I did not need to the game to tell me that.

    I already knew 😎

  • Member Posts: 406
    Apparently yes ... I have seen many killer streamers who say GITGUD again at the end of their games ...

  • Member Posts: 348

    this is what happens when there is a drought of killers. Essentially, MMR is turned off if there just isn't any killers to go around.

    I wonder why ppl don't want to play killers but are fine with playing survivors? 😒

  • Member Posts: 348

    I do play solo queue survivor but only during the day; no way i'm sitting in queue during the evenings.

    Whereas for killers I could play it anytime of the day/night.

  • Member Posts: 218

    Ohh, Is this new for you? This is what happened to me for the last week or so. The facecamping strat. I didnt know it's an MMR thing, I just assumed this is hot the game goes most of the time now. Kinda boring, but cant blame killers, tbh.

    Today was a bit spicy, because I was left to be bled out from the beginning of the match by an Artist. (no clue why)

  • Member Posts: 981

    I will never understand why Killers do something like this. I mean, I wait for a lobby, wait through a loading screen just for one perk and then to stare at Steves face? Whats wrong with these people...

    Or is this the cosmic backlash from me wanting to show my friends over at discord how good Bubba can be when you play him to chase and hook without ever camping and tunneling? Like the Bubba-energy left me and went into your Killers? o.o

  • Member Posts: 218

    I do this sometimes, when I don't want to play the game or want it to end quickly. Like if they brought a Haddonfield offering, or there is a flashlight macro. I just don't want to deal with that. But when people do this against me, most of the time I'm not sure what happened. It's just boring for me, boring for them

  • Member Posts: 728

    When i play a killer that I have an unsettled MMR on I usually get survivors that know what they are doing and get stomped. My theory is It throws killers with unsettled mmr against 5K hour survivors. I have no idea why the system does this. Meanwhile on my Legion which I main I get survivors that don't run perks and don't know how to vault a window.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    What should solo queue show? That the survivor queue is longer than the killer queue?

  • Member Posts: 320

    I wouldn’t say this is just recently, I’ve had this happen a for at least a few weeks now. My experience is that it seems to happen depending what time of day I play. Early morning and late night I get anywhere from people who are on their first game to 3k hour vets. It seems to be more consistent late afternoon to early evening for me.

  • Member Posts: 2,697
    edited January 2022

    It sucks when that happens, but given the sweaty nature of playing killer these days, I've learned to accept it when I play survivor. With BHVR themselves admitting that kills are the only thing that determines "skill" within SBMM, the amount of things that are stacked against killer players is growing by the day.

    Well coordinated SWFs with the most powerful meta perks will always be a thing, as will bad RNG layouts that can create infinite loops, but now we're throwing boons into the mix that can simply be relit over and over. I had a 20 minute match as Wraith not that long ago because the SWF made it a priority to activate circle of healing on almost every totem in the game. For every one that I snuffed out, it would just get reactivated when I was engaged in a chase. Hit and run strategies don't work anymore, which is why camping and tunneling has become all too common now.

    DBD has become a mess of a game to balance, and without a big pool of killer players this game will indeed die unless something is done to reduce the sweat and the grind.

    Post edited by SweetTerror on
  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Maybe she just really likes Scoops Ahoy Steve.

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