tired of getting babysat

this has been an issue i've had with the game since it first came out. i'm tired of getting hooked for the first time just to be camped on the hook making it impossible for my team to even attempt to rescue me and i know i'm not the only one that's upset about it.
Then prove to your parents you don't need a babysitter.
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True. I don't understand the problem.
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I know this is going to sound crazy but use you resource so you dont go down. You having kindred if you are solo should help the other survivor to rescue you and them having BT should be a free escape even more if you have DS. Survivor are full of second chance perk for that do like everyone and use them nothing is wrong about that. If you use boon perk this may be the reason why you get camp too or if you t bag and use you flashlight only to spam the click button
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Get to an mmr where survivors know how to pull you off a hook.
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Always the babysitter and never the baby.
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There are killers that can prevent unhooks. There is Bubba, which I'm sure you know all about ;) and then there's PinHead with his iri add-on, or trickster or Huntress. Honestly I feel that it's a fair point. Tunneling and camping are incredibly effective strategies. Watch the VOD that OhTofu put out where he did the wait 30 seconds without perks or add-ons challenge for every killer.
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It’s not so easy to punish facecamping without punishing proxy camping, which most people see as a legitimate strategy. There’s also the problem that whatever you do to “punish” facecamping has to taper off as the trial goes on, because camping of some kind is the only non-give-up option in many end-game scenarios.
There’s already the pipping punishment, but I suppose you’re looking for something in-trial.
If I were BHVR, I would consider adding an “adrenaline” bar that builds up points based on how close the killer is to a hooked survivor. Whatever function they choose should be a smooth one to avoid exploiting it. When it fills up, the hooked survivor gets a free BT, DH, or unhook (still playing with the idea). As stated above, the adrenaline growth would scale down as the trial progresses.
Furthermore, adrenaline would carry over to the next trial in order to give people that were facecamped early an extra boost. Adrenaline regression could also be built into the system during the EGC to discourage survivors from intentionally wasting the killer’s time.
the problem with this is that there is already a shortage of killers, and this effectively buffs survivors. Playing killer right now is a pretty masochistic experience. You’d have to slow gen progression and buff generator kicking substantially to keep the game from getting even more survivor-sided.
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Well once you are hooked by a camper there's not much you can do really. I'd say just keep struggling until the end so you give your team enough time to escape. If you could find 3 other players to join your team you could coordinate a play in which someone tries to lure the killer away while someone else goes for the unhook. But if you are solo Q that's just not possible. After a while, you just get used to it, tho.
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No one really gets used to it imo.
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I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of 'kick out' function added to survivor for those killers that stay close enough to smell their breath through the screen. It could be a base function of survivor active during the first hook state. It would send you immediately to the second hook state if you attempt it but if you land one it stuns the killer for 5 or 6 seconds.
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You have to play dirty to get kills vs good players.