

Which Video Game character do you think you would want to see as a Survivor?

Member Posts: 428

This is for Video Game characters that we liked playing as and would be interested in seeing. I didn't add Ethan, Miles, or Michael Afton since we've never seen their faces, however they probably would've been interesting choices. You can still choose them if you want.

Let's hope they don't make a couple if these a Playstation only thing, like they did with the MK9 Kratos DLC... it's their property, but still.

Which Video Game character do you think you would want to see as a Survivor? 77 votes

Issac Clarke - Dead Space (Tons of Cosmetics are possible with those suit upgrades...)
9 votes
Lee Everett - The Walking Dead Game (Maybe with a S3 or S4 Clementine Legendary. And Kenny. Or all three could be Legendaries for characters from the show.)
5 votes
Ellie Williams (Or Joel) - The Last of Us (Okay... Joel, Tommy, Bill, and Sam as Legendary/Rare skins... Sounds like a lot? I included Bill, because I thought he was an okay character even though he was a jerk at the start.)
10 votes
Sebastian Castellanos - The Evil Within (Definitely want Kidman as a Legendary... :3. And maybe Joseph.)
6 votes
Samantha Giddings - Until Dawn (This game has no sequel besides the little VR game, but a lot of people definitely want an Until Dawn.)
9 votes
More L4D Outfits - A good example would be Louis and Nick. I'd wish they'd make them full characters though...
8 votes
More Resident Evil Outfits - Ada Wong, Barry, Rebecca. The list goes on... I'd like to see Wesker come into the game. If he can't come in as a Killer, I'd definitely play as him as a Survivor. Preferably RE5 Wesker. I'd also like to see RE5 Jill... :3.)
11 votes
Amanda Ripley - Alien: Isolation (If they ever make an Alien chapter, consider this a possible Legendary for Ellen Ripley...)
8 votes
Other (Please Specify, if you'd like.)
9 votes
All of them. Or maybe a few. (Again, feel free to specify.)
2 votes

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  • Member Posts: 8,314
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    Alan Wake. The association is right there, he'd make a great addition to the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,263

    Most of these are really interesting options. I'll say that if Isaac Clarke is added, i WANT him to scream while he's running and being chased... FOR ALL THE CHASE DURATION. 😁

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    I want Yun-Jin Lee and Mikaela Reid into the game. I think they'd be fun additions to the survivor roster!

  • Member Posts: 2,428
    All of them. Or maybe a few. (Again, feel free to specify.)

    Like them all to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 517
    edited January 2022
    Issac Clarke - Dead Space (Tons of Cosmetics are possible with those suit upgrades...)

    Hell yes, give me the screaming stompy stomp space man

    I would say TLOU characters as well, but I couldn't handle a squad of teabagging, flashlight clicking Joels and Ellies

  • Member Posts: 1,033
    Sebastian Castellanos - The Evil Within (Definitely want Kidman as a Legendary... :3. And maybe Joseph.)

    Definitely would enjoy an evil within chapter.

    Sebastian because we haven't had a real character like him since Ash.

    And then Laura could be added as a killer, which would be both fun and terrifying.

  • Member Posts: 434
    Issac Clarke - Dead Space (Tons of Cosmetics are possible with those suit upgrades...)

    I just want to see what they would do with an ubermorph or a regenerator killer. And the Ishimura map would be amazing.

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    Joe or Sara from Your Turn to Die are the only characters that could actually draw me away from Steve at this point. Absolute dream chapter.

  • Member Posts: 62
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    Hentai Girl #3 from my favorite game "Hentai Girl"

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
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    simon jarrett from soma. isaac clarke would be cool though

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    edited January 2022
    Lee Everett - The Walking Dead Game (Maybe with a S3 or S4 Clementine Legendary. And Kenny. Or all three could be Legendaries for characters from the show.)

    He'd be pefect for the game

    Plenty of potential for perks, an interesting backstory that has potential to be built upon and expanded a bit more via tomes and such. The ending of the game also gives a great reason for him arriving in the fog to begin with, those who have played the game know exactly what I mean

    He's also just an all-round beloved character and one that I'm sure would make great representation for Walking Dead as a franchise in DBD. Clementine or somebody like Rick would also be good choices who I wouldn't argue with but I think Lee is just more suitable for the theme of DBD, the whole feeding off emotions thing.

    He's a lot like Bill in a few ways when you think about it - both of them went above and beyond for the people they cared about

    I'd also like to see Negan as a killer somehow but that's a topic for another thread

  • Member Posts: 2,014
    More Resident Evil Outfits - Ada Wong, Barry, Rebecca. The list goes on... I'd like to see Wesker come into the game. If he can't come in as a Killer, I'd definitely play as him as a Survivor. Preferably RE5 Wesker. I'd also like to see RE5 Jill... :3.)

    I would pay good money for a Carlos Oliveira skin for Leon

  • Member Posts: 3,611
    More L4D Outfits - A good example would be Louis and Nick. I'd wish they'd make them full characters though...

    The Left For Dead chapter could have had a lot more added to it.

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    mario - survivor

    luigi - survivor

    bowser - killer

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    Issac Clarke - Dead Space (Tons of Cosmetics are possible with those suit upgrades...)

    I'm actually genuinely interested in a Dead Space Paragraph Chapter ever since it was supposedly "leaked" a few months ago, it'd be especially cool because Isaac Clarke is an actual engineer so seeing him with perks that help him repair generators or something like that would be really fitting.

    And just in general I'm a really big proponent for more Sci Fi Horror chapters in Dead by Daylight- Sci Fi Horror is such an iconic genre but we really don't see much of it represented in the game. I guess the closest you could say is Resident Evil, Stranger Things (license got taken out so can't really say that anymore), and their original Descend Beyond Chapter which features the Blight (and I guess if you really stretched it I guess Spark of Madness with the Doctor) but for 3/4 of those I would say they've got elements of Sci Fi Horror rather than being true Sci Fi Horror reps all on their own.

    The only one that I would say is a true Sci Fi Horror chapter is Descend Beyond's The Blight because he was inspired by the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde which is certifiably Science / Horror / Gothic Fiction- and those same themes and elements cross over into Talbot Grimes' story.

    So definitely a paragraph Dead Space Chapter, a full Alien chapter, or a full / paragraph The Thing Chapter are all high on my list of wanted licenses in DBD. But this poll was specifically for wanted licensed survivor so I picked Dead Space over Alien cause I think it's pretty standard to assume Dead Space would probably be a survivor paragraph- whereas I want an Alien chapter way more for the Xenomorph than I do for Ellen or Amanda Ripley (as cool as they are).

    Of course if we're just talking future content in general Alien wins, but as far as survivors go Isaac Clarke is pretty badass ngl. (Although I've never played Dead Space before, I've only seen cutscenes and gameplay).

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    More Resident Evil Outfits - Ada Wong, Barry, Rebecca. The list goes on... I'd like to see Wesker come into the game. If he can't come in as a Killer, I'd definitely play as him as a Survivor. Preferably RE5 Wesker. I'd also like to see RE5 Jill... :3.)

    I really thought they would have more RE characters out by now. Ada Wong and Barry Burton in particular. Maybe Rebecca and Carlos too.

  • Member Posts: 903
    Ellie Williams (Or Joel) - The Last of Us (Okay... Joel, Tommy, Bill, and Sam as Legendary/Rare skins... Sounds like a lot? I included Bill, because I thought he was an okay character even though he was a jerk at the start.)

    I'd love to have a last of us chapter. I would definitely buy Joel/ Ellie if i could.

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    I'd love to see a Bioshock chapter, with Jack as survivor and a Big Daddy as killer, a Rapture map would be amazing too!

    I would also love a Bloodborne chapter, but I am not sure who I'd want as survivor, maybe either Eileen or Alfred.

  • Member Posts: 118
    More Resident Evil Outfits - Ada Wong, Barry, Rebecca. The list goes on... I'd like to see Wesker come into the game. If he can't come in as a Killer, I'd definitely play as him as a Survivor. Preferably RE5 Wesker. I'd also like to see RE5 Jill... :3.)

    Ada Wong (RE2 Remake style)

    Carlos Oliveira (RE3 Remake style)

    P.s. I know this is about introducing new characters but I'd also be so happy to get some more outfits for Jill and Leon e.g. Leon's RE6 outfit or the alternative outfits he has in RE2 Remake and Jill's outfit from Revelations etc.

  • Member Posts: 183
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    Lara Croft

  • Member Posts: 5
    Issac Clarke - Dead Space (Tons of Cosmetics are possible with those suit upgrades...)

    I just really want a Dead Space chapter for the 6th anniversary 😔

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    Jill, Claire, and Chris

  • Member Posts: 14,890
    Amanda Ripley - Alien: Isolation (If they ever make an Alien chapter, consider this a possible Legendary for Ellen Ripley...)

    You are in luck:

    All three are already available in DbD, directly licensed and approved by Capcom!

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    I assume the same with Francis, Rochelle, and Ellis right?

  • Member Posts: 14,890
    Amanda Ripley - Alien: Isolation (If they ever make an Alien chapter, consider this a possible Legendary for Ellen Ripley...)

    Nope, those are just outfits for original survivors inspired by those characters

  • Member Posts: 1,294
    Samantha Giddings - Until Dawn (This game has no sequel besides the little VR game, but a lot of people definitely want an Until Dawn.)

    I love ALL of these ideas SO MUCH!

    I wish we could have them all - but I think Until Dawn fits with the art direction the most!

    I love polls like this!

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