The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

BHVR please, pull your head in.

Gyro Member Posts: 11

I've been around on this game ever since Ghost face came out so I'd say I've watched a good chunk of dbd's evolution into the chaotic dumpster fire it is today. I love this game, though i cant say the same for BHVR. I'm gonna out right say here that BHVR is one of the worst dev teams I have ever seen and its because of this that my interest for dbd is dying. So its possible I may end up totally quitting dbd and here's why:

Point 1, Boon totems: I am a die-hard killer main and have rarely played survivor off my own accord unless I'm playing with friends, so you could imagine my frustration when boon totems were introduced. Who in their right mind at BHVR thought of a helpful hex for survivors that can be repeatedly replaced if it breaks. Imagine if killers could replace their hex's, wouldn't be fun, would it? I especially think that CoH can mostly be at fault for ruining my games. Even if I run Thanantaphobia or Sloppy, it doesn't matter, they can just heal in the blink of an eye.

Point 2, Maps: This one is a doozy. I don't think there is a single map in this game that i remotely enjoy playing on. I mean, I'm not a game designer so I wouldn't know but is it really that hard to create an equal playing field for both sides of the player base? Indoor maps are #########, big maps are ######### for killers, small maps are ######### for survivors, nothing here is equal. I want to use Haddonfield for example. Haddonfield was the first dlc map in the game and came out 5 ######### YEARS AGO and hasn't had a single change to it to make it more killer friendly. Every time I here that Halloween theme when i spawn in, it makes me want to bash my head against a wall. RPD and Badham have some of the worst designs as well, the game has too many pallets and a lot of other maps have infinite loops.

Point 3, toxic people: I have never seen a more toxic player base quite like DBD's. Full of entitled, man-children survivors and Camping/tunneling killers that do what they do because they don't like you. I shouldn't have to win a video game and then listen to the wining and winging of the players i have beat, seriously it is a ######### video game. Now I would do what any sane person would do and ignore them, but sometimes these players have to take it farther. I got DDosed by survivors having a temper tantrum, i used to get stream sniped from the days where I used to stream (I don't anymore) because these people just find it amusing to ruin people's days, and when I lose, I get insulted for it.

Point 4, Hellraiser drama: I can't believe BHVR would do something like this. I'm sure we were all jumping out of our seat in excitement when we found out that the horror legend himself was coming to the fog, only to find out once we bought the dlc that we just contributed out money to an NFT. Seriously BHVR, you tricked me and a lot of other people into funding your stupid ######### NFT, why don't you make a pinhead monkey NFT while your at it for ######### sakes. When I heard that Pinhead was an NFT, i felt ######### and miserable knowing full well that I just payed for an NFT. ######### Boss Protocol, ######### NFTs, and ######### you for making that decision BHVR, even some of your devs were against the idea, but that doesn't matter does it?

There are many more things I could rant about but I think I've wasted enough of your time already. I am willing to give this game a second chance if BHVR start improving themselves, but after all of this, I don't have a lot of faith. If you actually read through all of this you are a legend.


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    Point 1 - I win despite boon totems often. I think there are some killers that really struggle with COH, but it's the lower tier of killers. Killers who struggle in high MMR anyways. I do think COH could use nerfs; mixed with COH is dramatized by the community a bit more than it deserves. COH seems to mostly punish campy killers and COH has not reached Mettle of Man levels of inbalance. If you started around the time of Ghost Face you might remember.

    Point 2 - Hard to argue with such a subjective thing. I rarely feel destroyed by a map. There are some changes I would recommend but hardly worth quitting the game over. Going off your example: Haddonfield's main building was significantly nerfed a few patches ago. Haddonfield is not the worse map for killers anymore. In many ways its just swaths of large deadzones. I think the community might be a little slow to what's happened to Haddonfield and it is staying alive as "survivor sided" off a long time reputation that's no longer earned. Seriously.

    Point 3 - Not the developer's fault. The steps they have taken for trying to reduce opportunities for toxicity are often criticized (e.g. Cannibal Masks, Chat Filters). Imagine the task of trying to satisfy a large spectrum of individuals with subjective thresholds of toxicity. Your toxicity is another player's banter. I think some of this is truly mean spirited and some of it is misunderstanding since text does not give a sense of tone from other players. I think some of us need to develop maturity in not reacting negatively towards others as well as learning how to react to someone acting negatively.

    Point 4 - Dramatic. Keep clutching your pearls I guess. Here's BHVR's response to this back when the community was hyping itself up over NFTs:


  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    But isn't that a big designe flaw in itself. I start dbd I find a killer I really really like lore wise esthetic wise and game play wise and then I stand in front of a big wall cause the more I climb in mmr the less I can play my most beloved killer cause he can't compete

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    The beauty of this game is playing different killers. I am a big time killer player and I find myself in moods with different killers. Last week was Twins and Deathslinger. Today was Spirit.

    Besides. Winning with a low tier killer is also thrilling, too.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Oh im totally with you I enjoy playing different killers alot but I just thought about two friends of mine that really devoted them selfs to one killer and I think that's cool to. The huntress main knows every hole you can hit through h and lands shits from miles away and the pyramid head main seems to have a third. Eye when it comes to hitting through walls and I just thought if I would do this with legion or ghosti I would have a hard time cause sometimes it feels like hitting a wall with certain killers

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Yeah, you can see that on Legion a lot. It's just annoying when you get against a team where you will never get any chain hits.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I am not entitled because I face camp, you survivor mains need to learn some better adjectives, cuh. Basically not one of you can actually describe what I am because I stare at you on hook. I prefer the term lover boy. I look into their eyes, romantically, in their final moments. Nothing about that screams entitlement. I understand it is a privilege to share their last moments, together. Never would I expect such a beautiful relationship. It just happens organically.

  • Gyro
    Gyro Member Posts: 11

    Now i look back on this post, i regret the cheesiness i put into there.

    I probably should have look at more recent information rather than rant on about my personal experience.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I will do this point by point...

    Point 1:

    Boons themself are not the problem it comes from their effect and is pretty much a matter of their area of effect. Cycle of Healing is so busted because it can cover maps pretty easy and lets you heal without giving away their location to the Killer. Also Killers have no place for "anti-boon-perks" like...well there is only "Hex: Thrill of the Hunt".

    A good way to balance Boons comes from their area of effect and I hope that the Devs do something here rather than changing the boons effect. You would not complain about a Cycle of Healing with 8 meters range and you would not even feel a Boon: Exponential with 32m range. You can see it on yourself: You only address one Boon...wonder why...

    Point 2:

    Map design is pretty tricky as it comes to personal preference. As much as you hate playing on RPD, I like the map. Unless it is the libary. There are few pallets and survivors can not just predrop everything, many pallets are super unsafe and can be played and as Ghostface this is one of the few maps where I can get funky stalks, down somebody and blend back in the shadow. Here I feel like Ghostface.

    Overall however we can agree that there are too many pallets on some maps. The problem is that survivors need something to work with on big maps. Huge dead-zones are bad for them and are almost a guranteed down for the Killer. The survivors need to have something to work with.

    Maybe it is time for different obstacles than only Pallets...or more tall grass to hide...

    Point 3:

    Oh, I saw one. It is called League of Legends. Started the game, played against bots, got a suicide wish and a death wish on game 3 and 5 where I was still playing against bots. I quit that game for good as I have no intention to play with feeding people who send me death wishes that often. Grieving there can ruin even your best moments and bad manner is always on even if you turn the all-chat off.

    Adding a feature to turn the chat off would be sweet in DbD too by the way.

    I am not talking about Ddos issues or hacking. Those are serious concernce that should be addressed. However notice that both can not be communicated well. BHVR can only say "We are doing something about it", because as soon as they hint what they are doing, they are loosing the arms race.

    Point 4:

    I enjoy my Pinhead. Good Killer, nice mechanics, good animation and design. I am a huge Hellraiser fan and got him as a gift day 1. I did not pay for an NFT. I payed for the DLC content. I got what I wanted and everything is fine for me. And hell, I even get the voicelines back.

    I think they learned their lesson here.

    Compare their performance to the past. You are comparing them only to your expectations which can be pretty bad as a measurment. Did they do better or worse over the last year? I think they did better. Improvement takes time especially if you are not working your devs like slaves as other games do.

  • Cameragosha
    Cameragosha Member Posts: 630


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152
    edited February 2022

    Wow digging up a month old dead thread only for a "lol".