Territorial Imperative - Rework Idea.

Rework idea:
You are always on the alert when someone dares to step into your territory. Strengthens the potential in your Aura-reading abilities.
Territorial Imperative increases all Aura-reading ranges by 4/8/12 metres and Increases all Aura-reading timers by 6/8/10 seconds.
The idea for this perk, it is to make a Open-Handed, but for killers. The lack of Aura-reading perks for killers (that actually is good) in this game is sad. Specially if you love those types of perks, like me. With that in mind, I came up with a perk idea that IMPROVES those 'bad' aura-reading perks.
As said above, this perk is not meant to be used alone (just like undying) you would need at least 1 aura-reading perk for this to give you any benefits, so this can mix up the current meta.
The increase to aura-reading will make perks that requires a certain range to work a lot better and make aura-reading perks that have a timer, last longer. Examples:
Without Territorial Imperative:
Nurse's Calling - The Auras of Survivors who are healing or being healed are revealed to you when they are within 28 metres of range.
Hangman's Trick - While carrying a Survivor, see the Aura of any Survivor within 6 metres of any Hook.
Bitter Murmur - Each time a Generatoris completed, the Aurasof all Survivors within 16 metres of that Generator are revealed to you for 5 seconds. Once the last Generator is completed, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 10 seconds.
Lethal Pursuer - At the start of the Trial, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 9 seconds.
Hex: Retribution - Survivors cleansing any Totem suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect for 45 seconds. After cleansing or blessing a Hex Totem, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 15 seconds.
Hex: Undying - The Auras of Survivors within 4 metres of any Dull Totem are revealed to you.
Barbecue & Chilli - After hooking a Survivor, all other Survivors' Auras are revealed to you for 4 seconds when they are farther than 40 metres from the Hook.
I'm All Ears - Any Survivor performing a rushed action within 48 metres of your location will have their Aura revealed to you for 6 seconds.
Zanshin Tactics - The Auras of Breakable Walls, Pallets, and Windows are revealed to you within 32 metres.
Franklin's Demise - The Auras of lost Items are revealed to you within 32 metres and slowly fade from white to red as the timer elapses.
Lightborn - The Auras of Survivors attempting to blind you with a Flashlight are revealed to you for 10 seconds.
Grim Embrace - The Aura of the Obsession is revealed to you for 5 seconds.
Deerstalker - The Auras of all Survivors in the Dying State within 36 metres of your location are revealed to you.
With Territorial Imperative:
Nurse's Calling - The Auras of Survivors who are healing or being healed are revealed to you when they are within 40 metres of range.
Hangman's Trick - While carrying a Survivor, see the Aura of any Survivor within 18 metres of any Hook.
Bitter Murmur - Each time a Generatoris completed, the Auras of all Survivors within 28 metres of that Generator are revealed to you for 15 seconds. Once the last Generator is completed, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 20 seconds.
Lethal Pursuer - At the start of the Trial, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 19 seconds.
Hex: Retribution - Survivors cleansing any Totem suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect for 45 seconds. After cleansing or blessing a Hex Totem, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 25 seconds.
Hex: Undying - The Auras of Survivors within 16 metres of any Dull Totem are revealed to you.
Barbecue & Chilli - After hooking a Survivor, all other Survivors' Auras are revealed to you for 14 seconds when they are farther than 40 metres from the Hook.
I'm All Ears - Any Survivor performing a rushed action within 60 metres of your location will have their Aura revealed to you for 16 seconds.
Zanshin Tactics - The Auras of Breakable Walls, Pallets, and Windows are revealed to you within 42 metres.
Franklin's Demise - The Auras of lost Items are revealed to you within 42 metres and slowly fade from white to red as the timer elapses.
Lightborn - The Auras of Survivors attempting to blind you with a Flashlight are revealed to you for 20 seconds.
Grim Embrace - The Aura of the Obsession is revealed to you for 15 seconds.
Deerstalker - The Auras of all Survivors in the Dying State within 46 metres of your location are revealed to you.
Tell me what you think about this idea!
I honestly think that this is an awesome idea. That the base perk is tied to the basement (no pun...well yes it it intended) makes it borderline useless, safe for a few very specific instances and builds, like Otz basement Demogorgon.
Your general improvement on aura reading sounds pretty cool, but I I guess the numbers are a bit busted. A 40m nurse's calling is the horror, and 20s on Lethal Pursuer ia hilarious, but also quite devastating. Still, this would be an awesome direction and those numbers can always be tweaked.
Has any such idea/suggestions ever be picked up by BHVR and actually been implemented into the game?
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Thanks for the feedback, and yes, I agree that the numbers definitely need some tweaks like: 4/6/8 metres and 2/4/6 extras seconds and the perk will be fine. I didn't think about the numbers while I was writing this post.
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I just dislike how it would be literally useless while doing Adept (not like it isn't) but that isn't that important imo, the rework itself is good.
I like it.
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I honestrly i think lethal pursuer should have its basic aura + this , but territorial imperative would be good too. But since huntress doesnt have any aura reading perks i think this perk should be reworked to work on all hooks which if you were a huntress far away you could punish a hook if you were good at long range shoots.
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The perks should consider if the perk is eitheir until a certain range (<range) or after a certain range(range>) so that barbacue could also be affected by the distance.
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I like the idea of a perk that enhances other aura perks, but I think it should be a different perk entirely. The whole point of Territorial Imperative is that it’s intended to thematically be tied to the basement somehow. I get that it’s not a very useful effect currently, but I’d prefer to see its effect still be linked to the basement somehow to keep it in the same general theme.
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I love this idea, but I actually think the extended aura time might be enough! Tremendous value on all aura perks, and the extended range is useless for some perks yet OP for others.
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Like +8 meters and +6 seconds, it would be perfect. :)
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If it kept the basement detection effect as well that'd be cool, but purely just because I like the noise it makes when it activates.
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This could work, but the numbers on the timer are over the top. It should be something like 6 sec max at t3.
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you know what’s funny I actually had that same idea but not on this perk but Shadowborn. I think the perk is good but my idea to make shadowborn even better was to make it so auras revealed are shown for a extra 1/2/3 seconds.