Coup De Grace - would you prefer a passive permanent smaller buff or a bigger very occasional buff?

dugman Member Posts: 9,713

On the PTC Coup De Grace is getting a distance boost on it lunges. For reference, every time a generator is completed the perk gets a token, and every time you do a lunge while you have a token it spends one to increase the distance lunged.

Which brings up a question - would you prefer it if Coup De Grace was a passive permanent lunge distance buff that always worked but the boost was relatively small versus what we have which is a relatively large distance increase that only triggers a few times and maybe triggers when you don't actually need it?

Personally I'm inclined to not use Coup De Grace because of that token system. It feels a bit random and overly complicated for what the perk is giving you. The actual size of the lunge boost isn't all that relevant, the playstyle issue to me isn't the extra distance is bad but rather how and when it can be used. I'm curious if I'm in the minority or consensus though on that, so what do you think?

Coup De Grace - would you prefer a passive permanent smaller buff or a bigger very occasional buff? 33 votes

I'd prefer a smaller, permanent distance buff
brokedownpalaceDevil_hit11Chordycepsmusstang62AhoyWolfCornpopers_EvanGlamourousLeviathantenoresaxWarcrafter4landromatdugmanTeabaggingGhostfaceKill_Yr_Idol83IlliterateGenocideHerachi_SakuraPSPgilgamerjesterkindBothSidesEnjoyerTheTomosaurusRex 20 votes
I prefer the current system with a large buff with limited triggers
TapeKnotInnCognitoSebaOutbreakValik[Deleted User]FFirebranddElcopolloSuzuKRNoOneKnowsNovaBoobaDino7281AurelleFaulds 13 votes


  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903
    I prefer the current system with a large buff with limited triggers

    I'd prefer a limited amount of triggers instead of a smaller permanent distance buff... cause it would end up like brutal strength: barely noticeable. But i think the current number of triggers is too limited. I'd rather have coup de grace have tokens every hook/ or gaining more than one token every gen is done... or the perk having a cooldown of 30/ 40 seconds once triggered.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    I prefer the current system with a large buff with limited triggers

    I like what's currently in the PTB.

    But, I'd love it if there was a separate key for using Coup de Grace. So you could use both normal lunges when needed and Coup at key moments.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    I'd prefer a smaller, permanent distance buff

    A separate key would be interesting but they might have some design limitations because they want it to be playable on console and they want to keep the controls as simple as possible. That's why for the most part everything is on one of three buttons (basic attack button, power button, activate ability button)

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
    I'd prefer a smaller, permanent distance buff

    Though I'd be fine with changing the token acquisition requirements to be more chase related

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    I prefer the current system with a large buff with limited triggers

    I'd rather have the tokens gained be based off something the killer can control. Eg, hooks or whatnot. Alternatively, reverting it to PTB where it used to be +100%. And having a way to choose when to use it rather than auto-using it.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773
    I prefer the current system with a large buff with limited triggers

    I actually don't think that having 5 stacks of extended lunge is anywhat strong effect that can justify such a huge limitation on max possible uses, since most of the times you would get a hit even with a normal lunge. I feel like it would be actually fair enough to make stacks come from hooks (therefore 12 stacks would be max). That way, it would reward killers for playing well and not camping people to death, rather than reward them for losing generators and pressure like it does now.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    I'd prefer a smaller, permanent distance buff

    I like the idea of a token system kind of like STBFL but in reverse. You start out with max tokens but, each time you swing you eat up stacks and maybe hooking people brings some back or, you could still keep the whole gens being popped aspect but it only gives you a select few back.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,294
    I prefer the current system with a large buff with limited triggers

    Just give 2 tokens per gen and have them only be expanded once reaching max lunge distance.

    That's 10 'super lunges' per match. In an ideal game for killers, they still have to hit survivors for 16 health states - which can easily turn into 24.

    Coup De Grace isn't guaranteed value either. By simply giving the perk more value, it will finally become a viable choice to bring on killer. By making it so tokens aren't burned until max lunge distance is reached, it doesn't punish players for holding a token.

    On the other end - you could also make it so that tokens can only be used while in chase with an injured survivor - which means it won't be useful for starting chases, but ending them - so it will be much more difficult to begin to snowball, but much easier to put an end to an ill coordinated team.