Question: What if BHVR removed totems from the game?

GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Would the removal of hexs and boons be actually healthy for DBDs state that it is in right now? Sure there are plenty of players that hands down rely on them especially Hags. I just feel like behavior could do a test trial build where they try to see if they game would be more balanced when they got taken out. Granted they would need to replace those perks with ones that were maybe not as strong and by testing it out they could see if players would love or hate it. These forums have become a cesspit of complaints on both sides and testing it out they may find players adapting better than they think. Sure being able to cleanse totems is a score event that we would lack i just feel like at this moment in the games history they are just causing more drama then they ever are fixing. What are your guys thoughts if they just removed all totems entirely or even gave an offering that auto distroyed them all is another idea. Anyways you can all tell me how much of an idiot i am and its foolish to think about this concept.

Post edited by GuyFawx on


  • furret534
    furret534 Member Posts: 77

    I do believe that the game would be healthier without boons and possibly hexes, but they'd need to add another objective for survivors to persue as sometimes the only saving grace a killer has is that survivors will spend time booning a totem or looking for a hex instead of doing a gen. Making the only sole objective of survivor be doing gens would just make things like prove thyself and gen rushing more prevelant.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    This is why i suggested it be a trial test as they would need to figure out the totem replacement perks

  • CrashMADDS13
    CrashMADDS13 Member Posts: 302

    It would be a disaster of thousands of complaining players missing their broken perks and the devs scrambling to reimplement the perks in meaningful and balanced ways, failing in classic bhvr fashion.

    Besides, hexes and boons make a nice side objective to slow the game down. The exceptions that are horrible to go against like coh and noed should be reworked individually.

    Although, better totem spawns and interactions could go a long way too.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Remember how they impletmented that tech to turn off perks and items on the fly so they wouldnt have to release a patch. thats all theyd need to do but ya i realize people would scramble to find diff builds as most players didnt play dbd back in 2016 before we had them. I just think BHVR is sorta stuck in this hex rutt forgot what its called but they end up making the imbalance worse and worse instead of just ripping the bandaid off and seeing how the players heal on their own. I use totems myself alot of the time but they are definately weighted sometimes in the wrong direction. i just feel like they could replace them or figure out better ways they could work rather then letting them stay as they are.

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    I just feel like theyve invested too much time into totems and feel like they need to save that mechanic which in turn is only harming the games balance. Boons too sure they take a while to bless but they only prolong the match i just feel like some other mechanic can be added like they did with pinhead and his box.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Healthier? Perhaps.

    More boring? Definitively.

    DbD already has the issue of being a relatively repetative game. Dumbing it down really is the last thing they should be doing.

    I'd rather have a unbalanced game with a variety of playstyles then a balanced game that plays the exact same every time

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    That is why i was suggesting a short time experiment where they just autoshut off those perks and see how players react but your response is a valid one as the game doesnt have that many objectives to begin with. I just feel like the whole totem addition to the game needs a complete rework wether it be hexs or boons and theyd need to test a few things before doing it. Anyways thx for your response

  • ActualPainedFrog
    ActualPainedFrog Applicant Posts: 279

    Yes, boons have potential, but at the end of the day the game wouldn't suffer from their removal.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,621

    Hexes are high risk, medium reward at best (unless the survivors haven't got a clue)

    Boons are low risk, high reward.

    I'm fine with Hexes.