What would you guys do to change Freddy?

A lot of people will agree Freddy is a really boring killer, to play as and against. I mean, even the survivors are so bored they fall asleep mid trial! Jokes aside, I see people complaining about Freddy but haven't heard any suggested changes to make him fun while still good. I wanna hear what the community thinks of!
Bring back old Freddy.
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I loved old Freddy, not because he was good, but because he was funny. There was nothing better than playing as Freddy and getting a 4k pre-rework because it showed how chad you were (Or how bad the survivors were, depending on how you look at it).
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I feel like freddy needs his ultimate forms like Powerglove freddy or needlfingers freddy each with a different style of play that can be swapped around. They honestly need to ditch the whole wakeup bit with the clocks it was interesting at first but you almost dont want to wake up so that you can see where he is at times.
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Put him out of his misery.
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A whole rework which turns him into a tier based killer to be able to incorporate old Freddy and today's Freddy into the game.
This way people who enjoyed Old Freddy would have him back, and people who enjoy today's Freddy still get to enjoy him
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GeneralV's Rework.
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Could you explain or link it please?
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At the absolute minimum they need to un nerf the number of Dream Pallets he can place. Idk why that got nerfed in the first place.
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i think he needs a small rework bringing elements of old and new freddy combined in 1 power along side a add on rework aswell.
i have my own unique rework idea for him however it just wont work in dbd lol
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Reverse to the original version and give him some QoL changes like being able to interact with awake survivors that are performing an action.
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I feel like people have forgotten how incredibly unfun old Freddy was and that people would DC en masse to get out of games with him.
Don't get me wrong, his design was much more inspired, but his actual implementation was horrid.
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Nostalgia goggles grow strong after 2 and a half years.
People always take a wistful tone when they talk about Old Freddy, as if we just didn't have the time to fully appreciate him.
Except no, it didn't really take a long time to figure out that the "I take forever to hit you and then you're asleep and you take forever to do things and the game is long and sucks for everyone" playstyle really was incredibly boring and terrible.
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Its simple bring old freddy back but instead of having to wait 7 second make it so after 5 second the survivor fell asleep and make some new addon but for the iri we can have the 2 second removal just like before
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People disconnected because they didn't understood what his power was and because there was no DC penalty implemented.
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The latter yes, the former no.
He was just really unfun.
He'd lose, but it'd take 20 minutes.
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Bring back old Freddy
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First of all remove the current rope/chain addons. They're borderline useless and don't do anything. Put in new addons that replace his generator teleport for his old dream demon to manually put survivors to sleep with ranges of 8/16/24m depending on addon rarity. Now if you don't want to use the generator teleport as freddy you can swap it out for the new addons that give you your old power back with the downside of no more passive microsleep. You a little bit of the old Freddy back and now he's got his own little niche where you can mix and match parts of his power to your liking. Old dream demon + dream pallets? Sure. Dream teleport and dream pallets? why not. I think that'll make him far more appealing then what he currently is right now. The old code is there, it's just a matter of reworking it into new addons for him.
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delete him
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I remember his release weekend. People disconnected because they only faced Freddy during a free weekend with double bloodpoints.
The 20 minute matches thing was from the reworked Freddy.
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You remember he had 50% slowdown in Dream and constant aura-rezding, yeah?
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@GeneralV, do your thing
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complete rework
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Only for sleeping survivors.
Waking up was as easy as failing any skill check.
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Which slowed the game down.
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Not by more time than what it took Freddy to put survivors asleep.
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old freddy with the teleport
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Take away his Marth melee range. I love seeing him hit people from Narnia.
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Every killer has the same melee range.
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I posted on the Q&A section if we'd ever see old freddys power back and last time I checked, it was rated on - 11, so i don't think people want that.
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Rework to to combine elements of Freddy 1.0 and 2.0 hoped for a strong and viable killer.
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I am glad you asked :)
I already have the concept ready:
Power: Dream Demon
Pull survivors into the Dream World
-Survivors who are awake do not see The Nightmare.
-Once targeted by The Nightmare’s power, survivors enter the Dream Transition for 7 seconds.
-The Nightmare’s Movement Speed Penalty for putting a survivor into the Dream Transition lasts for 1 second.
-During the Dream Transition Survivors can see The Nightmare intermittently and they suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.
-When the Dream Transition Lapse, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.
Once in the Dream World:
-Survivor’s auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his terror radius.
-Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 40%.
-To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action.
-Failed Skill Checks can also wake up.
-Hooked Survivors wake up.
Special Ability: Dream Projection
-Teleport to a Generator in view. Releasing the button early will cancel the action.
-Survivors cannot interact with the targeted Generator.
“You have nothing to worry about. This won’t hurt one… little… bit.” -Freddy Krueger
It is easy to fix a killer when said killer already had a borderline perfect design once.
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Old Freddy was unique, but horrible, IMO.
I freaking HATED Survivors popping gens or heals in my face because I literally could not hit them until they fell asleep. It just gave them basically immunity to the Killer for set periods of time, and they could easily wake up by failing a skillcheck, which would render them immune basically at-will.
Old Freddy, while unique, was also pure garbage to play. Staring at a Survivor until they fall asleep, only for them to predrop a pallet, start Self Care, and fail a skillcheck to wake up (And thus be immunie to damage again) was NOT how a Killer should work. People seem to forget this, for some reason.
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Old Freddy is not the way to go. Game delay powers should be relegated to the dumpster. You end up with a synergy situation where a not-so-skilled killer player can stack 4 game delay perks on top of a game delay killer power and simply win via attrition. It's not a fun gameplay concept. We had to cross this same bridge not even a year ago with new Freddy's add ons.
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Personally hope old freddy never makes a return as i had alot of things i didn't like about him, I think my biggest gripe with old freddy was his 7 second transition, there was nothing more unfun than having to sit and watch Survivors finish repairing a generator or breaking your totem right in front of you while being unable to do anything about it for several seconds.
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I'm pretty sure that a failed gen skill check is -10% progression and a pause for 3 seconds. I think that equates to a little more than the amount of time it took to put people to sleep.
Besides, then Freddy would come over there, put you asleep again and then you need to fail another skill check, thus stalling the game for God knows how long.
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Old Freddy with some buffs and stuff incorporated from new Freddy like teleport/dream pallets and clock. While massively lowering the passive slowdown he'd get so that he could be buffed in other areas accordingly.
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As i said, any failed skill check would work. This includes healing skill checks.
Teleporting on top of the slowdown would be to much.
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Honestly I'd prefer it gone entirely lol the slowdown that is. I never liked it as survivor and it hampered him getting meaningful buffs in other areas.
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I disagree. Game delay powers can be good when they are executed in a good manner. Cenobites chainhunt is a good example as are Pigs traps. Both add to the game by offering a new objective and forcing survivors to coordinate without being over the top.
Please do not understand delay Perks as basics. You lead yourself into a trap when you build the game around Hex: Ruin or Pop goes the Weasle. The perks should be adjusted to the powers and not the other way around. A Killer should feel rewarding to play without the need for perks.
Thanks for your input. I like the idea that Freddy has to pull you into the Dream World and I also like the idea that he is very strong once you enter his domain. This is the way it should be, no power while you are awake, godlike power once you enter his world.
However I am conflicted about a flat action speed penalty for being in the Dream World. This seems a bit harsh especially if it reaches all the way up to 40%. Thanatophobia is already pretty hard once you are hit by it and that is only 40%, 50% as an example from Coulrophobia can be very, very oppressive.
A more interactive mechanic to escape the dream would add more while allowing such a huge slowdown in my opinion. I would leave the clocks in the game when taking such a massive slowdown and give Freddy the ability to teleport to his clocks on top of the generators.
This would leave him with mobility all game while at the same time leaving clocks a risky tool to escape the nightmare. You can take the "safe" option of having a teammate to wake you up or the dangerous option to just take the clock and risk Freddy appearing right in front of you.
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This is how I would change him:
I think it would make him stronger, maybe not by much but at least a bit stronger. And it would make him more interesting IMO
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Original Freddys slowdown was more interactive. Since he had to put every single survivor asleep. It made hit and run attacks possible, while not being as boring as forever Freddy, which came after his rework.
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Yep. I think a lot of people forgot how unfun he really was. I don't want old Freddy back.
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It just looks long because he’s a small model. 🤷🏻♀️
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I main Freddy, I have fun playing as him unless I’m against sweaty survivors then it isn’t fun 🤣 I love playing against him no matter what. I’d love a Freddy to face camp me 🤣 after I have looped him for awhile of course ❤️
i wish more would play him so I’m up for old Freddy to be back.. I want to see more people play him.
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sounds fun.
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Fix his add ons. That's all.
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I haven´t forgotten how fun he was. Mained him for 2 years, right until they reworked him and turned him into a different killer.