The lack of logic in these patches amuse me...

Im really trying to understand why did they nerf a ton of the decents nemesis addons, like mutation rate, a thing that already was hard as f to mutate bc the free boost you grant to survivors. Now this is even worse, you have to wipe them more times and loose more time, making this killer a lot inviable than before. I just want to know why, what's behind this??
Probably because its usage was extremely high compared to his other add ons. And lets be real, chasing one Survivor and only hitting them twice to get T2 was a little dumb. Besides, instead of injuring the Survivor you just contaminated you have to down them. The difference this makes and the amount of times that this nerf will actually matter is probably close to none. But hey the buffs to his Iri's are pretty nice.
Oh also Twins add on nerf dumb
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It's a case of The Prosecutor's Fallacy, they assume all over-used add-ons must be broken and therefore must be nerfed, although it wouldn't exactly be the Prosecutor's Fallacy because everyone knows why all Twins player use Victor cooldown add-ons.
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Every patch Behaviour is destroying the killer's fun.
There are so many bad decisions that nowadays it is unbearable to play killer.
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That’s a bit of a reach.
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That's usually happens when other addons suck...
It's used too much is kinda dangerous argument. It would be quite funny to use same argument on perks...
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Keys got nerfed. Really the only thing survivors got nerfed
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Survivors are also getting a buff to the wiggle mechanic in the next patch, and recieved buffs to iron will and borrowed time last year. Meanwhile killers get.....clown nerfs. lol
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Where are all the Pyramid Head nerfs? Everybody uses burning man+wax doll.
These nerfs are so dumb.
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Um, Hatch nerf. DS nerf. Object of Obsession nerf. All within the last year.
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To be fair, it took them 3 years before they started doing those. The difference is that killers are constantly getting screwed over by updates and patches. Survivors rarely have to deal with that stuff.
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You're conveniently ignoring the various buffs that killers have received in the same timeframe. Trapper and Plague getting huge buffs, Myers having his stalking fixed, various killers getting some really nice addon updates, and the addition of new perks through DLCs that provide excellent utility to a loadout.
As has been pointed out, there's also been quite a few survivor nerfs, if that's the extremely limited way we're viewing game balance. Hatch, DS, OoO, and a few other changes.
At the topic of the thread, I don't think it's super accurate to say there's no logic behind these changes, but the logic that's there is definitely flawed. Addons like Marvin's Blood and the Toy Sword probably did need a nerf, but doing that outside of a full addon pass that gives those killers other actually usable addons is a bad move imo.
Also, no clue why Stale Biscuit was nerfed, that addon isn't even good.
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How many decent perks do survivors have. Like, ACTUALLY decent perks? Fixing gens doesnt really power up a perk, hooks kinda do, but its a very mediocre perk unless multiple people run it, and by the time it has a nice effect you either already won or already lost anyway. Going for chests, even with perks, is barely worth it since any item you can equip is better(the exception being getting a commodius with double Wire Spool addons, yes, this is possible).
Killers get all the fun addons and perks already. You have so many perks and addons that amplify a specific playstyle that forces survivors to play different. While there are barely any perks, except maybe 4, that somewhat affect killer gameplay, and you can bait/eat most of them.
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We're all aware that Nemesis receives tier 2 from just 2 tentacle strikes on different healthy survivors correct?
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They're assuming you have Marvin's Blood, so just 2 tentacle hits on a Survivor gets you Tier 2.
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DS and OoO were prior to the Anniversary as that stuff was before I joined. I will admit the hatch change was CRAZY. No idea why they went that hard on it, but the vast majority of nerfs have been to killer and the majority of relevant buffs to survivor (there are so many add ons changes that are so subtle that I could not possibly keep track of the ratio). That is just fact and to argue otherwise would be disingenuous af.
I am not saying there was not a good reason or whatever. But strictly speaking, it is pretty obvious why people generalize and say that they are mostly nerfing killer. Do not get me wrong, killer mains complain about a lot, but there are so many common trends here that you would have to be pretending not to see them.
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It is laughable to see that the Devs can't buff the basekit to some degree rather then changing the addons to be completely different
Like with the Pig... either change the boxes or give her a speed increase on crouch (those are the addons I use a lot) but no they went and changed her addons to be more meme worthy rather then fixing the issues with her
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Still, DS and OoO nerfs were less than 1 year ago. Their changes make a huge difference in quality of Killer matches.
And I get it. Killer gets the short end of the stick a lot, but we shouldn't act like Survivors have not seen balance changes as well. Outside of Circle of Healing, the game is actually relatively balanced imo.
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But 2 hits gets you tier 2 without Marvin's blood. I was always confused when people said that it's slow to tier up with Nemesis. Start of game I always just found a survivor - hit them with the tentacle, dropped chase for another survivor, and then hit that one with a tentacle injure/down/hook and switch again. Once you have tier 2 you have the primary use of their power, and that's to quickly destroy pallets, and use the tentacle to control survivors around tiles. As far as tier 3 goes you usually get it around mid game like this anyways.