Question to survivors who are last left and refuse to leave

WHY do you do it just win and end the game, when I ask survivors why they do this the most common answer is "I wanted hatch for the 2k extra points" sure thats a good reason if you look at if from only your point of view
Try looking at it from a killers point of view they failed to kill you and just want the game to end, for killers with no 1 shot mechanics or perks the game is over they cant down you and your refusing to leave till they find you and force you to and if your hiding and looking for the hatch that might take a long time before they can find you to chase you out of the map
it would be like if the killer could down someone and he got more points the longer the person stayed downed and bleed out so instead of ending the game and killing you right away he watches you bleed out slowly and at the very last second before you bleed out he picks you up and hooks for the max amount of points (OFC this isnt the case because it promotes making the game last longer and wasting survs time just for extra points and that is what the hatch is doing right now to the game in some cases)
the hatch is designed for the last survivor who cant power the last few gens or open a gate, its not meant for the last surv refusing to leave cause they want extra points. If a survivor bested a killer and outplayed them they deserve to win but there shouldn't be reason a solo survivor wants to stay in the game and waste the killers time
your prolonging the game where the objective is to live and escape and your rubbing it in the killers face that they failed to kill you by turning match of death and survival into a game about extra points not only is it flawed but it is rude.
hatch only gives extra points if theres no gates open, the person can still escape using hatch just no extra points, I would even prefer if the devs just gives survs 2k extra points not matter how they escape compared to how it is now
the purpose of the game is to try to power gens open gates and try to leave with preferably all your team, turning that into I want 2k extra points just seems wrong to me. turning a fun game about escape and survival into extra points makes the game less enjoyable and is a waste of the killers time
I agree with you. As a survivor myself, I've noticed that other survivors just wait by the gate or hatch until they arrive and tbag them or do other just to brag about how good they are. It's kind of saddening from my P.O.V. to see these actions go down, but it does waste a lot of time and they should do something about it. Like if you would get a certain amount of points when you escaped based on how many survivors were alive, and if you were the last one you'd still get the amount of survival points, but not the added bonus bc everyone else is dead (if they escaped it would still count).
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Honestly, when I get the survivors who feel like staying in the game after the gates are open to either bully me or obsess over the hatch, I stop playing and go hide in a corner and ALT tab out to go read a webpage or something until the game ends. They want to get their jollies by taunting and feeling like they're further humiliating me, so I don't give them that satisfaction or extra blood points for chases or escaping while down or healing.
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Because they feel good making others feel bad.
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i get the best solution is afk and "let"survivor get hatch, but its imperfect and time is still wasted i just feel its wrong to let the survivor farm sorta like u arent doing your job i know thats silly but its how i feel, i think making it so the hatch is an last ditch escape and less of point grab is the right solution