Hidden spirit buff?

Every time I start a match as spirit now I'm zoomed in on her butt. Why? Idk! Possible hidden spirit buff?
Yes, it’s a buff.
It was Stolen from pyramid head. :(
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I honestly don't know why that's a thing but I know what you're talking about.
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It's definitely a thing.
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Its a @TheGannMan thing.
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I have the School Girl outfit on which seems to bug it as she just stutters in and out while out of view of the camera.
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Yes. BHVR is teaching me bad habits.
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Woo wee look at the booty!
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The Spirit: Nyaaaaa!! Kono hentai!
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I said what what in da butt
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Sometimes being a buggy mess is a positive thing
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Make this a feature for all killers ASAP
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Its the only thing that makes her worth playing...until its gone next patch
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This isn’t anything to do with Passive PhasingZ
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Can anyone give me some screenshots of that bug?
Im gonna draw a meme for this.
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Considering she is a dismembered child, no, not buff. Huge nerf (unless your'e Freddy).
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what is her age?🤨
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Not sure, but she has a school uniform so
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Enjoy :P
I just bought Spirit about two weeks ago. Her intro cams were... certainly an unexpected surprise.
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Im gonna borrow this image and put it here.
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Well, I've just seen in her lore that she went to university so I guess not as young as a thought (I also misread only child as only a child).
Welp, shes still been dismembered, so theres that I guess
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I'm gonna have to get on and confirm this rn.
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Curious how this glitch doesnt affect the Clown.
Coincidence? I think not.
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I have this one.