Are Killers Gracious?

Everytime a killer gives me the hatch, if they're on the same platform as me, I message them and say thank you. Not once have I ever heard back. Which is FINE. I'm not saying thank you for the validation. What I'm wondering though is, am I doing something I shouldn't? Should I just take the hatch and be done with it? I don't know. What do you guys think?
If someone sent me a message for such a minor reason, I'd probably freak out a bit and be annoyed it wasn't something from a friend.
But since I play on PC, endgame chat does it fine.
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Don't send them a message for hatch unless it's end game chat. They're the killer. They gave you the hatch, defying the entity and ending the match. They've already moved on to the next set of survivors to butcher.
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If someone thanks me for giving hatch I give a "you're welcome" but most times my gg is left unresponded regardless of the result.
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Oh I always reply a "your welcome" type response. I'm grateful for having those wholesome exchanges every now and again.
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im more greatful when survivors who leave actually leave and not wait until the last second. Its a bit annoying when i can just get into the next game. But win or lose i usually say gg. And generally nice to anyone who doesnt come to my stream to talk trash or start drama. even if they destroyed me badly. But sometimes survivors just dont know how to win gracefully or lose gracefully. ALTHO i do a lot of ######### talking mid match. Gets me in trouble with people who dont know me and come in the middle and sees it.
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I guess I'm not understanding how being polite is the wrong way to go about things.
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I only talk if someone says something in end game chat, and I'll stay for about a minute while the tally screen rolls through.
I'm happy when people say thanks when I give them the hatch. It makes me want to give the hatch to the next group straggler too.
You probably made that killer smile, so don't worry about it.
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I'm sure most are happy to have someone message them to say something nice rather than to call them a trash killer or say ggez. It may make them smile or at least validate that giving up their points to let the last survivor escape wasn't unappreciated. A lot of people may not respond just because they feel awkward talking to strangers and don't want to risk starting a conversation.
It's not necessary to send a message, though. It's a game, they were being nice, you weren't an ass, everything's cool and you can all move on to the next match.
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I don't want private messages from total strangers, it's not that complicated.
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It's not the killers job to respond to you. If you need to make a thread questioning how gracious killers are because they don't respond to a private message, you have unrealistic expectations and you're not doing it in good faith.
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Me personally, I would not reply but I would internally smile knowing it meant something to you.
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It's not complicated it's just extremely closed off and guarded. Not that there's anything wrong with that
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I'm not sure that really answers my question about why it's wrong to be impolite. Or I'm still not understanding. I know it's not the killers job. I play killer myself. I know what my job is. I also know what manners are. I made this thread to make sure I'm not in some way being offensive by saying "thank you" since I've never got a response. I called this thread what I did because I didn't know what else to call it.
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Also, I even said in my OP that it's fine (and I even capitalized it) that they don't write back. I just want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong.
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I usually just hit them with a "no problem, gg" to be polite, but yeah, I do not really expect a survivor to thank me for hatch. Not that I mind, and personally I always say thank you myself if it was a Playstation killer with messages enabled.
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Killer dont really care most of them dont even speek in the chat. Their queue are so fast they dont have time to respond lol
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I usually say ggwp after my killer games then off to the next match.
If I give a hatch and get a thank you message it's always appreciated even if I don't respond (I usually do!).
You're not doing anything wrong
each to their own as they say
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I think it speaks volumes about the player base that people are wondering if folks should be gracious for displays of sportmaship or just niceties in general as opposed to being flat out abused after every game.
People should have the ability to say GG even if not given the hatch. Because it doesn't matter its a game.
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Not really when I had playstation I ignored messages from total strangers that I didn't know. With End Game Chat alot of Killers tend to leave because of the negative comments they get from toxic Survivors. Just say your peace and be done they dont have to give you a response if they dont want too.
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Are you on console? I would be find it weird if someone would just message me on steam just to say thanks lol. Could have just said it on end game chat.
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I mean like you're closing yourself off to potentially wholesome conversations and every gg out there.
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Yesh on console. There is no end game chat or I would just say it there.
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Not really when 99% of rando messages were scammers or trolls trying to harvest data on my Playstation or trying to get me to go to a fake website to do just the same.....
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That is a shame.
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I think that people are just leery about getting messages from anyone in this game. I know that DbD is why my Steam profile is now private.
That said - thanks aren't needed. It's mostly just a courtesy, either 'your team let you down, but you played well' or 'I feel bad because I dominated'.
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I expect most Killers have messaging turned off because the vast majority of messages are abuse.
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I let a fair number of people go, but I feel like the thanks is implied. As a surv, I'll leave my item or make some sort of gesture before I leave. Most of the time I just want to get to the next match.
I play on console and have effectively walled myself off from postgame comms, and when I have gotten chats in the past it wasn't to wish me well. And now if someone is going to of through the trouble of sending a friend request just to say something, I assume it's to talk some #########.
Human nature is that people are more motivated to express displeasure than pleasure. That's why the majority of forum posts are negative; content people are content to just keep on keeping on. Discontent people want to be heard.
If you're a killer and you let me go, I'm grateful, and I assume it of those who I show mercy to.
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I disabled messages long time ago so I wouldnt know.
But yea, giving hatch is imo not a big deal enough to send me anything. Just take it and move on
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idk what platform you're on, but if its PC some people just leave immediately and won't even see your msg in chat. If your on console some people shut off msgs from non-friends because survivors are much more likely to be toxic and PM you rather than be nice.
So they might not even get or see your msg, I don't think you're doing anything wrong. If anything its nice to get a break from the toxicity and get some actual gratitude for being nice as killer as opposed to the normal BM.
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Honestly that's valid, but from the way OP is taiing it makes it seem like they're on console and so they don't have access to endgame chat.
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You're not doing anything wrong, and there are multiple reasons why they may not reply:
They may have a block on their profile; they may feel acknowledged already, so feel there's no reply needed, they may be weird and somehow see your message as wanting to be friends (their problem, not yours), they may not understand (either language barrier, or not understanding "ty").
Basically, you're doing nothing wrong. Any interpretation issue is theirs alone.
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Usually i get nothing. Or a gg ez.
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I would not reply but I would smile about it.
To be honest I rarely response to strangers in online games. Most times this ends badly for me.
I also do not expect to get a "thank you" for giving hatch. Most people on console are not able to write and most people online just move on. I write "gg wp" or comment some actions when they were very good and then I move on.
So, for my part: Keep it up. It lights my mood. But do not expect me to write back.
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I'm surprised it took this long into the thread for someone to say it.
I do not have messages disabled but plenty do just from the amount of crap that gets sent their way in this game. So it's likely they never even saw it.
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Because I don't know how to respond
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I rarely respond if someone messages me.
Usually because when i play DBD i've had a long day at work and i just want to relax and chill. Replying to a message means i have to get off my arse and plug the keyboard in. I'll be damned if i reply back using a damn control pad! Playing killer is painful enough at the moment; let alone messages on controller!
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In console games, I'd rather live in silence and the limited in-game communication we might have; it got me through Bloodborne (and some DS3 runs rather than the ones I did on PC). Unsolicited PM's tend to be unpleasant more often than not; the people going out of their way to contact you are generally really upset at something.