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Lithe is so under used

Member Posts: 10,910

I use Lithe more than any exhaustion perk and I really love it. I usually get a ton of value out of it almost every game. I don’t even think it’s too strong or too weak, I just think it’s a perfect example of a fair and balanced exhaustion perk.

I know why Lithe isn’t used much, it’s because Dead Hard is so much better and so much easier to use. I just wish Dead Hard can get nerfed so other under used perks like Lithe can get exposed in the survivor meta. Also, many will agree Dead Hard is objectively unfair in its current state.

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  • Member Posts: 449

    LIthe is a good perk and under used. But they're probably never going to nerf dead hard because why would they? Most exhaustion perks are just second chance perks for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Sprint Burst is the way, tho...

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I like Sprint Burst. It’s arguably better than Dead Hard but at least I don’t see 3-4 Sprint Bursts every single game.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    Lithe is I think the better exhaustion perk over DH but DH has iframes and that alone gives it utility that Lithe just cant match.

    With Validation you can even eat killer powers now.

    I do love my Lithe, though. I personally love going stealthy with Lucky Break

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    At least Lithe requires planning and exhaustion management. Sometimes you need to slow vault windows if using Lithe at that time isn’t the best play. Dead Hard is just press a button and you’re free.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    You can argue it, but the DH iframes and hit validation can be frustrating. The DH for distance is the most frustrating thing about the perk imo.

  • Member Posts: 2,917
    edited January 2022

    Lithe is my favorite exhaustion perk too but map spawns and the killer your facing as it can render the perk either unusable or actively detrimental to attempt(Vaulting VS Pyramid Head for example).

    While very well designed its just too niche to be general use and is a worse niche exhaustion perk then Balanced Landing.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Exhaustion perks being more niche is a good thing imo, because exhaustion perks are always going to have a strong effect.

  • Member Posts: 449

    DH is annoying when you don't even see the DH but they still make the sound as if you downed them. Same with the new pallet validations. But DH is just their best second chance perk

  • Member Posts: 2,917
    edited January 2022

    I never said being niche wasn't good just that its as niche as Balanced Landing(Aka your equally as likely to get them to work) but its objectively weaker the Balanced Landing as Lithe lacks a secondary effect while Balanced Landing does have a secondary effect.

    I feel like Lithe would be more viable if it had a secondary effect like: "Your rushed vaults are always fast vault while not exhausted."

  • Member Posts: 449

    So, reality is survivors aren't really going to want to use a perk that is pretty good imo for the movement speed, you can def get a killer to whiff on you from it as well; because they have a second chance perk like dead hard. Lithe is just a sprint burst whenever you want it.

  • Member Posts: 659

    I don't like lithe for the same reason I don't like dh (b4 validation) I always seem to be exhausted on the ground. Haven't bothered using DH since hit validation. Sprint burst is the way for me

  • Member Posts: 10,910
  • Member Posts: 1,972

    It's a great perk until you run into a very laggy killer that strikes the window you were at two seconds earlier and you go down. I think that's the problem with it. Maybe they need to add validation to Lithe. That's been my experience with it as much as I like it. Fast vault, get the speed boost for about 1.5 seconds and your exhausted The killer swings at the window and you're down lol

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    It requires more thought then pressing E or shift.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Agree with you @TheGannMan. I always run lithe and it’s gotten me out of so many chases. I love it and prefer it over dead hard or sprint burst

  • Member Posts: 408

    Lithe is amazing. But dead hard exists so who gives a f. Meta slaves out here.

  • Applicant Posts: 250

    Its because lithe is a fair perk but honestly i think its because when you jump a window you already get so much distance it feel like lithe is not needed at least for me

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    I wouldn't say its underused when you could just use the third health state perk, ie dead hard instead

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    Dead Hard is just better in every way imaginable. Thats why ppl use it.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    I don't like it. I played this game plenty with no exhaustion and if dh and sb weren't a thing I would just go no exhaustion again.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Damn I made the switch from sprint burst- dead hard- and then finally lithe. I just get a lot of value out of it but all three have their pros and cons

  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited January 2022

    If you like it and get benefit from it, keep using it.

    It is just one of the perks that I personally don't like running.

    Post edited by Shaped on
  • Member Posts: 3,138

    Sometimes I like to run Lithe + Quick and Quiet, as it can lead to some fun escapes from loops when used at the right time. Killer is still looking for you around the loop while you're already halfway across the map.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Yeah I totally get that. Decisive strike is a perk that I don’t really like running either. But yeah I used to use dead hard but when ever I pressed the button It won’t do anything. Just way to inconsistent. But that’s just me lmao.

  • Member Posts: 465

    I never seeanyone who gets good value out of it. Glad there is someone out there who does! I hope the stronger exhaustion perks get nerfed too so we see more variety

  • Member Posts: 3,294
    edited January 2022

    I really like Lithe with WoO.

    Problem is that some maps just don't have many windows, but it's funny to dumb tech with it. Well, Killer was using Enduring last time I have tried that...

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    I sometimes get delay on dh as well but it is still really good.

    If you use it for distance even delay doesn't mean you are going down unless the killer is right behind you swinging.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    I do like mind gaming with it but man there are so many good killers that just read my moves and they make me pay for it. Got to give credit where credit is due.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Then I was using it wrong lmao most of the time I would use it when the killer was right behind me. I used it to get to pallets to stun the killer sometimes (I can actually recall them) but yeah that’s why I probably sucked with it

  • Member Posts: 103

    I'd agree with this if my soloQ teams didn't drag the killer to my gen right as I use it in most games. No, im not going to walk around the map to conserve it. Lithe is a good middle ground between busted and frustrating

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    Why use Lithe whey they can use Dead Hard✨

    Okay but, I myself don't use Lithe because it activates when you fast vault, and I want to be able to fast vault without wasting the speed boost. So I use Balanced Landing instead lmao

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    I used to like Lithe, but then I discovered perk called Dead Hard

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Nerf DH and you will. SB is much better than DH in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Lithe, Smash Hit and Head On are my favorite Exhaustion Perks as they require skillful use and reward good play. Balanced Landing would be good too if it wasn't as map reliant

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Idk about head on needing skill but man does that perk make me rage when I play killer lmao

  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Head On is pretty hard to use properly. Using it mid chase for a quick Stun is meh but using it to save a fellow Survivor while being carried or stunning the Killer while he is chasing someone else is really good teamwork and really powerful.

    Exhaustion Perks should be powerful Perks that require skill or map knowledge, which is why Dead Hard, Overcome and Sprint Burst are currently the best Exhaustion Perks, they don't need any of that or a very slight amount of it. If these 3 were toned down to the level of Lithe, Smash Hit and Head On, they'd still be useful and they will be more healthy for the game.

    Balanced Landing would need a buff aswell, maybe increase it's speed boost for 0.5-1 second, tho I hope it won't happen when maps like Haddonfield exist.

  • Member Posts: 311

    I use it all the time. I don’t know if I always get value out it.

    If only the tome had a challenge about vaulting every window that you see.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    Do you know after a dh nerf killers will ask for a sb nerf, next will be overcome and lithe, don’t you?

  • Member Posts: 10,910
  • Member Posts: 1,855

    In order to get any use out of lithe you have to vacate the tile you are playing. I'm not always going to immediately leave the jungle gym that I'm at just because I vaulted. Thats why I don't like it.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    That’s part of the reason I think it’s balanced. You won’t get value out of it every time despite it having a powerful effect. Dead Hard you can use anywhere and will for sure get 1 or 2 uses every game while being way more powerful and is honestly kind of brain dead to use.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Love Lithe, favorite exhaustion perk since i started playing.

  • Member Posts: 100

    Lithe and all the other exhaustion perks are definitely under used. I personally think overcome, the new one, is also good.

    But Dead hard is just TOO good there's no reason to not run it. I personally think you are actually doing damage to the team not running dead hard. The insanely ridiculous plays and value you can gain off it compared to the other exhaustion perks, and the fact you can mess with the killers mind with that noise that you are hit the odd time adding to the strength of it. I was playing killer a while ago and I had a Kate at a pallet. she'd dead harded but she didn't have the dead hard animation. I thought I downed her as result since she screamed and slowed down and out played her. But Dead hard mixed with the scream and the fact It didn't animate at the pallet completely messed with my brain and she got away.

    It's just too good, best perk in the game atm I think.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Lithe has always been my favorite exhaustion perk and I will still argue it's as good, if not better than every other exhaustion perk. But then again, I'm also one of the few people who thinks dead hard isn't any better than the rest of the exhaustion perk and prior to them providing the hit validation, it was actually the WORST exhaustion perk

  • Member Posts: 843

    I like exhaustion perks that have some kind of condition to use like Lithe, BL, Smash Hit. Might not always be better than some of the more meta ones but they're definitely more fun imo

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    IMO DH for distance is the only funktion DH should have. All other exhaustion perks in essence give you distance when you satisfy their condition, be it vaulting a window, smacking the killer with a pallet, dropping some distance or even being conservative with your running, they all give you 150% speed for a couple of seconds. And if DHs only power was gaining distance on command, as long as you are wounded, well, than I would be fine with that.

    But DH is the ONLY perk in the entire game that gives you i-frames, and they are very, very frustrating. When someone uses their perk, gains some distance and if out of your clutches, yeah, that can be annoying, but whatever, thats just their build. And when someone is using DH to make a run for a window thats somewhat ok for me. But its the countless times where the i-frames just save someones butt who just shouldn't get away from you. Who made some pretty bad mistake, and then i-frames through your hit/eats your power and leaves you with nothing for your hard work.

    DH also allows you stuff like dashing through a killer who body blocks a door or through Trappers beartraps, it invalidates so many core elements of the game and is so extremely versatily: distance on command, i-frames on command, dash through traps on command, dash through the killer on command. Most of these instances could be a seperate perk and would still be considerd viable, but that they are all rolled into ONE perk and apparently talking about this as a problem and just weak killer talking "just git gud bro" just baffles my mind.

    The talk of "they nerfed old Undying/Ruin because it was overused by 80%" is of course dumb. There should be no revenge at your mind when nerfing something or some nerfing "we lose one thing, I lose one thing". Things need to be nerfed when they step vastly out of line, not because you can't think of something else to nerf or whatever, but this perk, it is truly overused.

    Usually when one option is vastly picked more often instead of others in its class and practically becomes a no-brainer/autopick, unless your build has something other in mind, then this usually is a good indication that said option is too strong. Borrowed Time has a similar high pickrate to DH, maybe a bit less, but here its born out of nessecity. Being tunneled out of the game without any chance of escape plain sucks, so it makes sense that a lot of survivors want some kind of protection against that, and while some people argue against certain (miss)usages of BT (bodyblocking without fear of retaliation instead of just getting away), I guess pretty much no one is arguing against its base idea. But dayuuum, playing your chase perfectly and then having your hard work taken away from you, just at the press of a button, and NOT even messing up, thats just disheartening. DH might be "fair", as in "used as intended" in years with the hit validation, but as its buggy state was somewhat balanced, it now shows how utterly unbalanced its core principle is, no that it works everytime.

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