New Idea for a Killer: The Fairy

Jake5926 Member Posts: 17
edited January 2019 in General Discussions
Name: The Fairy (based off of tooth fairy)
Appearance: tattered black lacy cloak, doll mask with a broken part around the eye, floats around, 115% speed
Backstory: Over 150 years ago in the town of Darkness falls,a lonely widow is adored by the town's children. in the event a child loses a tooth they will bring it to her in exchange for a good coin. Suspecting parents take her for granted and end up burning her at the stake, her last words, "what i took before in kindness, I will take forever in revenge!"
Weapon: a whip made of teeth
Special power: Gold coin placed on generator that jams survivors hands into the generator, notifies the killer, but after one hit the survivor can run she can hold 3 at a time and cool down is 50 seconds
Weakness: flashlights slow the killer tremendously
great strength: can jump over and vault windows and boards with ease
Perk ideas:
night stalker: if a survivor is idle for a long amount of time, their screen will darken when the killer is in close proximity and survivor will scream 
silent strike: the killer makes a loud rattling noise originally, so this perk will reduce this noise if a survivor is on a hook 
tooth greed: sensing a survivor is slightly easier with this perk
noises: laughing when near survivor, rattling and shaking regularly 
Special offering after this character: baby teeth; puts you near a survivor at the start
map: darkness falls; old city themed map like 1600's based off of Darkness falls movie

Post edited by Jake5926 on


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    The perks are cool, I don't understand the last perk though, ''sensing a Survivor'' sounds like Whispers, if it's an Aura it would make Whispers and Stridor obsolete. Her power is kind of simple, keeping a Survivor in place until they get hit, and she has a maximum of three coins, no one can win against her because when there is 1 Gen left she can trap all 3 Gens and freeze everyone in place. I'm sure Survivors can free each other but it also notifies the Killer, so she'll fly over there and if no one is there she'll trap it again and again until she catches someone. Someone will literally need to die in order to do the last Gen.

    I really enjoyed the film Darkness Falls, once I saw tooth fairy I immediatley remembered the film and then you named the film lol. I think her power should be shadow related because that was the whole theme of the film, being in the dark allowed her to kill people. Maybe she can radiate a black miasma, make a trail as she flys around the map or even explode a huge portion of darkness over an area that does thing to anyone who goes in? Kind of like Clown but not much else can be done with cloud abilities.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Jake5926 said:
    Special power: Gold coin placed on generator that jams survivors hands into the generator, notifies the killer, but after one hit the survivor can run she can hold 3 at a time and cool down is 50 seconds

    You want a killer with free hits? And up to 3 free hits in a super short amount of time, on top of that?
    Or did you mean the power to work differently?

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    i like the idea, but i think saying the Fairy for a killer isn't the best idea....i am imagining some pretty little cute thing! lol but great idea.....and now okay i am imaging this!


  • Jake5926
    Jake5926 Member Posts: 17
    this is just something I came up with out of the blue, the coin power could possibly be adjusted and I had more of a scar look for her, thanks for all of the comments though! :)
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I would honestly love a fairy so much for the killers. That'd be so cool.

  • Jake5926
    Jake5926 Member Posts: 17

    I would honestly love a fairy so much for the killers. That'd be so cool.

    I think so too, thanks for commenting