After all the changes throughout the years, is the game in better or worse state than before?

I know it could be broken into categories, but generally speaking.
For some reason I feel similar playing dbd as I felt years ago. It scratches the itch other games don't and except for the mmr, I don't feel much different about it when I look back. Honestly.
Also I think balance talks are not getting us anywhere in this game even when devs cater to some of our demands. I feel we are going in circles for some reason. Jumping from one perk/add on/whatever to another hot topic of the day/month/or even year. And every single thing is a "serious issue" that needs another fix.
It just never ends does it? But, is it getting us anywhere?
I still love it anyway.
Better in most instances, but worse in others.
It feels more balanced, but the rift between SWF w/ comms and Solo Queue is much greater than when I first started playing (around the time Hag came out).
The cheating, hacking, and other violations of the rules feels about the same. It goes in cycles. We'll have a bunch of cheaters for a bit, til they can fix things, then it'll be quiet for a time. Or at least, reasonably quiet.
The crying and whining has gotten absolutely insane though. Even the tiniest issue brings massive amounts of tears and screams of rage from the player base. It's getting a bit ridiculous in my eyes. Maybe tone it down a bit, talk rationally, and quit being so dramatic. It was old 5 years ago.
Toxicity overall, I don't see much of it. I don't play in higher ranks though. It's one of the reasons I tried to keep myself at Rank 5 or under in the old system. Mid-level matches are extremely comfortable, and enjoyable. You get the occasional sweatfest from either side, but overall they are good games, with reasonably competent team mates. Higher Ranks usually means larger egos, and among today's gamers, that means major issues dealing with even a perceived loss. Take the L, walk away, learn from it. Don't blame everything and anything to try and put a band-aid on your pride. If you can't learn to deal with losing on occasion, you really should seek some professional help, or alcohol.
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For me it improved overall.
Some things more then others and there are some aspects that have taken a step back but overall it improved
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Boons (coh) set the game back 4 years and removed entire styles of gameplay while encouraging camping and tunnelling.
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Overall it’s improved, but there’s also some glaring things that players have optimised so thoroughly that they’re never going to be fun/balanced to face. DH being the primary example of that. Once players caught on how to make the most of it, it becomes incredibly frustrating to see it appear every single game.
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Much better:
The MMR seems to highlight the imbalance for me, rather than it being the actual problem. The old ranking system was unfair and needed to go. Now games are more appropriate for people's skills.
Nasty perks have been nerfed: Old Ruin, Old Hex: Undying, Old DS, Old Balanced Landing
Boon: COH and Dead Hard are broken but can both be EASILY fixed should the devs be daring enough.
Game-breaking bugs are far less frequent than they used to be.
Fewer infinites
Game runs at 60fps on consoles
Mashing the X button on a hook was removed
Events are back.
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Game runs at 60fps on consoles
This isn't 60 FPS
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Overall it has improved. They always take the rocky road but they walk it. Many things I consider an improvement are not that well received by certain people however. I made a list once. xp
Now I think that survivors have gotten much better in recent times. This exposes more flaws than before and leads to more perception of imbalance. More people are using discord to communicate during a match and you will feel it (especially if you play, say, Ghostface or Myers). This however is nothing new...
The whining is overwhelming sometimes, but that could just as well be the amplifier which is the internet. Same for the toxicity: People will always post more about bad things than about good things. You do not play an awesome and close match where both sides congratulate each other in the post-game chat and write about it here on the forum after all...
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Oh wow I'm sorry, that is bad!
Game runs at 60fps on some consoles.
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Not the Console's we were promised... :(
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SBMM ruined the game for killers.
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I feel it's improved in bugs and performance, but at a cost to popularity. The main issue has been MMR.
The MMR was an improvement on the fairly-arbitrary system that was in place before, but that resulted in some players feeling the fun has been taken out of it. "Fun" isn't a helpful word in terms of fairness, since fun may refer to BMing, and does not take into account an even playing field. The new MMR took some steps to amend the playing field, but fell short of what it should be, and suddenly people, including some streamers, appeared upset that their easy matches had been taken away.
Bugs have improved from, and performance has vastly improved from my Xbox One point-of-view. Games were more balanced in my matches. They were tougher, but a lot fairer and really improved my gameplay. Over time it's kinda gone backwards a bit, and I'm not sure how much is to do with the MMR in relation to people trying to beat the system.
There have also been some absolutely crazy decisions. The NFT deal, Boons (as they currently are - I have no issue with the idea of them, but they are imbalanced) and the randomized ways in which perks, add-ons or killers are seen to be amended have made very little sense. They've tried to buff perks into the meta, rather than weakening the effectiveness of the meta, which for me would be an easier way to balance. Besides, buffing a perk doesn't guarantee more usage if it's still not as effective as others. The focal points BHVR have are very strange. A bit like the ideas my friends and I came up with after several drinks and a night out.
Overall, it's hard to really tell, but I have to go with the figures and say the drop indicates the state of the game isn't as great as it was before, despite improvements they have made.
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That was an old patch, it's fixed noow.
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Boon and sbmm made the game worse than ever
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Overall the game goes in the right direction. I think the biggest problem with DBD is the fact that some changes are blatantly necessary... and it takes a bit too much time to be done (i'm talking about balance issues only).
Edit: like, serioulsy, when the hell will they rework noed? They reworked ds/ keys and moris... why is it taking so long to change that #########?
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Overall, the game is in the second best state it's ever been
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My apologies.
Here's a clip from 2 weeks ago on the Xbox One X, the most powerful version of the previous generation of Console's:
And here's a meme game of Nemesis on the Series X:
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idk I started playing in July lmao. I think the game is in a good state but the community can be so annoying. And some of the decisions made by the devs are just baffling
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Not for me, I get better matchups
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Games getting better very slowly balance wise for sure.
Issue is lots of people are actually playing at a higher level than they use to many years ago.
People always go on about how in the first year or two how broken the game was without even taking into account people didnt play how they did today.
People never use to loop or be efficient on generators, but over time people have greatly got better. So while the game is better balance wise people are now actually making the most of all the unbalanced stuff and are playing way better.
It will keep getting better, just a very slow process and imo we really need to have a BETTER and set balance point. For example 2K2E is awful way to balance as kills could be anything.
Hooks would be far better, encourage and reward lots of chases and hooks and then punish camping etc.
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Better. It's not even close.
I'd love to see all the current whiners playing against the original insta-gens, insta-heals, 0 hook moris, true infinites, 7 blink Nurse etc
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Not to mention vacuum pallets. That was a dead hard at every single pallet basically
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So survivors arent allowed to have strong perks?
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Considering the ammount of cheaters right now old unbalanced game was definetely better.
I can see several cheaters a day now.
In entire year 2019 I ve seen like 1 or 2.
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Technically more balanced, but less fun than it was. You can attribute that to MANY things, though. Including the fact it's not new anymore and how you feel 2 hours in isn't how you'll feel 2500 hours in.
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I think some things are much more balanced, but overall it is much worse than before because of how disgustingly boring it has become. These new dull, zero iq killers have ruined the game. Chases dont feel fair or fun as or against them at all. The exciting mindgames are gone and its all about spamming power and getting questionable hits over windows and pallets, not rewarding at all. As survivor, the only thing u can do to win against most killers is genrush. Yeah i uninstalled the game when the artist came out, after 3 years and 3k hours of playing. The game was an unbalanced mess 4 years ago, but at least then you could actually have fun and play more than 2 games without instantly getting frusfrated or bored..
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It's categorically better, with no possible way to deny that. Anyone who claims the game has gotten worse is just blinded by their own personal pet issue- whether it's completely misplacing their annoyance onto the MMR system, or more accurately focusing on problem perks, unbalanced maps, or other actual issues, they can't quite see how much better the game has gotten because they're too caught up in whatever their biggest issue is.
The absolute best period of the game, ever (at least as far as I can gather from old footage from before I started playing lol), was the brief window after Mikaela was introduced but when CoH was killswitched. That was an excellent window of time, and shows just how much better things have gotten- but then CoH was re-enabled, and it becomes the only thing some people can see.
The game still has issues but it's been slowly fixing and improving them over the years. Nothing's actually set them back any, it's still been an overall positive trend.
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I literally have the same framerate on my pc just because I'm stuck with a mainboard that can't support newer graphic cards. The game is borderline unplayable with just 2 GB VRAM, I had to edit the config file to lower the resolution to 50% just to get more fps. The constant visual updates are just detrimental to this game's overall performance.
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For me its just like before the pallet vacuum got replace by hit validation, in some map the double pallet are still there even in the reworked map, balance wise its still a nighmare to play killer queue time explain it all, the bug domt get fix they just get move
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Just fully worst if we only talk from the last three years the last year was only trash for killers bhvr decidet to give survs the already brokenst perks a huge buff aka iron will dead hard, the new hit validation ######### everyone up besides the ones with a trash ping,
Way too many killer nerfs nurse,billy deathslinger got a nerf on base kit already dumb enough punishing killers for using the ability
Wraith got first a buff then way took it for no reason away while the wombo combo iron will dead hard unbreakable,COH didnt even got touched at all
And on the oppiste side bhvr still do literally nothing about the mist boring game style possible thats just straight face camping with an one shot killer for the whole round only three and four mans are able to win against that bc solo Q player have zero cummnication still bhvr is just way too lszy to fix the major problems
Ohh yeah forgot the totally dump idea fromm mmr but i think they will change that anyways bc this game loses thousands of people like never before , what a suprise if you are not hacking or fully cracked at nurse and blight its unplayable bc once you have a mmr you will get always the same four mans over and over again no fun at all and playing soloQ is like commeding suizid in a air plane if you want to have fun
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The game in general, better.
But survivor perks is still unbalanced in many aspects and maps like coldwind farm are totaly unbalanced and survivor sided
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A little of both.
Optimization has gotten worse and the game honestly runs worse now than it used to.
Balance is overall better, but there's still a lot that needs to be done on that front.
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It depends on what part of the game you're looking at. Dedicated servers made the game better, but matchmaking can still be lackluster. Map reworks were a net positive, but the lean towards big maps is a negative. EGC was a great addition, but gens are still in this weird spot where they can be done too fast at higher level and not done at all at lower levels.
Lots of little changes and medium sized changes for the betterment of the game. It all helps when its good, but then you look at the small scale things like killer balancing and feel...jaded.
Though, a lot of the game is still pretty much exactly the same as it was 5 years ago and in some ways that isn't a bad thing, but in others it is.
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As a game it has gotten better. The company has gotten worse it feels. It doesn't matter that it is better than before though. What matters is making consistent good updates quickly to keep people invested and for a lot of people, they are just sick of the game. Even if it's better, it's still getting very bring and lackluster. Needs to be a new mode and more consistent map releases and listening to the fans more.
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better, but got much worse recently
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Certain things in the background have been fixed (For the most part)
But perk balance is still a bit funky
And maps still have a long way to go (That includes spawns)
Killer powers feel alright (for whatever that's worth)
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The player base has gotten worse and make more excuses than ever but the game overall is much better. I think a lot of killers forget how the games USED to be before self care AND healing got nerfed in the same patch and where self care was actually a decent perk. Before breakable walls were introduced to make certain strong loops really weak. When a Brand new part could bang out an entire gen in like 10 seconds if uninterrupted and the syringe was actually an insta-heal from the downed state all the way to full health. Even keys (imo) got over-nerfed way into the ground to the point where they are next to impossible to make use of.
All of those things have been fixed and now we have people complaining because a perk that was broken since launch finally got fixed to do what it was supposed to do and not leave someone exhausted on the ground because the game registered that they activated their perk but didn't make the perk take effect (Dead Hard is fine) and complaining about people healing themselves within a certain radius of a totem that makes noise -_-
Tunnelers can't Mori off first hook anymore. Deathslinger and Billy got their deserved nerfs and you can't convince me that a good Billy worth anything was that hurt by the very forgiving overheat mechanic. They're adding in new UIs to help solo players and creating more perks to support beginners.
The game is fine besides matchmaking and toxic players ruining others gaming experiences. If they address the ease of tunneling and camping and incentivize actually not playing like a coward and thirsting for kills over just having fun and engaging with everyone, it would be almost perfect
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A lot of the old problems have been replaced with new ones, some old problems have never been touched after literal years, and some of the "fixes" have been extremely lazy half measures which made things worse. I would say compared to the "you will never hook anyone" sabo and infinite loop days the game has improved, but I feel like the more they kneecap killer playstyles, the more boring they force the meta to be.
I went from someone who looked down on killers using NOED, proxy camping, slugging, and tunneling people out of the game to "if they don't against this caliber of survivor, they will lose"
Boon totems in particular both incentivized killers to use NOED (since the totems won't be cleansed as often) and made it more necessary since 3 survivors basically get a free 5th perk slot self care. Those types of changes have rippling effects to game health that can invalidate or even outright overpower other changes.
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None of the big issues like SWF, maps, and generators have been fixed. With the addition of Boons it doesn't seem like things are getting any better.
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Since I started playing in 2019 the game has definitely improved a lot
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Overall, worse.
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Gameplay wise it's better.
MMR made it worse than it has ever been in a long time. I'd say the MMR patch was equivalent to that one that made flashlight and pallet saves not require timing.