teammates today have been questionable

i'm in a swf with 2 others so we load into matches with randoms but we have just had 4 randoms in a row that have been so whack.........
the first literally only did 2 hex totems, thats it.... she was just crouching everywhere while my swf members were being chased. now me on the other hand was on first hook, had done the only gen and had cleansed a totem myself. so here i was first hook and this nea running around whilst the killer wasnt near her and like she doesnt come for me so i hit second, i still had hope in my heart that this nea would be james bond and pull some great moves but no... she goes into basement and opens a chest and ends up being caught. now the killer closes hatch and downs her and so me and my swf are happy that someone who did nothing wasnt going to escape cause i believe thats fair, if u arent going to pull your weight you dont deserve to escape but the killer ends up giving her the door and i feel a piece of my fragile heart and ego shatter.
the 2nd nea only scored 5900 points for the same reason as the first, crouching... doing nothing, cause thats what you do in a game out working as a team to complete gens and escape. now ngl did click my flashlight as she died cause i forgot to mention she tried killing herself first hook. now if the ghost face from that match sees this thank you for letting me release the beast and try to blind the nea with the knowledge gens had to be done or the entity claims you and kisses ur forehead as it reads you the bedtime story of "lol ur deaded."
the 3rd was a feng! now i main feng for the most part as surv cause feng has just been my fav surv for the longest time! so when the feng on 1 hook dced after being downed by a pin head you can understand the pain i felt as a fellow gamer. thats literally all this teammate did wrong just kinda upset since her dcing kinda messed the game up, she did do a gen or 2 before dcing tho so not as bad as others.
then the 4th.. laurie pls stop trying to heal and do gens, also get out of the locker when the killer is near u and sees u get in. thats all i have to say here.
just wanted to share this cause i just cant today. :')
(spelling mistakes are due to me being tired and angy)
I mean if you routinely play with a 3 man swf, then you don't really have much right to complain about the randos you get teamed up with. the rest of us get 3 randos with zero comms.
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3 man swfs are so toxic to the solo player so I have no remorse
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Just curious, were skill level of killers in these matches more like yours and your swf friends or were they more like those randoms?
Sounds like a normal MMR things to me.
And btw I hate to be solo in 3man team, no matter how bad or good they are.
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i dont rlly, i play more red dead than dbd now a days but the swf is just a little thing so i can keep in touch with my sister and my other friend, i play solo a lot more than swf
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how exactly is 3 man swf toxic? not tryna be rude im just genuinely curious
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bit of being more like the randos and then just being better than the randos and group im in and i understand hating it but all times that ive been paired with a 3 man swf i havent rlly minded