Why is my MMR not lowering?

I don't understand I'm only getting survivors who can destroy me at every single loop and it won't stop, my MMR won't lower at all, the games are getting worse. When is it supposed to actually do anything, I've barely played killer at all since SBMM dropped and apparently it thinks I'm a god killer. Why is it not working at all?
So your rating doesn't lower at all? And yes I played a lot of killer before the SBMM.
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It could be b/c of survivor que times. The longer they wait, the MMR range gets larger to try to get them into a game.
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MMR is a joke in this game. It doesn’t take into account hooks, injures, downs, chase time, weapon accuracy on certain killers ect, you know things that actually define skill
A win or loss for a killer is purely based on if you managed to get at least one kill or not…
meaning that you could chase survivors all game, not hit anyone, get no hooks until the final gen pops, but just because you maybe managed to kill one person right at the end because of NOED the game defines that as a win for you and says “well this guys games are clearly too easy, better make the next one even harder and put him against even better survivors”
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and if somebody or lets say killer
dodges the lobby, then it will just pick the first killer in queue.
So yes. In the state as the sbmm is, I have no idea why it left ptb
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Just remove this crap system
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My guess is b/c they were on a timetable to release a different MMR system. The devs couldn't make a real SBMM work in time and just said ######### it, kills/escapes only plus time in game. As a side note, I won't call it SBMM b/c it isn't skill based.
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They are not many killers so you get matched against good survivors because they are waiting a long time and you are the only killer available for them to toy with.
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Just play how you would but, try not to kill anyone eventually it will lower.
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Yeah my problem is that it isn't adjusting. I can barely get 1 or 2 hooks every game and it's still giving me good survivors.
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Keep in kind if yoy are getting 1-3 hooks in a game that’s supposed to be the median results. 0 or 4 kills are supposed to be the exceptions. So if you are playing well and getting 2 hooks in a match that’s an indication you’re going against survivors around your skill level.
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I mean, they could've tweaked the old ranking system or made the SBMM very similar. If they did it before, why couldn't they do it again? And if they knew the new "skill based" matchmaking that they worked on for so long was just based off kills and escapes, why would they still implement that?
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Survivor wait to long you get match against them with no regard to the mmr. When they can balence the game the mmr will work
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I ate about 40 or so 4 escapes split across the three killers I mainly play Myers, Trapper and LF before games started to feel not super sweaty for even a couple of hooks.
Now games swing wildly between me stomping and getting stomped with a very rare close fun game in the middle.
I don't think the SBMM was an improvement because it doesn't really seem to have fixed anything other than matching you with other good survivors when playing solo.
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they said somewhere.
mmr is what sbmm is comparing. No matches = extend mmr range.
Somebody dodges aka backfiller = ignores mmr
in game hours are not taken into the account anyhow
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Are you playing the same killer or different killers? You need to lose a few games as the same killer for that killer's MMR to drop. If you like to play everyone, you need a fair few games on each one to adjust.
My killer MMR is now appropriate for every killer but I had to endure more than my fair share of 4 survivors teabagging at the exit gates to get to that point.
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I suspect @Pulsar's Nurse game is a long way off his top killer which might go some way to explaining it, as he hadn't really played Nurse - 30 is excessive though, and it might be caused by a maximum range limit between your best and worst killer.
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Your mmr can go higher than the match making max. If your mmr is very high its going to take several losses to go under that threshold
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I probably played Nurse once or twice every six months or so.
I never did well and I just kept playing other Killers.
I got really good at Blight, Nemesis, Pinhead and Artist so I suspect that it took the averages from those and applied it to Nurse, which caused me to need to lose an unholy amount of games to see any difference in matchmaking quality.
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I'm only playing as Nemesis. For about 20 games I've gotten almost all 4 escapes where every survivor is moonwalking out the exit gates. I got a survivor with 7,500 hours. The average I'm finding is around 1000 - 2000 hours when I'm basically a brand new killer, I haven't played in a year.
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The main problem is if a high mmr killer leaves a lobby because they know it's a sweaty 4 man the system just throws the next killer into the lobby so the survivors don't have to wait. A lot of high mmr killers dodge these bully squads so they end up going to low mmr killers.
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But the mmr should only count for the current killer. Whats the point of raising the rating on other killers, when this also makes it impossible to learn the killers you have no experience with?
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Yeah, you thought it actually is killer specific like they said it would be? If it actually is, then the matchmaking is so broken it might as well not exist.
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If I play as my worst killer (Huntress) I basically just get default Dwights and Claudettes. If I play my regular killers I get coordinated SWF bully squads. So at least for me, the MMR system is killer specific and seems to be working correctly.
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I get the latter on every single killer 90% of the time. Including a killer i literally just purchased. I only ever even play killer for dailies and challenges at this point anyway, and its been like that for over a year.
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Newly purchased killers' MMR is always set a little bit under that of your highest rated killer. It is not enough unfortunately.
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So a killer who you have the least chances of having any decent perks or addons with, and will take a growing investment to "catch up" to the one you presumably have the strongest build for? thats kinda backwards.
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It does seem backwards, but if you imagine you are the best survivor in the world with the highest MMR and a new killer is released. You wouldn't even get to play against the new killer if everyone's MMR on that killer was set low as all the new killers MMRs would be out of your range.
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why would that matter? again, I get matched with sweat squads with killers like clown, I have played him maybe 40 times in the last 3 years and gotten probably 20 kills total. The system is completely broken and they even admitted it prioritizes wait times over *actual skill based matchmaking* so that argument is moot.
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It’s nice that they think about high-end survivors not being able to face (ill-equipped) new killers, but I imagine that leads to some pretty lopsided matches. This degrades the killer experience and the perceived value of the new killer. Don’t other PvP games make it a weighted average of the other played characters?