Wish "when kicked" was replaced by "when damaged"

It would be so great to have perks which have synergies like this, atm so many perks you have to kick instead of having them trigger via another perk.
Let me surge into oppression!
It wouldn't even be OP, just fun and a more interesting way to use the perks.
And it will always be surge, I dont jolt.
Ruin oppression sounds kinda broken.
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Ruin doesn't count as damaging a generator though. It just regresses.
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How? Damaging a gen means it explodes... ruin don't explode.
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Technically Jolt was the OG high caffeinated beverage that came out YEARS before Surge hit the market, so if the devs want to show appreciation for the classic over the imitator, that's fine with me. 😁
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You know people would despise Pop + Surge/Jolt. I would love it.
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Figured this was a clever joke since a ruin trigger into oppression means regressing 3 generators when all of them are ruin'd at 200% already.
Totally forgot there was any skill-check for active gens.
Even if it weren't like people said and Ruin still counted as damage for the perk, I think that would still just be good strong instead of OP since there's still that horrific 80 second cooldown that's stopping anyone from using it right now.
If they were to hypothetically removed the cooldown AND ruin counted as damage, then that any damage activation effect might be OP. Otherwise, I'm thinking it still takes 2 of the 3 possible changes to really make oppression truly strong.
However, even just 1 change (whether 0 cooldown or the any damage activation) would help raise it up from pits of despair into a good place.
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Well thats why i suggested the change would buff some weaker perks without just buffing numbers
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Oppression hits
Survivor: god i'm bad at skillchecks, can probably still finish the gen though.
Overcharge skillcheck
Not going to lie, would be fun
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Bhvr is afraid of J O L T gaming supremacy.
Pop and J O L T could be annoying but you have no control over which gen would get popped