"Hey Devs It's pretty hard to see with Freddy. His world is kinda blurry."

This was the devs response...


  • zacmangaming
    zacmangaming Member Posts: 113

    Not sure why trying to blind your playerbase would fix anything

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Yea. That's the biggest problem with Freddy. Nevermind transition time, nevermind how helpless he is against saves with open exit gates, not even how easy it is to wake up with SC or a gen. Him being practically blind is the biggest issue.
    I understand it's to counterbalance him being invisible, but the fog in Dream World is just too much. I wish it was fixed.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Nah fam, just get him glasses.

  • zacmangaming
    zacmangaming Member Posts: 113

    @George_Soros said:
    Yea. That's the biggest problem with Freddy. Nevermind transition time, nevermind how helpless he is against saves with open exit gates, not even how easy it is to wake up with SC or a gen. Him being practically blind is the biggest issue.
    I understand it's to counterbalance him being invisible, but the fog in Dream World is just too much. I wish it was fixed.

    It genuinely gave me a headache. That's how bright it is. Never had that problem pre 2.4.0 patch

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    This is what happens when they update the game engine and push it live without testing things such as this.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @zacmangaming said:

    This was the devs response...

    Yeah it is getting ridiculous now.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Have you seen what the house in the Yamaoka estate looks like when you enter it. I think I get blinded every time I go in there, it's like the old flashlight blind screen but worse, especially in a dark room
  • killthemall
    killthemall Member Posts: 3
    It is blinding inside the house! Will give you a headache going inside! 
  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    Have you seen the house basement (where is the generator) in haddonfield/springwood..? ALL IS BLACK!

  • SuperPrincessChaser
    SuperPrincessChaser Member Posts: 107

    I dunno if it's because I am used to playing as Fredbear or not, but I never had a problem with the Dreamworld in it's current state. Unless we are playing in the cornfields. Freddy hates the farm, at least he does when I'm in control. I do think he should have better vision in the Dreamworld than the Survivors do, but I am at least able to tell what map I am on now. Before the engine update I could go all match without actually knowing what map I was on.