Waiting at the exit gates

This is by far my biggest pet peeve in the entire game. I get that some people do it with good intentions, but the select few people who make me walk to them and bm me as I force them out really get to me. So typically what I do is afk in the basement, but of course, the survivors being the lovely individuals they are, will sit there for the entire 2 minutes and hold me hostage in the match. If you want to hit me hook, fine, if you want to teabag me after dropping a pallet, that's fine too, but when you literally waste my time, that's when I get upset, and the justification that "the killer can end it when they want to" just simply doesn't work when some killers don't want to deal with needless toxicity.
I know no one who does it with good intentions.
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I actually do have a friend who is relatively new to the game who does it to help the killer, but the difference is he never waits even 30 seconds.
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I like when they do that when im playing as the deathslinger ]:)
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Yeah, this is the only genuinely toxic gameplay act I can think of. Everything else is either just being a little cheeky or can actually be an attempt at being playful, but sitting at the exit gates when nobody else is still in the trial and you just want to wait to teabag the killer is being a dick, plain and simple.
If the killer's already there, that's another story, but if you're waiting when you can't even hear a heartbeat until the timer's nearly gone down, you're just wasting everyone's time.
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I hate it when they motion you over like they're good kind people then they drop a flash bomb and blind you before taking off out the gate.
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I really don't think most do it with positive intentions lol.
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Don't do against the Twins or a Deathslinger, lol.
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Gotta get that Noed value somehow.
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I still think that Killers should have 5 perks and not 4...
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...Yes? It is the only gameplay act that's toxic. Certainly not the only one that's annoying, but "annoying" and "toxic" are different things.
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They're not wasting their time they're wasting yours obviously!
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I'm positive my time is much more valuable than theirs if they're willing to wait an extra 2 minutes in the queue to try and bully me.
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Waiting at the gates to tbag is toxic, but bleeding out the last player when you could easily hook them isn't? Dragging them to hatch and gate only to close it in their face and pluck them off at the last second isn't? Deliberately abusing exploits with perks or map terrain to create matches that take 30+ minutes to end isn't? Trapping a teammate in a corner so they die to endgame collapse isn't? Refusing to end the game for just as long because you realize the killer is a baby and your team can easily bully them for 20 minutes before you pop the last gen isn't toxic?
I don't really understand your methodology. Seems to me like there's a lot of intentionally dickish things people can do in this game. While I hate gate tbagging, I'd consider it on the tamer side of the douche spectrum that exists in DBD.
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I'll cop to not considering forced bleedout, that's genuinely toxic.
However, I thought it went without saying that like, refusing not to play the game and thus not end the match didn't count as a "gameplay thing". I also didn't mention endgame chat or hacking, which most would consider pretty toxic.
I phrased it that way for a reason- there are a lot of things that happen in the course of a regular game played normally that people call toxic, and I think that this (+ forced bleedout, thank you for the correction there) is the only one that actually counts.
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I just find it more grading than annoying, like a humiliating defeat followed by a "haha you suck and I win" stings a lot more than a good match and then all of the sudden you get hatch closed in your face and mori'd.
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Alright, I guess that just comes down to a difference of definitions then. You didn't specify normal at first, so my net for toxic things that happen in game is wider (and that is my definition of gameplay - a team that's not doing gens because they want to double locker flashlight troll for 15 minutes is still playing DBD, as is a basement Bubba or a triple oak RCPD sabo team that never touches a gen. If it happens in game and players are ostensibly doing things you can succeed or fail at, I'd call it gameplay - though that's splitting hairs. The only thing I care about is whether you agreed those things were toxic, and you do.)
...Though if we're talking about normal, the wait-at-the-gate tbagging is by far the most common thing to happen of the lot. Like every-other-game common. It's a little baffling. Killers bleeding the last player out are much, much rarer than survivors refusing to leave until they can click at me (or the killer, if they're my teammate.)
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I only wait if someone is hurt and I can't tell where they are.
If there are three left and I see 2 of them by the gates, I run past them without acknowledging them.
Like: why do you have to stay there and take the mic?
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I don't think that most people do it with good intentions.
Nearly all the time it's done to be BM and gloat at the killer. It's always teabag teabag flicky flicky pretend to give a last courtesy hit and then Dead Hard out of the gate.
These days I just ignore the gate, or I'll wait just outside (if I'm playing a small TR or stealth killer) - about 50% of the time, a survivor will be so desperate to taunt me that they'll pop out and get a surprise...
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I never chase survivors at the Exits unless I have to push them out to defend a hook. I'll just ignore anybody in the Exits and go look for either stragglers who got lost or pallets to break or see if I can close the hatch. And sometimes it pays off. Just the other day I had a match where I had one kill so far, two survivors opened the Exits and were waiting for me. I instead went looking for the other one, spotted her trying to head toward the opposite door, and got a bonus kill out of it. 🙂
But yeah, if they're going to just waste their own time standing around doing nothing while I explore and break stuff that's fine. I don't get the compulsive need to have me watch them leave.
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Mainly when they do that it's because they want to rub their win in your face, it's really cringe when veteran players do it, you'd think after the 1000th time waiting to teabag they'd stop and take their wins in grace but I guess not.
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If that happens try putting on some music or watching a video while you wait. Just to get your mind off of the game.
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Oh that's exactly what I do, most the time I already have the song pulled up on my computer so I can just press the space bar.
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I agree. To be fair, people do like to also heal in the exits, and that makes sense. But when everybody is healthy and nobody is on a hook to try and rescue standing around is just dumb.
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With one exception, I've only ever stayed at the gates to make sure my fellow survivors make it through, and prepare to take any body blocks if necessary.
That 1 time I didn't was when a Wraith had been very good to us remaining 2 after the other 2 survivors disconnected. The other guy took the exit, and I wanted to let the Wraith know I could have escaped, but wanted to repay in kind, so I invite Wraith to the basement so he could sacrifice me.
As for being a dick at the end; either anguish or insecurity, but the way to see it is that you made them feel that way, and that's a lot of power to have over them if they felt so motivated as to respond that way!
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I mean I don't really care about how they feel, it just sucks that they can just waste 2 minutes of my time.
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The worst ones are the ones who start spamming pallet vaults to try and force you to come watch them tbag. I feel entity pallet blocking should exist to just prevent that, really. It's obnoxious.
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You know you got yourself some exquisite bullies when you don't show up at the gate and the other survivors just leave, while they just stand there and wait till literally the last seconds, hoping beyond hope that you might come running up to them, so that they can t-bag and clickety click at you one last time.
Well, my second monitor with some Netflix or Youtube is always ready.
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You should play Twins, Pinhead, or Deathslinger. Those killers can really punish survivors like that.
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I've always felt that being inside the gates should give you the exposed status. It solves a LOT of problems. Bm'ing at the gate (I mean people will still do it but not be as brave about it), heal tech, and generally wasting people's time on either side. It also puts a bit more fear into survivors and rewards a high skill play.
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I’ve been bled out as a survivor multiple times. It goes both ways. If you can’t stand it then don’t play. And to add to that I love it when I’m last to be sacrificed on the hook and still getting hit by the killer. What do you call that?
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I'm sorry but whoever is talking in those videos has a really annoying sounding voice.
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OH NO!! MULTIPLE TIMES!!! How about Every. Single. Game. Survivors sit at the exit gate and waste two minutes, maybe a little less when they figure out I am not going to the exit gate for their ground humping dance or strobe light party. I would take a four minute bleed out every 5 to 10 matches than 2 minutes every game.
To the OP, just wander around the map kicking pallets or breakable walls. You also can spam some killers' power to get a little extra BP during this time. Or just hang in the basement and go get a drink, look at YouTube, read the forums ;p
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Again get over it.
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Honestly it’s sounds so first world. Every time a killer must wait 2 whole minutes to exit the game. He must fill his time with YouTube. 🥴
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I'll sometimes wait to take a hit to give the killer some points if they really had a rough game, but never for long.
And I never teabag at the gate, it's a pathetic display of boundary aggression. I've even been known to sandbag other survs who do it while I am there.
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I think when all survivors are at the gates the times should run out faster
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some do it to give free hits for blood points, but the gain is so low thats its not worth bothering.
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The tbags don't project an impenetrable force field, dude. You don't have to wait the full 2 minutes, you're fully capable of hitting them out.
You just don't want to.
You have to wait the full 4 minutes of a bleedout.
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It was a weird ritual when I was learning the game, but now? I am very efficient at pushing them out quickly. I honestly don't even notice if they BM or not as the egc is as natural as gen defense. It is like a literal gameplay phase to push them out if you don't 4k. Lol.
I sometimes troll them by making them wait the 2 minutes. But ONLY if I have pallets/walls to break. So typically Midwich, Game, or Dead Dawg Saloon are the exceptions.
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Bringing up bleed-outs is whataboutism. One form of BM doesn't excuse another. There's also the vast difference in frequency. How often do bleed-outs occur? If the killer is slugging, there's always Unbreakable. There's no perk to counter survivors intentionally wasting time, whether it be at the exit gate or on the last gen.
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I'm not the one who brought it up, i'm the one telling the guy downplaying how much it sucks that he at least has options. They're both trash.
And i've experienced multiple bleedouts, personally. But even if it was 100 butt dance parties per 1 quad bleedout, it would still absolutely blow for all the poor bastards who absolutely don't have it coming, and the fact that there's absolutely nothing you can do to speed up that 4 minute timer is a disgrace. The perks that could help can either only be used once, rely on the killer bringing a perk of their own or is a polite way of throwing the game for your team.
And there is a perk to counter survivors wasting time at the exit gates.
It's called M1.
You can l i t e r a l l y just hit them out. It will work every time, without fail. You don't have to wait the entire 2 minutes, there's nothing stopping you! Yes, you have to expose yourself to the butt dance and strobe party, but you at least have the option.
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Nope. That only works on the bog standard delaying tactics. When the survivors are determined, they will usually go to gates at opposite ends of the map just to make you deal with two BM parties. If you’re lucky, they’ll have fireworks to blind you in time for one survivor to get past you and search for the hatch, where they will kindly wait for you to escort them through. This has happened multiple times to me. It’s almost to the point where survivors get an undeserved “thank you” when they DON’T waste time at the exit gates.
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I will often do it to drop my item as a show of respect but admittedly Im not going to wait the whole 2 minutes
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I have literally never experience such sheer coordination from the survivors just to make sure you can't just push them out within the two minutes. If they were just waiting at different gates, you could absolutely push them out in under two minutes. If they tried to make it take longer, they'd have to put themselves in danger and you can still at least try.
But yeah-- time wasting you can't speed up sucks and is awful. Even if it's infrequent.
Like being bled out.
That's what I was saying.
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I agree bleeding out sucks, and the time wasted should be mitigated. Unfortunately, DS encourages killers to wait a minute before picking up survivors, during which you could hypothetically use Unbreakable.
There’s also the issue about whether it’s worse to just sit there or be forced to do something to stop someone from wasting your time. You can actually do something else irl during bleed-out. If you want the match to end as killer, you can’t do anything to get the survivors to fix all the gens. Bonus points if you’re so overmatched due to kill-based match making so that the survivors can literally run circles around you.
So, before dealing with the BM in my previous post, imagine having to stand in a corner getting nodded at, pointed at, tea-bagged, clickety-clicked, and flashlight stunned for several minutes before they graciously decided they’ve had their fun and want to BM at the gates.
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"and the justification that 'the killer can end it when they want to' just simply doesn't work when some killers don't want to deal with needless toxicity."
Why doesn't it work? This sounds like an issue of ego more than anything.
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If the gens were finished 15 seconds ago and the person i hook is dead. I literally just tab out.
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I only ever do it if the killer had a really bad game, and they look like they're trying to use their power more than they should. At that point I figure they're just trying to get their daily, so I want to make sure they do before i go. Only other time I do it is if i'm trying to block for someone on their way out. Other than those? theeya~!
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As stated above, it’s not about ego, it’s about being forced to do something to stop someone from wasting your time. The BM is just the pickle on the ######### sandwich.
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I don't buy it. What is the downside to ending it yourself?