Needed some perks can stop killers being so quick at winning

RyanTheNCR Member Posts: 57
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello there, some of the killer players take way to quick and toxic and they were unstoppable with some exposed and survivor killing perks. I need your suggestions on making new perks if you can....

  1. Perks that can counter Bubba's Chainsaw, NOED and The Oni's Demon strikes, preventing you getting insta-downed
  2. Perks that can give you quick reaction to avoid attacks when you're dropping pallets or vaulting obstacles.
  3. Need perks that can increase sabotaging speed rather than using Leader, Resilience and Spine Chill. Toolboxes or streetwise does not count.
  4. Need new perks to reduce consumption rates for toolboxes, flashlights, keys and maps, Which it was similar to Self Care and Botany Knowledge. Streetwise and Built to last does not count.
  5. Spine Chill and Resilience is not efficient enough because of your vulnerability to attacks while vaulting. Need perks that can boost up vaulting speed before getting injured.
  6. Monstrous Shrine is way unfair. Should we suggest a perk that works similar and the opposite to Monstrous Shrine?
  7. Other than limited items like flashbang, pinhead cube, and vaccine, are they any other limited items we can use? Maybe a Signal Flare or a Curing Tonic?
  8. We need a perk which is the opposite of Enduring and it trumps with it. If not, Enduring combines with spirit fury, you're screwed and game over, man.
  9. The killer is nearby while you don't have to to rescue the survivor, need a perk to preform a rescue mission fast! Why? because the killer is coming straight to you with the chainsaw and you die.
  10. Need a perk how protective gloves add-on functions. Prevents the killer being notified if a survivor was rescued.
  11. New perks based on increase repair speed. Rather than Prove Thyself. Resilience and Spine chill.
  12. A perk that counters Pop Goes The Weasel, and Hex: Ruin.
  13. Thanophobia, Pentimento and Dying Light is too suffering! Need something to suppress that temporary.
  14. Need a perk used by the old version saboteur and grip wrench add-on

This is for suggesting new perks only. Some of the perks that was already in the game does not count. Take Dead Hard as an example. Dead Hard won't counter Chainsaws or Demon strikes since you have to run away uninjured, and killers respects it and won't fall for that.

Post edited by RyanTheNCR on


  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,855
    1. dead hard
    2. dead hard
    3. use the purple sabotaging tool box
    4. streetwise/built to last
    5. it is more than enough
    6. bruh
    7. ?
    8. smash hit
    9. ?
    10. why though
    11. no
    12. repressed alliance
  • RyanTheNCR
    RyanTheNCR Member Posts: 57
    edited January 2022

    Reply to Hex_Ignored

    1. Dead Hard? Never works. You're still getting chainsawed and demon bashed. Killers won't fall for Dead Hard though.
    2. Dead Hard? How you're gonna do that while your vaulting and pallet pulling is still in animation and a huntress axe was aiming at you?
    3. Alex's Toolbox? Items does not count. you need real perks! not items!
    4. streetwise and built to last? does not count. you need perk like Self Care and Botanical Knowledge.
    5. More than enough? Do you want a Nemesis's Tentacles and Trickster's Knifes to get a chance to spike you?
    6. Its better than nothing or else camping is the Killer's favorite option to win fast though
    7. We need more limited items Like Leon's Flashbang, Nemesis's Vaccine, and Pinhead's Rubic Cube
    8. Smash Hit doesn't count. Killers will attempt to respect and hit you with Hatchets, throwing knifes, T- Virus tentacles and Pyramid Head's Rites. how is smash hit even that effective?
    9. Imagine if an Oni, Nurse, Leatherface, Deathslinger and Hillbilly come and whacked you before you could even rescue someone. Does this sounds cool to you?
    10. Because if the killer is nearby, he'll run straight directly to you after you were unhooked! No chance for running away though.
    11. Come on fellas! Do we have any repair speed boost perks other than Prove Thyself, Resilence and Spine Chill? Or else, this sucks!
    12. Repressed alliance only stalls your time. If you summon the Entity on a gen and the killer sees a trapped gen, he knows something is not right. you need something to fool the killer while you're hiding!
  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    7. Map with marker add-on

    9. No one left behind

  • RyanTheNCR
    RyanTheNCR Member Posts: 57
    edited January 2022

    Reply to Torsti56

    7 - 'Map with marker add-on' is not considered an limited item. I need a item that cannot be kept in your inventory after escape.

    9 - No one left behind? Don't you care about your own safety being chainsawed, demon bashed or Being NOED?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I think you're confused on what perks do. Perks provide a benefit in the game. What you're looking for is something to play the game for you.

    I suggest watching a video of someone else playing DBD, that would provide the experience you're looking for.

  • CheesyGuy
    CheesyGuy Member Posts: 399
    edited January 2022

    9 - Desperate Measures from Felix. For each injured survivor it increases your unhook and heal speed for %14 at tier III which can be quite fast if many survivors are injured.

    10- Many killer can understand that survivor is saved due to interface so that is kinda pointless.

  • RyanTheNCR
    RyanTheNCR Member Posts: 57

    Reply to CheesyGuy

    9 - I don't think that helps a lot. The killer can still catch up to you before you save someone no matter what.

    10 - It makes a big difference due to loud noise notifications for unhook attempts.

  • ProfSinful
    ProfSinful Member Posts: 271
    1. Instadown perks and abilities are designed to counter a couple of different survivor perks/strategies, and while I would totally abuse anti instadown perks to bully killers further, it's not necessary for the game at all.
    2. Spine Chill + Resilience are literally still in the game, pallet dropping animation speeds are fine. Stop being bad and learn to play around unique killer powers instead of trying to treat them like m1 killers.
    3. You just named several perks that increase sabotage speed, you don't need any more and for the love of christ run a purple sabo toolbox.
    4. Streetwise + built to last absolutely count. I'm really starting to question the validity of your post the further down I go.
    5. Run your loops more efficiently and stop playing greedy. Half the time you get hit is because you try to greed pallets or don't know how to hit a fast vault. You don't need a perk to make the game easier for you.
    6. Monstrous shrine is probably the worst killer perk in the game, this has to be a troll post.
    7. There's no need to add any new items, especially healing ones.
    8. No, there is no need to add a perk that increases stun duration for killer. That would be one of the most unhealthy additions to the game I have ever seen.
    9. leader, spine chill, resilience?
    10. It wouldn't see play.
    11. Absolutely not.
    12. Repressed alliance counters pop and you can literally hold m1 on gens and ruin doesn't do anything. Otherwise do bones, my friends and I do it every game.
    13. Dying light is almost as bad as monstrous shrine, thana gets countered by CoH and pentimento is countered by having a brain and remembering where you cleansed the totems.
    14. ???
  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    How about a perk that instantly kills all the survivors, gave them 0 point and removing a pip while giving killers 32k bp/2 pips?

    It'd be new meta and game definitely will be exciting, fun and pretty relaxing to play as, it's always fun to see survivors dying for no reason at all right?

  • RyanTheNCR
    RyanTheNCR Member Posts: 57

    If killer main players win too many times and full victories without losing for a year, their names will might end up in The Hiven Group's target list.

    as for the previous commenter, do you want some black men or suspicious drones start circling around your house?

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I'm saving this thread for the next time someone tells me killer mains just want wins handed to them. Absolutely hilarious stuff here mate.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Do you honestly expect anyone to take you seriously after saying monstrous shrine, the weakest killer perk, is unfair?

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited January 2022
    1. There are counters to this. The Endurance status effect. As far as I know, there's 4 sources of it. Borrowed Time, Soul Guard, Mettle of Man, and the Stypict Agent med kit add on. They are however very limited on purpose because there are some killers where Exposing and Insta Downing Survivors is their entire power and a perk to counter an entire killer power is a bad idea.
    2. Bro... if you animation locked yourself in a spot the Killer can hit you... that means you messed up and should take the hit. That said, Dead Hard can bail you out from a bad play like that and Resilience and Spine Chill can make you vault faster which might help.
    3. So... you want new perks to do a thing but for some reason claim that the perks that DO the thing you're asking for don't count. Why?
    4. See Above.
    5. Are... you of the opinion that being near a window or dropped pallet should make you impossible to hit? Is that what you're going for? Yeah... no. This is a terrible idea for a multitude of reasons.
    6. So... you're both right and wrong at the same time. A perk that buffs camping basement hooks is not a good thing to have in the game. However... Monstrous Shrine is so weak that it is largely a non issue. I do want it to get a rework though.
    7. I mean... Syringe and Syptic kinda make a medkit into a more powerful but single use item... but items like this would be kinda neat. I'd like it if they made firecrackers available all the time.
    8. Ok so... Enduring + Spirit Fury does in fact have a counter. A very easy counter in fact. Its called predropping pallets. Be less greedy, throw the pallet earlier, and their perks won't go off. Congrats, you've made half the Killer's perks a non issue via a minor change of play style. Also Smash Hit exists. We don't need anything like this.
    9. Spine Chill, Resilience, and Desperate Measures all can buff your unhook speed. Equip all of them and you can max things out at... 75% faster unhooking. That's pretty nutty honestly.
    10. That would literally be pointless. The HUD shows literally everybody in the game including the killer when a Survivor's state changes. That includes going from hooked to injured. Against killers who are paying attention this would be useless because a perk that messes with the Killer's HUD should never exist.
    11. Firstly... no. Secondly, Fast Track and Stake Out also exist if you really want your gens to be faster.
    12. Repressed Alliance and Blast Mine can counter Pop. Repressed Alliance, Small Game, Detective's Hunch, Prove Thyself + Situational Awareness/Bond can all counter Ruin. You have options. Actually Prove Thyself + Situational Awareness/Bond can counter Pop too by finishing the gen before the killer can get there to pop it.
    13. None of those perks are particularly good... minus Thana on Legion/Plague.
    14. Are... you saying you want old Sabo with 99ing hooks back? Nah. Old Sabo was basically useless in the average game but super oppressive with a Sabo Squad. New Sabo is less oppressive in a SWF built around it but can be useful even if only one person is going for it AKA better in literally every single way.
  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Vault speed build

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited January 2022

    Playing better counters all of these. Get better,

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    There's a certain Perk that counters all of these problems, it's called skill

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    1. ...what? Bubba's chainsaw is not OP at all. But you can counter him by playing Pallets well and not getting caught in the open, and beat Oni by not giving him early M1 hits so you deny him his power. You can also stealth when he has his power. NOED is understandable tho, just bring Hope, Detective's, and/or Small Game

    2. Resilience or Dead Hard I guess, but this is the result of you messing up, not the killer being strong lol

    3. No, stop. Sabo SWFs are effective enough as is.

    4. You have plenty. It's like you expect easy 4 outs or something? This game isn't meant to be a stroll in the park for survs yknow.

    5. Just loop better. A good surv can run an m1 for 2+ minutes.

    6. Just don't go near basement??

    7. ????????

    8. Just run Smash Hit. And stunning killers for even longer is not fair or balanced, please stop. EnFury means 2 slowdown perks are missing, take advantage of it.

    9. Yaya gimme perk for ez invincibility, eliminate the one slowdown strategy killers have: camping and tunneling. Just run BT, and don't save against camping Bubbas, or run Kinship.

    10. That's useless, the HUD shows them not being on hook.

    11. Yaya ez gen rush, not fast enough, need to finish 4 gens before 1st hook.

    12. Repressed Alliance and Small Game/Detective's???

    13. Just heal and stop getting downed so fast for Dying Light and Thanat. And stop cleansing dulls for Penti. It's not that hard against just Hexes, you already know where they are once they're re-lit.

    14. No