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Pig is literally unplayable on high MMR

Member Posts: 218

Basically the title. A team that does not get at least 3.5 escapes is basically playing terribly, committing a large number of crucial mistakes. You can technically tunnel the person with the trap on their head, and then everyone will exit to give a chance for the hatch. So basically 3.5 escapes. It doesn't matter the map, it doesn't matter the addons.

You load up into the game. Start a chase asap. On every map, there are enough pallets and structures to loop you for at least 3 gens done. This is where your first trap is placed. If you are lucky enough, you may maybe get 1 more trap, but that's it. You can't really use all your traps, it's impossible against any team that does gens, and knows basic looping. I'm not even talking about efficient looping, no. Just basic, do 1 or 2 rounds, and then drop the pallet. They will still have enough resources to do all the gens without problems.

At the moment it feels like she is INCREDIBLY, and I mean, INCREDIBLY perk dependent. You basically need corrupt or you are busted. I also think you need STBFL, but even with these perks your best strat is to chase the non-obsession survivor for 3 gens. Hook them, then literally facecamp them with your crouch to try to hook trade and pray that the survivor who comes is not your obsession. Then you get more tokens and start being somewhat scary (but not really).

Ohh, and let's not forget you have to hit survivors 3 times to get them, because of DH. Or they just DH to the vault. Everyone runs DH.

I know I'm ranting. But I'm legit interested in how is this fun. Literally, every team that consists of at least "okay" survivors, even the ones that make small mistakes in looping, can eeeeeasily get 3 escapes guaranteed. I think when a killer is so dependent on perks and even with perks you only get a kill, if survivors do major mistakes, maybe it'd be nice to get some base kit value? Like 1 trap starts on a survivor or smth. Am I missing smth? At this point I feel like Clown is 3 times more powerful. [BAD WORD] Clown!

Please share your thoughts, guys.

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  • Member Posts: 638

    I just switched back to surv after being a killer main for 3k+ hours and it's actually insane how long I can loop m1 killers with deadhead. It's fun since I'm a surv now but damn if I it doesn't feel OP.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Low tier killers struggle at high skill games.

    This is known.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    They arent necessarily useless at high mmr. Being perk dependend isnt even bad at high MMR. Literally everyone is perk dependend in high MMR. Not running BT? Well, cant really unhook your teammates untill the killer is like 28 meters away. Not running DS? As soon as the killer decides to eat it and ntice you dont have it, you're dead, especially if your teammate doesnt run BT. No DH or SB? Well, gonna be quite a problem as you are very unlikely to reach a decent loop without losing a healthstate/getting downed, especially later in the game. No Self-Care or Circle of Healing? Better hope your teammates are easy to find, otherwise you're gonna be injured for quite some time. Not running Camaraderie/Kinship? Good luck getting unhooked from second stage.

    Without specific perks in high MMR, you're not gonna make it. Even Nurse is very perk dependend in the highest of mmr.

  • Member Posts: 218

    I would argue that BT and DS, while being very essential, they are not needed to do well on high MMR for survivors, because you can rush gens and not unhook in the first place. +don't go down quickly.

    Also even with the best perks in the game Pig struggles. Basically still at 3.5 escapes.

    Also, you can do well as a Nurse on High MMR without perks. You can end chases quickly. Perks do make you stronger, but I don't see how she is depends on them.

  • Member Posts: 218
    edited January 2022

    Okay, so are there any solutions to this? Nerf Pig?

    Or you just don't play these killers at all?

    There are many killers that can of course struggle on high MMR (if not all of them), but Pig literally feels like a 5th survivor sometimes.

    Edit: by "struggle" I mean the games are very challenging, but you do feel like your input does matter in the endgame result at least somewhat. Killers like Twins, or Plague, for example.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Sadly, Pig's addons make her a killing machine at low MMRs, and with BHVR balancing around gross kill rates in isolation, she'll probably never get the buffs she needs.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    I am assuming solo surv/2 man swf, not 3-4 man SWF(who tend to rely on items more actually)

    And Nurse, well, if she doesnt run 2 of 4 possible addons, she is extremely reliant on perks. Without Ruin, Pop or Pain Resonance, she is forced to slug people, which everyone pretty much agrees is extremely boring, and why Exponential is almost required on high MMR(Blight has similar tactics, so a way for survivors to pick themselves up is essential, while in lower MMR, it doesnt really do much).

    Add in SWF, and it gets even worse, since survivors spread out weaknesses over multiple survivors. So you'd have to find out who runs Exponential because otherwise you're forced to hook, at which point you're required to deduce who has Kinship, because otherwise second hooking any survivor is gonna cost you 1-2 more gens. And to prevent totems from being placed early, you're pretty much required to run Lethal Pursuer just so you can target the right survivor and potentially snuff the totem while they are downed. And that's on Nurse.

    The top 10 perks on both sides need a nerf for skill to actually be a factor in this game. Especially those that stack with other oppressive perks/items/addons.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Yep pretty much agree against any team that doesn't have at least 1 or 2 easy targets it's GG. I love piggy but I've just switched to nurse and other more rewarding killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    How do you even know you have high MMR?

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    I will never expect/allow Pig to be unplayable. I shall always kill with Pig.

  • Member Posts: 78
    edited January 2022

    Pig is just as playable and just as unplayable on high MMR as she is on medium or low MMR because MMR doesn't work.

  • Member Posts: 218

    For you guys I can translate. Pig is unplayable if 2 conditions are met:

    Survivors are doing gens.

    Survivors are able to do basic looping.

    This is basically what people call high MMR.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Yeah, unfortunately I've long since come to the opinion that Pig just does not have the tools to do much vs good players. Her ambush is too easily played around at the one place it's supposed to be okay at (loops), and her Traps are wildly inconsistent and can't be used until she wins a chase with only a super mediocre anti-loop tool.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Pig is one of my mains and sadly you are right its so hard to play her right now. The only thing I have been using is the one at the start of the match the traps are on everyone's head. Thats the only decent thing she has going right now.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    The second I use this, someone DCs. Almost 100% guaranteed.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Unless Pig has very good map, she will never beat good survivors. Nothing new so lets hope they will nerf her accordingly next update

  • Member Posts: 219
    edited January 2022
  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Believe it or not but I had a Video tape game where 3 were removed in first 40 seconds. And 2 of those from the same box. Never seen such unlucky rng in my life

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I just tried out the Video Tape/Rules Set No 2 combo on stream a couple of days ago. I used the RPD offering (box spawns are going to be much harder to get to, if people even know where they spawn on that map) and Lethal Pursuer (along with Plaything, Pain Resonance, and Corrupt -- the other three perks that are part of my current Pig build).

    Lethal got me into chase with someone almost instantly, and I got a down and hook. 2nd and 3rd hooks shortly afterwards. Someone got their trap off, and they -- and someone WITH a trap -- popped a gen, and I had three survivors with active traps going. The match was over with a 4K in right around 7 minutes or so. 2 survivors died to the traps -- when the 2nd one died, I had one survivor on hook and had just downed a survivor who had gotten their trap off and hooked them for the 1st time, so it was literally "Game Over".

    It was ugly for the survivors -- pressure from the traps, the map is unfavorable, early pressure from Lethal getting me a quick down, and then Plaything to cause even more havoc. That first gen was the only one that got done. As I said afterwards, the combo is deadly in the right circumstances -- granted, on a different, wide-open map and against a SWF that wouldn't pop a gen so early, it's going to lose its effectiveness, but against a team that isn't as well-coordinated, it can be very nasty to go against. Again, though -- the map offering was key (in Otz's recent video where he used the "sweatiest" builds on each killer, he used this combo and played a Midwich offering with the same thought process, I imagine).

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Yeah, exactly. Nearly all the killer are non-viable against decent survivors

  • Member Posts: 383

    Good a more enjoyable game for you lol.... Its good with lethal pursuer.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    She isn't unplayable, but she does take a bit more work to get kills than some other killers. She's actually one of my favorite killers in the game.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I love playing her too, but she is really weak ATM and struggles against anyone competent.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    She does need some buffs (like I already mentioned in the other thread). She isn't unplayable, though.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I mean, no Killer is "unplayable" if you lower the competition enough. But Pig suffers heavily the more competent players get.

  • Member Posts: 218

    Sounds cool, but as you pointed out, against a SFW you already have the problem of people not popping that gen (I'm playing soloQ and I'd 99% it if there is more than 2 traps remaining) plus people can call out boxes to each other. To be fair, this strat along with the map offering, can slow down the game significantly even against decent survivors.

  • Member Posts: 218

    I mean, you can play her if you are okay with 3.5 average escapes against you. I'll be kind and say 3 because it's hard to boil the hatch escape to a flat coinflip rng. Or of course, survivors do major mistakes / you facecamp. I am not against it, I just don't find it appealing

  • Member Posts: 218


    Yeah, I realized I was just ranting about Pig, because I REALLY like Pig for some reason. The whole crouching, the traps, the boop da snoot... But at one point you just don't know why keep playing if people escaping is kind of a given...

    Having some fun chases on her is not that bad. The funniest ######### is when you meet the toxic people (not players, people), that brag about them escaping because I'm trash... okay, mate.. :D

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