Waiting at the exit gates
The most ridiculous one is the waiting on hatch to tbag. It's like yes, you're on death hook, your teammates are all dead, the gens aren't finished but you find the randomly appearing hatch first so you must have totally outplayed me. Definitely.
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There is tome challange for this. Your teammates needs to leave before you.
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Let's not pretend that's the reason for gate tbagging parties.
If anything, I consistently have trouble doing that challenge because my teammates won't bleeping leave. They always want to butt dance the killer and it turns into a matter of who gets hit out first.
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Yeah this is boring. I am just leaving to next game. The only reason i am waiting, i wanna be sure everyone are safe. If i see everyone are safe and can leave, i am just leaving.
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The downside is that not all killers CAN end it themselves (without disconnecting). If survivors are determined to make a game last indefinitely, they can stop at 4 gens and start messing with the overmatched killer. At least with EGC there’s a 2 min. time limit, during which survivors go to opposite gates, flashlight stun for the last survivor to go look for hatch, or otherwise needlessly prolong the trial.
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I asked you for the downside of pushing out Survivors waiting at the gate.
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'First world'???? NOOOOO! WE CAN'T HAVE THAT! Thank you for raising awareness of people with petty problems and complaints!
Lucky this is just general discussion at least.
Imagine all the egg on their face if they'd put this thread up in the war orphan or sex traffing solution subforums!
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Why do you think I made this thread in the first place lmao, I literally made an account here so when I'm being held hostage I can focus on other things like the daily dead hard threads.
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Morton's Fork. You're forced to wait, or you have to go over to the "hahah, screw you" exit party? Neither one is enjoyable or necessary.
Like... this is the fundamental issue. The choice is waste your time or be taunted. The fault is on the people waiting at the exit gate when they've won, not the Killer for not indulging them.
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EGC stops them from waiting forever. (Which some survivors did)
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This goes back to what I was saying about this being an ego issue.
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On the Survivors' end, maybe. Because winning isn't enough if you can't rub it in.
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No, on the Killer's end because they don't want to give the Survivors the satisfaction.
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Ok I get learning humility, but that doesn't work here, I don't do it to deny the players of their satisfaction so much as I do it to stop myself from getting angry. I am a very competitive person and I can get pretty invested in matches, so when I know I'm probably about to get bm'ed I just cut my losses and go afk in the basement to stop myself from becoming upset.
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The worst thing is when they just stand there for minutes, and when you finally go to chase them out, they don't even give you ONE free hit.
Why are you just standing there, fully healed, doing absolutely nothing?
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Or the Survivors could just leave, because this is a scenario that only exists because they won't.
It's [BAD WORD] ridiculous to shift the blame off the people responsible for this even being a choice.
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Your welcome smart a**
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If the Survivors choose to wait at the Exit Gate, what stops Killer from forcing them out except not wanting to give them the satisfaction?
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Hey, that's your decision to make.
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You're asking a leading question, but I'll bite. When it comes to being forced to choose between facing a group of people that are trying to humiliate you or just afking for 2 minutes, a lot of people choose to afk because nobody needs that kind of bile in their life, let alone the part of their life that involves escaping the stresses of life. I care more about my time than my dignity, so I chase survivors out every game. What bothers me is when survivors needlessly extend this humiliation ritual by going back into the trial to loop me some more, or to look for the hatch, or to hide in order to waste my time.
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And why should it be on the Killer to debase themselves for the Survivors' amusement?
You've got some seriously warped priorities if you think that it's wrong for people to complain about having two unpleasant choices because of players being jerks.
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"Bile" is nowhere near the word I would use to describe the act of waiting at the game. The game ends in two minutes, which is not a long time all things considered. If you force them out and they actually leave, the game ends sooner. It is that simple. I don't see why it's a matter of "dignity." You're not looking stupid by forcing them out, regardless of what the Survivors may think. Either you are pushing them out to end the game or you are doing something else. It isn't any more than that, really.
It's not a matter of "whose responsibility is it to end the game" because the game has a very hard cap to forcibly end things once the EGC has begun. If Survivors choose to leave, the game ends right away. If Survivors choose to wait at the gate, Killer can either force them out to end the game or not force them out, and the game keeps going until the EGC timer runs out. If you want the game to end sooner, you force them out. It's really not that deep. I don't see why forcing them out is considered "debasing" or "humiliating." I genuinely don't. You're no lesser of a person for it. It only takes a few seconds for you to do it, and you move on to the next game without having to pay them any more mind. If the Killer chooses to take the act of forcing them out personally, I see no reason to pin that on anyone but the Killer for taking it personally.
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"Bile" is nowhere near the word I would use to describe the act of waiting at the game. The game ends in two minutes, which is not a long time all things considered. If you force them out and they actually leave, the game ends sooner. It is that simple. I don't see why it's a matter of "dignity." You're not looking stupid by forcing them out, regardless of what the Survivors may think. Either you are pushing them out to end the game or you are doing something else. It isn't any more than that, really.
I'm not sure if you're intentionally gaslighting or not, but it comes off that way. I clearly described "facing people that are trying to humiliate you" as "bile." Most people would agree, but you try to spin it as, "just waiting at the gate." Right, just waiting at the gate. That's all they're doing. No malicious intent whatsoever. It's really on the killer for taking it personally.
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But it IS just waiting at the gate. Sure, they might also be teabagging or going clicky clicky, but fundamentally, they are just waiting at the gate. My point is that what they are doing is easily answered by just pushing them out yourself. It's not like teabagging at a pallet or rapid flash light clicking clicking while being chased where they can just keep doing it as long as you can't catch them. Force them to leave by going in to swing at them. Their intent doesn't make that an invalid option. This is why I say it's an ego problem. It's the logical option to take if you want the game to end right there, but for some reason that shouldn't be done because doing that means the bad guys win.
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I have a survivor side tale:
2 survivors left, both injured, and NOED is up.
One survivor stays at the freaking gate as I'm trying to get away from the killer. It's not like she can block the killer without going down herself, is too far into the gate anyways, etc...
Just leave so I can hope for the hatch!
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If everyone’s survived the match and nobody is injured I like to wait at the exit gates just so we can all leave together, 🤣
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Honestly, I always stop in the exit when not all Survivors have escaped. As soon as everyone is out who is still alive, I go right out.
But I remember the old days when survivors would give the killer the "free hit" as a sign of respect and to give the killer some extra points. Sometimes I do both together. I have never teabagged in the exit.
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Survivors just wants to "wave" the last "good bye" to a wonderfull killer who let them escape, they're cuties.
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