idea AGAINST toxic gameplay

Yesterday I played a few hours, and I don't know if it's because of the rank reset, or something else but I played against WAY too many toxic Cannibals. I didn't understand what's happening. I played 3 toxic Cannibal in a row, and even more before that. It's okay if it happens sometimes, but last night all in all I had 5-6 toxic Cannibals, and it was very mood ruining...

My idea would be for against toxic players, not just the killers, the survivors too, that we need to get an INGAME scoring list, where we can check ALL of the players scoring list, +reputation , -rep + reasons why they get that BEFORE the match starts. and not after the match is over. And it's not connected to their steam account.
Some toxicness is okay... but THIS is too much.
I just talked one of my friend who said she needs to take a break from the game because of all the toxicness, and I'm sure we are not the only ones who had same problems.
As I said, it's okay for me if I die first, or I played bad in that match etc, it's not why I'm suggesting this idea...


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    What's stopping SWFs to bombard every killer they meet, thus ######### up their reputation even if the killer himself is a pretty chill player?
    Disabling the post-game chat would cure a lot of toxicity that's in the game, as ######### people wouldn't be able to bombard other people with their garbage.

  • betti357
    betti357 Member Posts: 30

    @se05239 said:
    What's stopping SWFs to bombard every killer they meet, thus [BAD WORD] up their reputation even if the killer himself is a pretty chill player?
    Disabling the post-game chat would cure a lot of toxicity that's in the game, as ######### people wouldn't be able to bombard other people with their garbage.

    You are totally right, I'm sure lot of ######### player would bombard the killer's reputation, and even crying babies would do that if they die first. Well it seems we just had to live with trolls...
    Yeah that would help a little, to be able to disable post game chat... but I rarely got problems there, troll killers most of the time wrote 'ez noobs' and leave immediately.
    When I die last, or reach the exit, then I like to chat a few words with the killers, to laugh how I failed or something funny happened. OH well, it's just makes me sad how many trolls are in multiplayer games

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    What if someone plays toxic and isn’t in a SWF? A toxic playstyle shouldn’t be nerfed nor penalized in anyway. The whole point of the game is supposed to be gratuitious, that’s why there’s no VC. 
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I've been camped and farmed nearly every game today. So, I can understand where you're coming from, but toxic SWF who don't like the killer for whatever reason are gonna use that to harass the killer. It's 4 against 1 and bias grows in groups.

    I'd honestly like if they would create a personal stat for you where you could "+" or "-" players and it would show it on screen and inform you if the killer is a "+" or a "-" I dunno how hard something like that would be, though.

  • Crizpen
    Crizpen Member Posts: 129

    @fluffybunny said:
    I've been camped and farmed nearly every game today. So, I can understand where you're coming from, but toxic SWF who don't like the killer for whatever reason are gonna use that to harass the killer. It's 4 against 1 and bias grows in groups.

    I'd honestly like if they would create a personal stat for you where you could "+" or "-" players and it would show it on screen and inform you if the killer is a "+" or a "-" I dunno how hard something like that would be, though.

    There is a program out there, and I don't know if it's blacklisted or not, but I do know a lot of players use it: Make Lobbies Great Again. The way I understand it, if a killer or survivor is a jerk, you can mark them through MLGA. If you get in their lobby again, or them in yours, you can dodge it because you know it's someone you don't want to play against.

    Again, I don't know if it's okay to use or not; I've heard conflicting things. But, there should definitely be an option to turn off post-game chat. For survivors, they just wouldn't see it, for killers, it would be disabled entirely.