Latest stats for killer pick rates and kill rates and maps with highest and lowest kill rate
BHVR: *looks at Pig's kill rates* "LITTLE PIG, LITTLE PIG, LET ME IN!"
Pig: "Not by my full-Prestige skinny skin skin!"
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Only with a really, really good SWF though might they can overcome. The game expects too much from survivor side, whereas any killer can join and win as long as they have fair competition.
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He is not. If you wanna worst killers, let me list for you:
Trapper, Pig, Myers, Legion, Clown, Ghostface, Deathslinger, Trickster
Pinhead is stronger than this killers. This makes him highest C. Pinhead needs buffs? Yeah. But he should get buffs before this killers? Hell, no. Pinhead is not weak that.
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The game definitely expects too much from Solo Q, I'll surrender that, but against an SWF, many things can be much harder or downright irrelevant.
(I.e "The Killer has Rancor, don't pop the last gen yet")
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Theres a reason I hoard every Marys Letters I can find
I'm a fraud at Slinger, I just get ez 4ks becaus I cheese this map
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To be fair, when he first came out I just hid in a locker during chain hunt and I thought it went way because it had a timer. lmao I’m on console so no ptb, and didn’t watch gameplay just the voice lines. So I can see why lol
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Funny was that one of the highest kill rate killer is Twins. He mentioned that.
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Pinhead? No, not at all.
He's like Pig - his kit has a secondary objective which is deadly against very new players, massively inflating his kill rates. Any competent team that doesn't let you get many hunts off smashes him.
Pinhead is the epitome of 'if you're really, really good with this killer, he's somewhat okay'.
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Yeah Ik very stupid lmao
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What's really hairy is the implication, based on the Twins nerf, that they are now nerfing/not buffing killers that perform too well at low MMRs even if they are awful at high MMRs (Wraith, Cenobite. Pig) AND nerfing/not buffing killers that perform too well at high MMRs, even if their overall kill rates are terrible (Twins).
That means that killers are basically going to be screwed from two sides at once.
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I am not saying he should stay like what he is. But he is not on weakside. He is stronger than so much killers. Ofcourse Pinhead needs some love too. But there is so much killers weaker than him and unplayable. But what i would change about Pinhead for start?
- He will not break him own chains anymore.
- Survivors can not break chains so fast anymore. So Pinhead will not get punish because of used him power perfectly.
This would make him solid B or maybe higher i don't know. I would watch after changes. But anyway, we all know BHVR will look stats and then they will nerf him for high kill stats.
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Tbh I really doubt that the kill rate on cowshed being 50%. It feels more down like 30-35%.
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I'm now starting to really enjoy that Demogorgon isn't going to get any balance changes anytime soon. Wouldn't want my puppy to be treated like this
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Did BHVR release this? Where?
Also some of these seem weird. Nurse was 42% on the last data now she is 49%??
How in the world would Deathslinger go up 1% after his nerf?
It also seems like all the top killers down to Trapper dropped by 1% except Trapper increased by 1%.
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His low kill rate is probably due to the fact that he's arguably the worst killer on controller.
Just thinking about playing him gives me shivers.
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There is a lot of new killers playing being matched with experienced SWFs
I agree.
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He's worse than half those Killers. Please note that it doesn't mean those Killers are good.
I'd say the following:
Myers ~ Solely off of his add-ons. Myers has way way way better add-ons and those boost his power a lot.
Trapper ~ Bit of a weird pick. His add-ons are good and getting forced into a 3-gen versus a Trapper gives him both map pressure and great chase.
Pig ~ Totally dependent on RNG but she has guaranteed game delay with her Traps.
Deathslinger ~ His chase is still really good. He has no map pressure, which has always been his issue. Before his nerf, he had probably the 2nd or 3rd best chase in the game. Now? He's lower, but still good.
Trickster ~ He's just really unfun to play against and he certainly needs buffs (or a rework) but he's pretty middle of the road.
I do think that Cenobite is fairly comparable to Clown. His chase is worse than Clown's, but his 4v1 is better. Prior to Pinhead's add-ons getting shredded, I would've had him in C-tier.
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It's more about the box and not being on comms, the box will literally snowball a game. Soloq, 2 people go for box or no one goes for box, either way not efficient.
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First i need to ask. Are we talking for low or high mmr? Because all killers are God on low mmr.
Myers - Insta-down with m1 is good power, okey. He has good add-ons, okey. But first on high mmr, survivors will not give you power easyly. Second even you have power, survivors still can loop you. Myers is easyly one of the weakest killers. Pinhead is stronger than him.
Trapper - Yeah, survivors will not touch your traps, for sure. I don't know when i lost against Trapper last time. I am not even seeing this guy anymore.
Pig - RNG killer. If luck gods are with you, yes you can get value from your traps. And that's all. Pig is not even threat.
Deathslinger - Yeah i agree with you. He is still good at chases but 0 map pressure. And this makes him one of the bad killers. Pinhead is not great at loops but at least he has good slow-down. And Pinhead is 115% killer and this makes him much better than Slinger.
Trickster - This guy is like Slinger. Strong anti-loop, weak map pressure. He is not better than Pinhead.
Clown - This guy has good anti-loop but that's all he has. He can not make game slower, he has not map pressure or mobility. And he has easy counterplay. Drop pallet early and force him to break. So you can still destroy Clown at loops. While he is wasting time with you, other survivors are doing gen. gg wp.
Pinhead is not so much better than this killers but he is not weak like them. He has good second objective and weak anti-loop. But if i would start buff weak killers, Pinhead would not be on top of list, he had to wait.
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Can I just point out that despite clown being the 6th worst killer in the game THEY ARE NERFING HIM!
I am just flabbergasted at the sheer mental gymnastics needed to make NERFING ONE OF THE WORST KILLERS a reasonable idea.
Mind you I don't like playing as or against clown...
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Not everything revolves around high MMR. Especially since nobody knows their MMR.
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Sluzzy, To get to high MMR as killer or survivor you need to have high kill or escape rates. That's not much of an argument. However, I do feel that the kill rate should be much closer to 50 percent than it currently is on the whole.
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Console players have problems because of key bindings. Pallet drop, vault and removing chains is the same button.
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Welp. Looks balanced to me.
Yes the stats don't say everything but if the highest survival rate across all maps is 50% (a 2 person escape) then clearly the maps ain't all that bad for killers as people claim they are
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no surprise an easy killer is played the most
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Wow... I predicted that Artist would be next to Hag in kill-rate. I nailed it. Poor deathslinger, He lost like over 50% of his player-base/pick rate compare to last chart, also trending to being one of average lowest kill-rates.
I wish a chart for... high MMR was shown.
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Good thing we're nerfing Twins. Clearly their kill rate was too high. They're monsters. And clearly their just way too over picked. Look at that pick percentage! Inconceivable.
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It's because the stats they are sharing with us are only the overview.
Twins is getting nerfed because too high kill rate in high mmr.
Clown is getting nerfed because his good addons get used and he's killing a lot more with them than his other addons. Maybe he's performing too well in low mmr.
Like the devs seem to be looking for reasons to nerf killers rather than trying to balance them.
Fun fact, Deathslinger's kill rate is higher (53% vs 52%) than the last time they showed us stats. Although the last stats they showed us also didn't show us pick rate so no way to judge whether or not he's being picked more or less. I'm pretty sure my survivor MMR is fairly high just based on running into a few big streamers every once in a while and I haven't seen a Deathslinger in forever, I can only imagine most of his kills are coming from low mmr where you don't need to be good at using his power since you can just fake ADS which was the only thing really left untouched from his previous changes.
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Actually, you can change them to where it's not the same button.
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This probably very true. I'm on PC. He's my second most played killer and he can completely decimate teams if you're accurate. Straight up melts survivors unless they're camping a pallet with high walls. But I can't imagine playing him on an analog stick with that recoil. If I get 4 health states per reload I feel great and that's barely hitting 50% of his knives.
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I hate to break this obvious news to you, but that's a two-way street -- and indicative of SBMM not functioning properly and prioritizing queue times over "fair" matches.
Over 5 hours or so of killer tonight, and I had some sweaty SWF's -- but it seemed like I had more than a few "potato" survivors I went against. Survivors who didn't know not to run along the outside wall type of new, and survivors who shouldn't be in a lobby with me and the hours I have in the game (I'm no Otz, but I'm at least capable). The 4K's I'm getting -- and presumably other people get -- in matches like that -- "Experienced killer trounces 4 survivors who have less than 100 hours in the game combined" -- are the counterbalance to the "New killer gets trounced by the sweaty SWF". There's likely as much of one type of match as the other, evening those "stats" out.
Without the devs further elaborating, as always, people will pull what they want to hear from those stats, which are as usual, given without any context. I will say that the only consistent thing I saw tonight wasn't the quality of my opponents -- it was, as usual, immediate queues as killer from 4:30-5 PM to just about 30 minutes ago -- and that would have remained constant for at least another few hours if I hadn't stopped for the night.
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They did specify actually. These are global stats from all levels of MMR.
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Same thing as before since this stats are pretty much useless, buff nurse I guess since she has the lowest kill rate, bring back 7 blink nurse without needing to charge her blinks.
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Well that last statement makes no sense. You say killer is bad because in their best map, they get less than 3 kills (considered a win by MMR), but in their worst map, they get an average of 2 (a draw by MMR). If the devs were to follow that logic killers would be nerfed even more
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I see so many issues in this chart... pig, ghosty and legion being over 50%. I'm just going to assume these taken from soloQ and with new players. If these would be taken with SWFs and high mmr those numbers would look whole lot more horrible.
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Hes also not easy to use since bad killers that are easy to get value out of will have higher kill rates like the cenobyte, since against players who don't know what they're cenobyte can get a lot of free value without ever using his active ability. Same with pig.
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Lol at Twins pick rate, nothing else to be said... The 4 Twins mains can be proud of mastering the rarest killer in the game... The Twins would actually be better if they have better add-ons, it's one of the most interesting killers in the entire game but the current state of them is atrocious...
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I think it's cause he destroys solo queue. But kinda lame against swf
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Those are stats from ALL ACROSS THE BOARD, aka completely useless as indicator for more than general trends.
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These stats aren't really indicative of anything meaningful at all because of how drastic skill levels range from novice to pros in this game.
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Yeah if you're saying killer is "so much easier" I can already tell you don't know what you're talking about and have never played the role against any remotely competent survivors. That said, I'll attempt to address you in a legitimate manner.
First off, learning to play killer at top level currently has a considerably larger time commitment because individual survivors are just skins and there are really only a few general strategies depending on the killer (pre-drop against ranged killers, W gamer against 115s, play the info game against Nurse/Spirit), whereas every single killer has a unique power that takes time to master. Sure there are general skills that need learned and can translate from one killer to another and some killers are easier than others, but it can still take anywhere from hundreds to thousands of hours to properly master any one killer power depending on its difficulty and intricacies. You are not gonna tell me you can just pick up Blight and do perfect 180 lunges and scoot surfs and not have me laugh in your face.
Secondly, killers have FAR more to manage because of the nature of asymmetrical games. Every time you chase one guy, you have to worry about what the other three are doing. You have to find ways to get as many people off gens as possible because there is no way you can win off 1v1 alone even as the best killers in the game; high level Nurses still have to slug and tunnel to secure kills in tournaments because of that reason. Your goal should be to have at least 2 people off gens virtually the entire game, whether that be off of hooking and gen pressure or off either slugging or tunneling to remove someone from the equation entirely.
Lastly, I'd argue this statistic hides how much the survivors can have in their favor because it's all ranks rather than people who've hit the soft-cap, and because survivors often die due to altruism late-game when they could just 3 man out the killer and end in a win. I can't count the amount of completely lost games I've pulled back purely because people thought they had a little too much leeway and/or got too cocky when they could've just let me get my one kill and left. Easily a quarter of my games are won because they spent more time clicking me than slamming the last 2 gens, and that's not even mentioning the amount of wins I still get because of getting players far below my skill level because MMR is struggling to do its job properly.
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But the stats pin it pretty close to 50%. And pushing it there would require more killer nerfs/survivor buffs, which I don't think these forums want.
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To be honest...I play Pinhead a lot. Like...a lot. He was a gift from a dear friend who knew about my obsession with Hellraiser.
Yes, he is weak in the chase and yes, he destroys SoloQ survivors. However mostly because they just refuse to go after the box. He also destroys new and low-rank survivors who refuse to go after the box even more because they do even more stupid things like "solving the box right next to Pinhead".
However for me he does not need a buff. Not that I would not take one.
Not breaking your own chains would be pretty sweet already. However I would not say that chains should take longer to break per se. Long range chains: Yes, perfect to reward my long range curved chain. Short range, no, I do not need this.
Mastering them AND making them a beast at high MMR!
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Wonder why BHVR decided to omit data for pick and kill rates at high MMR? They always used to separate overall and red rank stats.
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You can but it shouldn't need to be done. Console players have plenty of buttons free that could've been used to remove the chains.
It's bad game design when your forced to change the default game controls immediately.
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Bubbies nerfs on the horizon at long last
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I was referencing these two charts as the one that was given previously was very incomplete. Don't bother blight because he was new killer when this was shown. notice how plague and demogorgon are more popular and higher in kill charts and notice how freddy, spirit and deathslinger all have mostly halved pick-rate and much lower killrate from their negative changes. Wraith got some positive changes and he get played more.
at least one thing is true, buffs = increase killer pick rate, nerfs=decrease pick rate.
That is why I wished there was high MMR to compare to Old red rank chart
Kill-rate just feel very meaningless for all rank section, like what are we suppose learn from this chart? that new player nurses and trickster lose a lot and that new survivors struggle vs pinhead & freddy the most? pointless information.
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Honestly those new stats look much more balanced than the old ones i saw. We have some outliers but in general it looks fine. Of course those are not detailled enough, as they already said Twins are a good pick in high tier and tournaments etc as they are very strong in the right hands. I think the same goes for Trickster, if you play him territorial then he's not that weak. Pig on the other side is carried by add ons a lot.
The only problem i have is that this is mostly because of the "powercreep" (Killers get a lot of buffs, then they introduce boons to balance high kill rates, now they introduced new Scourge hook and deadlock to counter this again) which is going on in this game since some time
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This honestly shows us nothing - which is so disappointing to receive when considered.
It is just a collation of stats, with no regard for Low/Mid/High MMR, where different killers and playstyles are optimal. Not only this - but there is only ONE killer that shows a real issue which is Twins. Nurse, Huntress, Wraith and Doctor are filtered lower due to the high playrate that they receive - giving them generally more of a chance to fluctuate due to an inconsistency in player skill.
Then you have a decent killer like Cenobite, who has the SECOND lowest play-rate, but because he doesn't have glaring issues, his playerbase is mainly players that invest time into the killer - thus propping him up in his killrate. The only thing that I would say is that this shows he's not an entry-friendly killer, and that he is often than not played by people that are already confident in him. Hag and Freddy both follow this pattern too..
Then you have the kill-inflated killers like Bubba, Artist, Myers, and Trapper - who have high play-rates and kill-rates because of how 'easy' it is to secure killers?