2 Weeks without DbD

I had not fun on DbD and probably i am not alone here. I can not be only one who have not fun for long time right?
After MMR all games were sweat simulator. Anyway i finally give up. I did not leave DbD forever but i wanted give break. And i tried other games. Mathieu Cote was right, there is so much better games.
I never played Fallout before, so i started play this series. I had great time with Fallout 3 & NV. And i finished A Way Out with my friend, it was also great game. Did i miss DbD after 2 weeks? No, not a even little. Now i am going to start Civ 6, i never played this game before either. I hope i can have fun. I already have this game. Thanks to Epic Games for gift.
Aside from the main topic, if you played Fallout 3 have you played the dlc "Point Lookout"? That's a great dlc to play.
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I hope you mean Civ 5. Civ 6 is more like a Spreadsheet than a game.
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Yep I’ve been gone a couple of months and am enjoying other games much more. AC Valhalla and B4B are my go to games atm. Dbd is just stale right now
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Yes, i finished F3 100%. Great game and great dlcs. But i liked NV more.
Well 6 is last version of this series right? And i have this version on Epic, they gave gift a year ago and i did not play before. So i am clueless about this series.
I am AC fan and i played all AC games. I disliked Valhalla because i bored. It was not interesting like Origins and Odyssey and they all had same gameplay mechanics. I hope next game comes with different mechanics, i think i am done for ancient AC series.
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Yeah Valhalla has its flaws but it’s my first ancient AC game so I can ignore the issues
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Valhalla is good start for AC games if you ignore lore and future storyline.
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I've been trying to play more games as well recently. The four main games I've really gotton into are Security Breach(besides all the bugs I personally think it's still a fun game and, if there's one thing DBD has taught me is to how to expect and deal with bugs) Little Nightmares 2, Borderlands 3 and I was lucky enough to get a VHS key so, having quite a bit of fun with that.
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Lucky you man, i still have nothing. I hope i can try VHS soon too.
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I mean, it is quite fun but boy is it a absolute nightmare to go against a actual good team of teens. If people think matches of DBD can be sweaty, wait until you play some matches in VHS as a monster vs good teen players, it WILL be swamp ass time.
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The streamers i watched had good time and they won most of games (as monster). How many times you played? Maybe you need pratice because you know VHS has different mechanics. But hopefully VHS won't be sweat fest, i just wanna chill games.
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Oh I've played for about, I believe, 10-20 hours. I do mange to kill all four teens 8 or 9 out of 10 games but, you will run into those occasional sweat matches and, it's not fun at all. Thankfully, I love playing WART(the dinosaur basically) so he can at least tank some damage being dished to him.
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I haven't played for about a week, bit more. Performance issues already were making it rough to play but now I'm just not having any fun since SBMM.
For multi-player I've been playing For Honor and Among Us.
For solo games I just finished AC Odyssey and started up Valhalla. I just got to England and pledged to my first region so not that far in. I'm on the fence right now with how I feel about it. For AC games I've only played Origins, Odyssey and now Valhalla. Origins I loved so now compare everything to it. My biggest complaint in Valhalla right now is the bird - it doesn't feel as smooth as it did in the previous games or as useful which is a bummer.
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I’m in the same boat, quit about two and a half weeks back, been loving rocket league, hades and ring of pain since.
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If you loved series, you should old games too. If you don't wanna play all games, you should play AC 4, it is best AC game ever.
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I was gifted the Ezio collection at same time I got Odyssey. I had started first game in the Ezio collection but like 45 minutes into playing had a bug where I couldn't finish a main mission so I stopped playing and decided I'd go back to it another time.
I mostly enjoy the stealth killing everyone. In Origins I had my Predator bow always having poison arrows - I loved killing one guy in a camp with it then sitting back and watching the entire camp slowly die to that one poison arrow. In Odyssey I loved using combo of my bird attacking people outside and my ghost arrows killing people inside. So far Valhalla seems less about stealth and more about the crew loudly raiding. 😂
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Odyssey has great skills. You can play with 3 ways. I loved Assasins skills more.
And yes, this is why i found Valhalla so boring. You are Viking and you are going everywhere with your men. Story was not interesting too. So i stopped play after 30 hours. And i was not even close to finish it.
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Civ 6 is great. I got it around November and somehow sunk 40hours into it that month without noticing.
Disco Elysium is also great. There’s Hotline Miami too. That’s much shorter, but it can be frustratingly hard.