General Discussions

General Discussions

Endgame Collapse

Member Posts: 1
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

As we all know, end game collapse is a mechanic that sets a timer when gate is opened or hatch is closed making both survivors and killers make tough decisions during 2 minute countdown to sudden death. Currently abused by survivors by opening gates to 99% of progress - which makes it harder for killer to secure kills. Survivors have enough time to heal themselves, go for a save and escape while killer is left with no kills.

No kills = No mmr rating progress

Why on the latest QnA devs told us that it works great? It surely does, for a beginners who havent come to thought of leaving the gate at "almost open", or the situation where there is only 2 or 1 survivor left. Simple perk or some sort of change to gates like regression for example would make a difference.

Maybe some sort of Hex that activates when all gens are done (Hex:Ruin but for gates(?))

Quote "End Game Collapse works great! (...) we have no further plans to change it."

- Patrick Harris - Lead Game Designer

I hope that this quote is about a fact that there is little to no bugs i can recall that are linked to End game collapse...

Latest QnA gave as an unsatifying answer, but acting like it is not a problem just doesnt feel right.

Would single perk make a difference? Or make a change to gates since it would require a perk slot?

I'd like to hear what the rest of the community has to say about this, so i invite you all for a discussion.


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  • Member Posts: 5,047

    Also because killers could body block survivors and they couldn’t leave it for or anything

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Who on earth would run that perk? The egc is fine the way it is

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    Cause killers would cry a river and several things had to be reworked.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Will you guys at least reexamine perks like No One Left Behind whose conditions hinge on the gates being open to fit the new idea that the endgame begins when the gens are done, not the gates? Because currently it's unusable and does not fit the model of how games are played out.

    Agree about allowing killers to open the door after a set amount of time. It's a little riskier, but there's nothing stopping survivors from still doing this, and I've encountered it a few times both as survivor and as killer; they just 99 the last gens as their cutoff point and then bully until they're out of resources. It'd also help in situations where there's two survivors left and they're hardcore hiding.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Obviously......They said its not meant for killers to get kills its meant to end the game and my response was so why not end the game?

  • Member Posts: 887

    OP, if you are in that situation, you have already done a lot wrong in the match or were simply outplayed. You let them complete all 5 gens and you let them 99 the gate. You can open the gate yourself, if you don't like that it is 99'd, but it is my guess that it would not change the outcome much.

    There was a time when the EGC did not even exist. It was added to prevent people taking the game hostage indefinitely, not to make it easier to get kills.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    EGC does end the game, after four minutes maximum. It doesn't guarantee extra kills, but can lead to them.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I'm fine with EGC. I'd like to see Gates have checkpoints (25,50,75) that will regress progress to a checkpoint if abandoned but that's my only beef.

    That change would actually make Wake Up more viable I think

  • Applicant Posts: 279

    I think those would be some justified tears, Egc is where I have all my fun, rancor + no way out is quite a beautiful thing when it works out.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Do you want the game to end when the gens are done?

    Mandy's words are "it's not meant to give killers kills." Killers are sure as hell allowed to get kills, the EGC just doesn't gift kills to them.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    As a noed main I'd hate to see the game end once all gens are done

    Unless....unless noed now procs when theres 1 gen left 😳

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    It’s meant to end the game when it’s at a stalemate at the end.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    You say EGC isn't meant to give killers kills, so why does the timer slow down to help survivors get escapes?

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    1. That's not a justification so much as just pointing out the facts. The game is over when all the survivors are either dead or have escaped.

    2. Do you really want the game to just end at the 5th gen? No last dash for saves or anything, just suddenly a results screen because your teammate finished a gen while you were in the middle of a different play? I know I wouldn't enjoy that. I love the mad rush to get past the killer and out the doors, and I'd miss it

  • Member Posts: 157

    I have no problems with the 99ing of the gates..

    Some of us Killers start to slug after the last gen is done to make sure no one escapes..

    Survivors do the 99 stuff to make sure everyone gets out..

    It's totally fair imho

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    No, I dont. But I also did not say that I want it to be the case. Dont really know how you get the idea.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    They would shift the balance updates. It would be nothing but survivor nerfs and killer buffs patch after patch. The kill rates are basically above 2k average mostly because of altruistic survivors during end game. I think the game would be a lot more fun if the game did end when gens were complete just because killers would get so jacked to compensate.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    The EGC begins when The Killer or any Survivor opens the gate, not a second sooner. The EGC has a particular purpose; it perfectly achieves that goal, thus requiring no change. Some killer players want everything to benefit or become a tool for The Killer; EGC will never be that.

    @Emeal tensions are high and the Survivors are pushed up as soon as the EGC begins, not any sooner.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Perfect is a strong word when hackers literally prevent the game from ending because egc doesn't work.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Hackers circumventing a game mechanic is an issue but not an issue with the design goals and accomplishments of the mechanic. EGC perfectly fulfills the dev's stated goals has nothing to do with hackers.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    I really wish no one left behind was changed to all 5 gens getting completed. It would become really useful

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    Imagine nerfing NOLB more than you buff it. Now imagine the DbD devs.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    You typed

    "Killer players are justifying NOED with "When all Gens are done the game is not over"do you really think they want to let the game end with all Gens done?"

    Other than being nonsense us vs them rhetoric, it's clear you are trying to claim that killer mains just want the game to run longer so they can get more kills.

    So I asked if you were really interested in making the game shorter, because either you are actually for the game ending at 5 gens, or you were just looking for some way to turn another conversation about game mechanics into an "us vs them" thing, as seems to be your standard.

    Now I have my answer, thank you and have a good weekend.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    EGC is far from perfect. It can be completely circumvented by survivors choosing to 99% the exit gates. The only counter is for a killer to do the survivor's job for them and allow them free escapes. Not to mention the killer has to go out of their way to open the gates.

    It's also hypocritical to pretend EGC is neutral and say it isn't meant to help the killer get kills when it has built-in mechanics like slowing the timer down when a survivor is downed or hooked to give survivors more time to help others escape.

    If BHVR wanted EGC to be truly neutral it would start as soon as the last gen popped and the timer would be constant regardless of survivor health states.

  • Member Posts: 1,933
    edited January 2022

    Well, for example I do. I don't mind noed and wouldn't care if it was left the way it is. I wish they would nerf the stack up slowdown meta, talking about killer-side nerfs. Longer games are ok if it's because of interaction, not because the killer just regresses a gen 5 times

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    That is, I would say, 100% accurate. Altruistic plays bump up the kill rates and obscure the actual implications of the kill rate data. I think that's one of the reasons I find the dev's balance decisions so confusing at times.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Your premise is wrong because 99ing the exit gate is part of the game, that's not a circumvention mechanic, just like 99ing a Survivor with Stalk or a generator is part of the game. Circumventing means bypassing, not merely avoiding its initiation. The EGC begins when it is supposed to start, not a second sooner. There is no way around the EGC. Nothing you say changes that fact.

    Slowing the timer has several purposes; you should look at what the devs have stated about it rather than inventing your understanding and then attempting to imply your view is controlling. Again EGC has one purpose, and it accomplishes the stated goals. It will never be a killer tool, as much as you want it to be.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    The devs have said the timer slows down specifically to give survivors more time to make interesting plays and escape.

    And yes, 99% the gates so you can avoid 100% of the pressure from EGC is circumventing it. The only way for it to be fair is for it to start immediately and apply pressure to both sides equally.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    It also gives the killer a lot of opportunities because sometimes survivors misread the timer and end up staying behind to be altruistic and ultimately die. The 100% pressure begins when the collapse starts, survivors can avoid initiating it but then the killer can start it. Your point still fails. If it did immediately start at the conclusion of the 5th generator, it would need to be longer and the killer would lose the ability to view both exit gate control panel auras in perpetuity. However, again, the collapse has a very specific and narrow purpose and it accomplishes that goal. You keep inventing and coming up with different scenarios that have nothing to do with the collapse which begins at the exact time it's supposed to begin, when either side initiates it.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    Inventing scenarios? What are you talking about? No one said EGC couldn't be adjusted if changed.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I'm not trying to sound trolly, or negative in any way, I love this game, I play killer alot, but I started with survivor and I know theres nothing more horribly annoying than a killer that wipes the whole group in the shortest amount of time, as a killer who started off as a survivor, I try hard not to be that killer so I'll hook everyone once, then help everyone with gens, or I'll kill 2 and help the last 2 who outran me escape, but that's not why I'm typing this. The reason I am commenting now is this...........

    "As we all know, end game collapse is a......."

    I am calling straight up bullshit on this. As amazing as this game (and repetitive) it is, I still have alot of love and great care for it, but you guys tutorial needs to change.........ALOT. Ima tell you guys right now, if WE ALL KNEW, then I wouldn't have to google the answers to what status effects are, I see that you guys have finally began to add it to the add-ons which is an amazing step in the right direction, but tutorial is still horrendous and theres nothing pointing out that status effects can be read there. Hey! I know, how about instead of changing the game all around with the things you change to appease the whinning children who have no real skill at the game because they keep disconnecting, that you actually change something in your game that needs to be given some hard tough love because its just horrible?

    Again, I'm not trying to troll here, and I hope the devs take all of this with a grain of salt, and yes I agree I may still have some salty feelings about that on me own, because no one should be thrown blind, deaf, and dumb about the games mechanics, so I apologize if any of this comes off to harsh or in a negative light. ALSO one more thing guys. The 2 min ban being the most minimal to disconnects wouldn't disway a crack her at a crack house, can we change that please? 1 hour would make people less likely to disconnect because they think they are to good to recieve their first hook after a 15 min loop (I pulled 15 mins out of thin air, its a really big stretch but its making my point XD) work smart guys not hard, use common sense please XD

    Thank you all for reading and listening to my rant, you are all amazing and have a great day ♥

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    EGC and 99ing gates are fine. Not to give offense to the original poster, but we hear the word "abuse" strung to every other thing currently, and this one is definitely not a matter of abusing the game.

  • Member Posts: 710

    Holy necro.

    If you have a suggestion, post it in the appropriate forum. Resurrecting a 7 month old thread in the wrong forum ain't it, chief.

  • Member Posts: 288

    There is no problem with end game collapse. If you haven't gotten your kills at that point, and can only squeeze out maybe one more, you got outplayed.

    I hate on survivor players a lot I'll admit

    But lately my killer brothers are really disappointing me with some of the crying.

    EGC is almost PURELY there FOR the killer, because prior the survivors could take the match hostage. Not to mention as I said, you didn't gets your kills before the gens popped, then you lost. Hard stop. If you get to keep killing after the gens popped, then whats the point of them doing gens to start with?

  • Member Posts: 173

    egc is not really bad, but it’s just the fact that killer is forced to camp the hook until the person dies or go to the 99 gate to forced egc while the person is being unhooked and running to the other 99d gate. There is only one killer they can’t open gates and chase survivors at the same time. Meanwhile survivor can just leave instantly whenever they want if they 99 the gate

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