It’s kindergarten on here

Dead by daylight is a game that’s rated m for mature: 18+. I imagine a lot of people on here are adults. A good amount of you guys & gals are acting like you’re in middle school. Grow up. It’s just a game, arguing like children doesn’t accomplish anything. It annoys the hell of out the devs, & mods. It’s just a game. It is too much to ask for to enjoy dead by daylight ??
Imagine enjoying Dead by Daylight, lol
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M is 17+ tho.
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I’m 21 and I usually act like I’m 69.
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you get the point, you act like an adult playing rated m games
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A very rare thing. I do enjoy playing
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No one cares about the Rating of the game. Why do ya think COD is full of younger kids?
Also asking the DBD community to not be a cesspool is a tall order lol
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I imagine most people here are adults on the forums, who are the complaint about everything.
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But I specifically play games to not act like an adult, argue, and ######### talk.
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repost Nothing here.
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Lol i remember games before there were rating still wont change peoples mentality
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A am 2 years old.
I have been playing dead by sunrise before i even existed.
Post edited by Tr1nity on1 -
BHVR thinks we’re less mature than the Super Smash Brothers community, and it is our job to prove them right.
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tf are you doing here then
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Is it too much to ask to enjoy DbD? Yes. The game has a plethora of problems, and people have every right to complain about them. That said, some people do tend to do it in an immature way. Others do it just to irritate other people. For some reason they find that entertaining.
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Have you seen the DBD LFG on xbox? Full of kids and grown men looking for kids lol
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Well you should show me respect because I always act like I'm 96, therefore, I am your senior.
Edit: I just realized that 96 totally doesn't work and I'm bad at jokes.
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It certainly is if you're playing on Badham 🥁🥁(insert cymbal here)
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I am actually in the third grade, at the moment, however, I hope one day I will be more mature as those big middle schoolers are. I would refrain from calling me a kindergartener. That is very rude and not very mature, sir.
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I remember 7th grades being like...Felix lol. Crazy how perspective changes.
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GTA is almost rated M but kids have been playing that for over a decade. Game rating mean nothing lol
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I think the average age of dbd players is actually younger than most people think
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Maybe this is why BHVR doesnt want voice chat; it wouldshatter the illusion that this game is played by dinosaurs
I remember Friday having a ton of children.
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Poo poo gaagagagagaga
*Throws rattle*
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Unfortunately you’re right
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With how the egos and mentalities both the devs and a good chunk of the player base are now for the most part, I think you would have a better time winning the lottery than BHVR fixing those issues.