Frozen zombies. New hack?

Noticed this in a match earlier playing Nemesis. All of the zombies were at trees not walking anywhere during the entire match. When one of the survivors left the gate during EGC zombie started walking. Coincidence or hack?
Not a hack. Zombie AI is just that bad.
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Yeah, for me Midwich is worst one. They always get stuck behind those tilted lockers you can hide behind.
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This happens to me constantly on Swamp and Red Forest. The zombies don't have the sense god gave a Roomba.
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My Roomba's old and gets caught for hours bumping back and forth on the seam between the hallway and the bathroom.
...Seems like they borrowed his AI for the zombies.
So no, not a hack, but a feature. You've just gotta put 'em down when they get stuck.
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Zombie AI is really bad. To be fair it is also probably really hard when you combine how spaghetti DBD's code already is + limitations of old consoles. If you imagine each potential point a model can stand on the map as a set of coordinates, let's just say x and y to make it easy. The zombie AI needs to determine the zombies own location on the graph (x1,y1). Determine a detected survivors position on the graph (x2,y2) and then determine a path to take to travel from x1,y1 -> x2,y2. If it's a straight line it can be really easy right but when we layer in geometry it suddenly gets really really difficult. If a zombie incorrectly paths and gets trapped/stuck do you have it recalculate a new path to navigate out? How often should it be checking to see if its stuck? We already saw with the release of nemesis the performance tank really bad so I doubt BHVR is interested in AI/improving the zombie AI after the nemesis experiment. They can probably improve it, but the 'easy' fix is probably pretty taxing to older systems.
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Honestly, if they don't, they should just use a navigation mesh. It's so much cleaner than a pathfinding script.
It becomes less 'can I walk here?' and 'am I stuck?' because the behavior script can focus on finding people while the navigation mesh tells the AI where it can and cannot go. Less checks needed.