How would old freddy perform NOW with all the perks we have now?

how do you think old freddy would perform in today's meta? with all the perks we have now and the different play styles and such, could old freddy do something at all in this day and age or really not much at all compared to before?
Og fred?
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I am glad you asked!
I presume your question targets a scenario where he remained completely unchanged, so: no much-needed QoL improvements and no stupid reworks.
In that specific scenario, I would say he would most likely be a bit higher up on the Tier List.
Self-Care, which most people considered to be his biggest weakness, is no longer in the meta. The Dream World slowdown could directly impact COH, which is the biggest addition to the meta since his rework happened.
DS is weaker now, so are Toolboxes, BT (which hardly affected him anyway) and Exhaustion.
While some of his weaknesses would have remained, namely being unable to interact with Survivors during the Transition and lack of mobility, others would be long gone by now.
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He'd be weaker now.
Holding W and making distance were some of his biggest issues with Dream Transition.
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Wish I could have seen this Freddy. Freddy has only ever been a sweaty tryhard killer or a snoozefest of a killer who just puts me to sleep.
I personally am not invested in the IP, but I really feel for anybody who does.
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My friend, you know I really respect you and your work, but I must request that you leave Old Freddy matters to me.
You have done your Optimization job masterfully.
Please let me do mine.
You would have loved him, I promise you that.
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i think he'd perform exactly the same, to a t
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The problem with CoH and Freddy is that it's the same problem as Self Care being so strong against him, except now the healing speeds are doubled. If old Freddy went against CoH, Freddy's slowdown wouldn't counter the healing speed; the healing speed would counter Freddy's slowdown.
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No old freddy was not about chasing people but catching them by surprise. That mean i put you in dream world during the transition i follow you so close that the second you enter the dream world i hit you then old freddy immediatly drop the chase see where you are because of his aura reading when your outside his terror radius then catch you off guard when you less expect it.
Personally i played old freddy so much that i could start my swing before you enter the dream world and the second you were in you got injure.
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Since Furtive Chase is getting a small buff and old Frederick's aura reading was based on how small your terror radius was, it might have good synergy on Freddy for omega passive aura reading with his power.
Maybe Pain Resonance for a super slow healing build.
No Way Out + Remember Me (also getting buffed) for a super slow exit gate build, since endgame Freddy was pretty popular at the time.
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Don't forget adrenaline, god I hated that perk
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Oh...yeah, Adrenaline.
It is actually my favorite Survivor perk, but I never understood why it waked you up. It made sense from a...''name" perspective, but still...
If Freddy had stayed as his very first original self, then it would have been okay, but having it after his first nerf was just unnecessary.
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yes it was OF freddy without any QoL.
I think so too, with all the new perks there is now I don't think he'd be THAT terrible now, especially with the new changes we had from the time
I think undying lullaby would be amazing on him today, you'd equip sleep range add-ons and simply go away trying to hunt other survivors and eventually catch one with a low TR with monitor and do regular chases
you'll see survivors trying so hard to clease your totem at 50% speed and more if you have thanatophobia, they can't, imagine with thrill, honestly in todays meta I am sure he would be way better than he once was, also I adored paint brush back then, with monitor you were a 0 TR 110% killer haha, constant wall hacks, good times.
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"also I adored paint brush back then, with monitor you were a 0 TR 110% killer haha, constant wall hacks, good times."
My favorite build of all time, actually.
Good times indeed.
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we miss them :(
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That we really, REALLY do.
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I haven't played much of new Freddy, since I played so much of OG Freddy, remembering how he played in the past, and the different varieties of builds you could make (Slowdown Freddy, Wallhack Freddy, End-Game Freddy, Brute Force Freddy, etc.), he was one of if not the most interesting and unique Killer pre-Pyramid Head. His power actually fit with the character.
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Ily <3
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I wish we could have the option to play old freddy, it's a complete rework so the design code is still somewhere in their data/files, they could give us the option to play old freddy when clicking his power icon in the menu, it would cost them nothing, but they won't do it and use the argument but the new players are used to the freddy we have no so they will constantly be confused on which power freddy is using and it would be a bad experience and bla bla bla bla, ######### new players...
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Worry not, mate. No cause is lost, if there is one fool left to fight for it.
Thankfully, I am that fool.
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stay strong crazy fool
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Hehe, that I will.
I will either get my precious killer back, or die trying.
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wanna survive together?
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Oh, for sure.
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how can I message you privately?
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My crusade is no secret mate, Ya can say it here.
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okay what's your discord?