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How are you not bored of this game?

Member Posts: 92

Play survivor: Blights tunneling 3 out of 4 matches

Play killer: Map offerings, flashlights, stretched res cheaters

Dbd needs a new mode ASAP before sweaty nolifers decimate all the playerbase

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  • Member Posts: 11,534
    edited January 2022

    How would a new game mode stop sweaty players? They’ll play both modes more than likely

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Well 1 it would freshen things up a lot and 2 sweaty players aren't really the problem, it's that the meta has been insanely stale for years, with the only change being DS is no longer a complete staple and has been semi replaced by CoH. The overall hold w gaemplay for survivors and camping and tunneling for killers has sucked a lot of the fun out of the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    A few reasons:

    I randomize my build every single game. It's amazing how useful some perks are that are often overlooked because of people using the same, predictable builds.

    I go into a game with the aim of improving a specific area of my game. Some games I aim for an escape or 4k; some I aim to get better at chases or being chased. The variety of goals, so long as I still work with other players (if I'm a survivor), keeps things fresh.

    I play sometimes in character of the survivor or killer. For example, I look at the description (e.g.: nervous leader for Dwight) and act as I think I would with that character.

    Each trial is a mini-slasher movie, which means it tells a separate story.

    Finally, I only message positively if I instigate a conversation. It's brilliant how many respond positively back! If I get salt, I try to make them laugh or respond in character, but always with humour.

  • Member Posts: 5,564


  • Member Posts: 11,534

    And how would a new mode fix these issues? Every mode will have a meta people will use

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Notice how I said STALE meaning it's been around for so long it's old and boring. "Metas" are obviously gonna be a thing no matter what kind of mode they could come up with but it'd be new and different, the same damn game mode with so few changes over the past couple years means that people have way more time to optimize and figure out what the most effective thing to do is with the least amount of effort put in.

  • Member Posts: 465

    I am I just have nothing else to play

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    How much could a new mode even change the meta though? I can only think of it going 2 ways

    1. The meta is the exact same because the mode is similar in concept
    2. The new mode doesn’t account for perk design so niche perks become overwhelmingly strong
  • Member Posts: 3,387

    There is a lot of variety to playing killer and making interesting builds is far more enjoyable than picking the same perks on everyone.

    Map offerings: Only Haddonfield really bothers me. Hopefully a rework might be imminent?

    Flashlights: Lightborn or Franklin's if there is more than one flashlight. Facing walls if there is only one. Flashlight users don't genrush.

    Stretched Res: Well I don't know how often I face stretched res but probably avoid playing Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Easy you can make a mode that doesn't have gens or perks, addons or items. Think like a prophunt mode, not saying they should do that just an example.

  • Member Posts: 92

    A new mode wont fix issues but make this game more fun and add some diversity.

    Y'all need to realize this game will never be balanced it's a 4 vs 1

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Elodie and Blight

  • Member Posts: 92

    Why all this pessimism?

    We don't know how fun things could be if we never try to change them

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited January 2022

    Play a match is like lottery.

    You seek for a good match (that 9-10 hooks / 2 kills, no tunnel/camping, no toxic, tense and close to the last moment thats fun as both sides) in a hundred of matches you play.

    Yes, you play in hope to get a match like that, which bring you satisfied, not the game itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    I am. I've been playing apex. Bit rough since I'm playing on the switch but it runs a LOT better then dbd.

  • Member Posts: 1,451

    I took the night off dbd last night to play the new Master Duel game.

    Might fix a few gens tonight though.

  • Member Posts: 454

    I take a long break when I get bored of it.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i am, i play like 2-3 games per week at this point

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    The game just isn't fun.

    I hated seeing 2 Boons immediately as Killer. It's way way way way way too stressful to play Killer for the meager reward of getting toxicity spewed at you.

    Likewise, queue times are way way way way way too high for Survivor for me to actually enjoy getting tunneled out of a match in a quarter of the time it took to find it.

  • Member Posts: 472

    I'll just comment because my user name says it all.

  • Member Posts: 1,021

    The new Yu-Gi-Oh game (Master Duel) came out this week, it should offer some fine diversion from the monotomy of DbD. The soundtrack is also pretty damn sweet.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I don't get bored of the game because I play it in moderation and I don't go in pinning all of my fun on whether I win or not. For the few games I'll play before doing something else, my goal is to either improve my skill at a given killer (or recently, at survivor in general- if you're burned out on killer then playing a few rounds of survivor could be fun, I recommend doing adept challenges as a training tool, it's been working for me) or to try and make a specific build work, or learning more about the map I've loaded in on and how it interacts with my power...

    Not to say I never get frustrated, but crucially, when I do I stop for a bit.

    No game is going to keep your interest forever. If you're bored with it, do something else for a bit. You don't have to be married to only ever playing Dead By Daylight, it's not a betrayal to look at your library and go "eh I'd rather do [x] today".

  • Member Posts: 556

    I don't know if I'm bored is the right word, but I've been kind of lazy and frustrated playing for what kind of like:

    The game is very different from when I bought it, nowadays many maps at night are daytime, which takes away the sinister atmosphere that I liked, making generators is becoming a bore, and with the hatch nerf (don't get me wrong, I I know I needed to) it turns out that the only escape option is through the exit gates and nothing different can happen, and playing killer I always end up falling with SWF thanks to a ridiculous mmr and because I don't have the mori anymore, I need to hook and take the risk of suffer body blocl, the game is boring on both sides of the game

    Not to mention that the devs only make ridiculous adjustments to the game, they don't balance the perks decently or the killer ones, and create unnecessary things, like the boon totems for example, it gives the impression that they don't like to play their game, otherwise they would know clearly how to arrange things the right way

  • Applicant Posts: 343

    I'm not bored because I don't play everyday and I play other games.

  • Member Posts: 472

    I am not sure.

    This is the first game I've actually spent time learning about: lore, perks, playstyle and watched videos and tutorials about it.

    I'd never done it about any other game before.

    I must clarify I am pretty useless and that's why I don't play many games.

    Shooter? Not killing nobody with my "aim".

    This week I found out how long I've spent inside the game and it's embarrassing to say out loud because I still go down within seconds and run into dead areas (yeah, not good under pressure either, I guess I like as if it was real life lol).

    I enjoy the fact that other people affect how the match is going to go: they can make it miserable or super fun. I expect the miserable outcome, but always hope for that small Ray of light when it turns out super fun.

    So that's my why if that makes any sense.

  • Member Posts: 1,442
    edited January 2022

    I agree the game gets old and boring after thousands of hours but because the devs don't have the courage to change the core mechanics. For example, there is nothing more boring than holding M1 on a generator and for some reason the devs don't change it to something more fun and dynamic.

    A treasure hunt would be more fun, having to find parts around the map to fix gens, more chances to meet the killer in the process. I would be 10 times better, but they retain to the old boring mechanic they started with.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Well it's simple. I am. I'm just playing the game so I have an asymm to play while I wait for VHS to hit early access.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I play to break ankles and have good chases. If I can just get one good chase that last for a whole gen completion time (or two) then I'm good. It's part of the reason I'm so anti-camp and anti-tunnel. Both of those things ruin what I play the game for whether it's happening to me or someone else.

    But watching someone try to use red stain manipulation and moonwalk to a pallet just for me to drop it in their face and point at them (and saying nice try, you thought. it's not BM I promise), those are my favorite moments. Making someone thing you're going to vault a window and watching them commit to it while you run off = Priceless. Whether I escape the match or not is irrelevant. I just want fun and engaging chases

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    I'm on a bit of a break from the game at the moment, I'm quite disillusioned with it

    The worst part is I can't point to any specific part of the game and go "it's because of this!", it's more broad and it has other elements to it other than the gameplay and the developers decision making (Although that is a big part of it).

    Things like the culture surrounding the game, the behaviour of people who are "popular" in the dbd community as streamers or content creators as well as this general smug sense of superiority a small amount of people seem to give off. It really irks me.

  • Member Posts: 843

    I am bored, I haven't played more than a few matches in a long time, I just want something other than a few perks and a killer every 3 months

    I used to run Plunderer's and Appraisal and make it my goal to find a key and get a hatch escape as much as possible, since it was kind of like a secondary objective and was something different to do. Although it still mostly involved doing gens to get the hatch to spawn, it was at least a bit different. Then they changed the hatch to not spawn closed when enough gens are done, which means I can't really do that anymore

    So yeah I don't really play since I'm bored as #########. Not even related to facing certain killers/perks/playstyles, I'm just tired of everything in the game right now. Unless they add a killer I really like (which is unlikely) or a new game mechanic that isn't tied to a perk I'm probably not going to play the game very much for the foreseeable future

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