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General Discussions

"Totem spots are better hidden in newer and upgraded maps"

Member Posts: 5,612
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Meanwhile eyrie of crows everytime i look at my totems they are out in the open and not even remotely hidden. Like i feel on this map my totems get destroyed the fastest because most of the spots are pretty obvious. Like anyone else who runs ruin or undying have you noticed some of these spawns are garbo? Or just me?

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  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Eyrie kind of has the Coldwind defense - the map is super bright and brown, so hexes aren't as visible as they are on a dark map. That said, yeah, most of Eyrie's spawns are really out in the open. The only kind of good ones are the one tucked against the side of main building, the one that spawns in a nook of a jungle gym, and the one next to the painting on the upstairs balconies. Everything else is super accessible and easy to spot.

    RCPD had clever totem spots, though (its only issue is that there aren't enough possible spots, so they're easy to memorize.) So did Saloon, Yamaoka, and Midwich, if you're looking at other recent maps.

    Derpiest totem spawn maps are Autohaven, MacMillan, and Ormond, in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Hex perks are mostly quite strong so they come with some RNG based risk. You have to accept that risk or don't run Hex perks. Experienced survivors know where totems spawn too, so there is that to consider as well.

    Personally, I do not like perks that my opponents can deny me of, so I try to avoid running hex perks for the most part. I do sometimes risk Ruin or Devour and Devour can be awesome the rare occasion that it actually works.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Yeah, they're so incredibly hidden. Like that one time I loaded into a match of reworked Gideon's as Survivor and could LITERALLY SEE THE FLAME OF A HEX TOTEM DURING THE LOADING SHOT.

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    edited January 2022

    Totem spawns on most maps are ridiculous. Hex totems can be strong but they aren’t good enough to warrant them being intentionally placed directly besides generators and the like.

  • Member Posts: 7,227

    Yeah eyrie totem spawns aren’t good.

    I also don’t like how on some maps totems have guaranteed spawns (where certain tiles always have them).

    Example: if there is a hill tile on ormond, there is a totem. 100% of the time. Not joking.

    Example 2: if there is a TL wall on any variation of autohaven, there is a totem, 100% of the time.

    Go check next time you play.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Just saw a gideons game earlier with a totem being legit a step away from the hook lol

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