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what do you think about survivors giving up?

fay13 Member Posts: 37

i downed this meg as soon as the match started , when i hook her she insta kills herself on hook ,when i find the other 3 survivors they just mend me and take me to basement , when i asked why did they give up , they said "gg" (all 3 of them) and left


  • Gaala
    Gaala Member Posts: 51

    Not many point with them. Nor pip to reach the higher grade. Only high mmr cause you kill all of them. Overall, very bad. Not recommended 1/5.

  • fay13
    fay13 Member Posts: 37

    yeah she spawned next to me as trickster and ran in a straight line

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Instantly dead teammate and Trickster? Yeah I’d probably give up too. But not without a fight before I get hooked.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,133

    There have been some trials I've been in where an early self-sacrifice still meant 2-3 of us leaving, either by still overcoming the odds or a very generous killer. So the game is not always over if that happens, and there's still the chance to practice chases and such.

    But for early suicides, I have no respect. Granted, there may be a rare survivor who dies early or afk's because of something irl which means they have to, and that's fair - qnnoying, but fair. However, I am pretty certain that's not the same for the majority. Basically, don't be a ######### because of an early down. Because make no bones about it: people who die early for a crybaby reason are exactly that.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,169
    edited January 2022

    The first survivor quitting when there are 5 gens left is a giant baby. There are very few situations where I think someone should be able to just give up and not be considered a giant baby (like I've had games where I was hooked first, the killer took a step away, and someone farmed me right off the hook directly in the killers face and didn't even have the courtesy of a BT. If the killer chooses to go after me, I will just let him hit me in that situation because I'll be damned if I'll get a 10 second chase and give that jerk "Safe Rescue" points).

    Anyone else who quits/gives up after that gets a pass. It's certainly not impossible to win 3 v 1 when there are still 3-5 gens left but it's damn difficult and usually kind of miserable so I understand why someone might just toss the towel and move on to the next game.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059

    I can understand it. That match was a bust when the Meg insta-suicided and the other three want to move onto a match they can play properly.

    That said, those three were in accord, but it's rude to give up when the rest of your team is still trying to win (exception when there's two people left, because dying opens up hatch for the last guy.) The first person to ragequit or give up and run at the killer - they'd better have a really good reason why they need to exit the match, or they're a giant tool. Subsequent surrenders are much more understandable; it's ditching a lopsided game instead of dragging it out to its inevitable conclusion.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    Every 4th or even 3rd match someone dc's after being downed or just kobes on hook. After that it's usually gg, even if not I dont wanna continue that game most of the time. Not as surv, not as killer. Annoying and people should think before pressing the "ready" button.

    It's especially funny when I play killer, they make 1 or 2 TERRIBLE plays, go down and then DC. When they are being sandbagged, at least I can somewhat relate, but when you just can't own up to your mistakes, I find it pathetic. Again, maybe it's just me

  • Pizzasauce
    Pizzasauce Member Posts: 940

    I've given up pretty easily in the past. For example, if there are 3 or more gens left and it's down between another surv and I, then I have been known to quit working on gens and just try to survive. That was the old me though. Because new me once saw a single survivor work himself out of a 3-gen deficit to win the game. So now, I believe!

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    With the current state of the game I can relate to them. SoloQ is so weak at the moment players are losing their will to live and just let go on hook. I do the same whenever I see that the match is not worth the effort to be played.

  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    if they don't want to play, they don't want to play. If they're playing a game they aren't having fun with because they feel compelled to do so, surely they should just go to work instead?

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    I'd rather the game be 3v1 because the survivor is out of the game than 3v1 because the survivor is hiding in a corner being useless because they want team to either carry them or die for them to escape. At this point it feels like 2v1 anyway in most my games thanks to the matchmaking that I stopped caring if players dc/give up on hook. I'm more surprised when my swf teammate and I get matched with 2 randoms that actually try to play the game by doing objectives and participating in chases.

  • Flimflam
    Flimflam Member Posts: 103
    edited January 2022

    Watching a survivor die inside after a few well placed blinks is one of the most satisfying feelings in game ngl.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Some games are a lost cause and it's better to move to the next game.

    Is it really that hard to understand or commiserate with?

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    i dont care tbh

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    You'd be surprised how you can turn the tide with only 3 survivors.

    Remember old spirit where she had collision?

    And old Gideon meat plant?

    No comms and at least me as a solo, no info perks to warn us if she was coming to me.

    1 dc practically at the start with 5 gens left.

    She definitely didn't hold back and tried everything to get all 3 of us.

    In the end me and 1 other were able to escape by completing all the gens.

    So it's not impossible, but it is definitely hard to pull off.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    The only reason BHVR even has the option for hook suicide is because of past tests where they removed it. People simply sandbagged their team even worse instead, and BHVR saw what was effectively a ragequit to be the lesser evil. If there was a better way to detect and punish sandbagging mid-game, then hook suicide should not be allowed to exist as an option at all.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    They are annoying when you are doing a challenge that requires their participation, otherwise, I do not see the problem with it. Heck, I do it myself pretty often as a Slippery Meat gamer.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    It means I did something right.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    I'd rather they gave up on hook than DC in my arms or just as they get hooked.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    I might give up if 2 people DC before a gen is done, but I've been lucky in enough 3v1 situations that I stay pretty optimistic generally when only 1 does. (By "lucky enough" I mean Still probably lose, but at least get enough gameplay in to feel like I had a good match)

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,047

    Yeah, then the Spirit was not good at the game. Sorry to say this, but DBD is a game of Snowballing. Either the Killer gets a Kill early enough to make it hard for the Survivors to do Gens (since at some point, you always have 1 Survivor on the Hook, one in Chase and one going for the Unhook, which is 0 Gen Progression) OR the Survivors do Gens so fast that the Killer will be snowballed.

    And both cannot really be changed, UNLESS one side is way better than the other side. (Or parts of the side, when it comes to the Killer perspective, when they find the weaklink)

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I literally just had a game where I got tunneled right off the bat by bubba, then brought straight to the basement with the good ol agitation/iron grasp combo. I have kindred, so I thought "hey, i'll just make him waste the entire hook timer and give my teammates time to gen rush him for free."

    Then down comes dumbass steve. Gets chainsawed, then DCs instantly.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,849

    Honestly it used to bug me but I no longer care as there are a lot of reasons people do it. If I get Twins or Trickster I admit I just take the 5 minute penalty, so I cant be angry if someone else does it too. I will still try to salvage all the points and maybe even a pip out of the match

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,514

    Sadly happens often now.

    For me that is no sportsmanship and is really childish. You screw your team.

    Even if you lose you can at least try.

    Some games start really ######### and you manage to win anyways - and that are usually great satisfying moments.

    Also i think you will never get better if you not try to improve or maybe only learn one trick this killer is doing right.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 284

    This is a game, not a sports competition. Some people don't grind away hours and hours to master looping, which won't get them anywhere in their real life. They want to complete an archive challenge or score a win and stop at that. If they're stuck in a trial where neither of these objectives is happening, there is no point in wasting their time.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,514

    This may be a principle thing for me.

    I lose often and i don´t play very competitve and doing challenges as well. But this is a team game - and therefore i at least try to play to win. Even if it doesn´t work.

    And even if the killer is a god, i am also a bit frustrated but as long as i play now, i have never ever dced.