Why using lightborn

When starstruck is hella funnier!
Lightborn op
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Cause flashlights are annoying!
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They never expect the Starstruck Agitation Iron Grasp wombo combo.
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it’s even better when the survivor isn’t wiggling so you can use them as a weapon lol.
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They never expect starstruck lol
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Lmfao 🤣 Getting blood lust with carrying someone lol
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I like using the perk "looking at a wall" more
Preferable if its Tier 3
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Is that even possible? I need to test that lol
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As some one who has used a build dedicated to forcing some one to be my backpack one too many times
It is not :(
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Light born is a meme perk, like Insidious. I use it when I see 4 flashlights. You are better off with starstruck and Franklins, if you have problems with flashlight. Also with starstruck no one will block you.
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Are you talking about the Benjo build? (Mad grit, Agitation, Iron grasp)
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Because funny
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because it's so funny to have a survivor try to blind you and then run away
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During the Blood Rush, I was using both. 😎
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Idk who Benjo is, but yeah
I usually bring either Starstruck, STBFL or Infectious with that
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Flashlight squads who go for locker trolls
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Because in my personal experience, "Look at a wall" doesn't look anymore since they can apparently blind the back of my head now.
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I'll take immunity at every pallet. Unless I'm running a build that benefits from a pickup, survivors stay on the ground.
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Star struck will cause good survivors to stop going for flashlight saves and body blocking hooks and go rush gens. Lightborn will cause them to keep trying for the blind if you act like you don't have it equipped and move your head away from the beam as if its bothering you, usually resulting in them wasting time away from gens.
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because its hilarious to pair with brutal strength and throw a tombstone piece on myers and watch them try to blind you a pallet; their final, fatal mistake.
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Exactly, best perk in the game, lol
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You forgot Mad Grit. When you decide to one-trick-pony, then dedicate completely and go all in.
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I wear Lightborn because that perk failed me and I got blinded at the side of my head. I promised myself never again, leveled Billy, and became one with the Light. No regerts.
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Never doubt and praise be our lord and saviour Lightborn 😎
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I think Lightborn is funnier. Starstruck, you'll catch the first guy that runs in for the save, but they all run away after the first time it procs. Lightborn, they keep trying... and trying...
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I have never gotten any use out of starstruck when i tried it. They always ran away to the opposite side of the map and i would never see anyone near me or even get an infectious proc for the rest of the game.
What survivors are you lot getting and how can i get them?
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To farm Reddit karma. Starstruck is a good 50-80 upvotes, but lightborn grants upwards of 250+
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And then you find yourself in the middle of blood lodge, or red forest, and there's no wall for 40m.
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Lightborn isn't a great perk, but I will say it does have an advantage overall compared to Insidious. Insidious has basically just one rational use - standing in place and camping a spot. And note that it doesn't actually make you literally invisible, survivors can still see you perfectly fine, it just removes your red stain and terror radius so you're not as obvious. So you can camp a hook or generator or the basement, etc, and maybe get a surprise hit on someone coming back to it. So outside of that gimmicky basement face camp thing it's kind of terrible compared to actually playing more proactively.
Lightborn isn't all that great because honestly if the survivors are trying to get flashlight plays on you they're probably not spending their time efficiently. And it's not usually that difficult to avoid a flashlight save (flashbangs might be slightly harder to avoid when they're used well, but flashlights you can often just look at a wall when you pick someone up and listen for people running in and avoid the blind.) That being said, though, one nice feature of Lightborn is the 10 second aura it gives you on any survivor who tries to blind you. A 10 second aura is a relatively long aura, it's longer than Lethal Pursuer for example, and seeing a survivor's aura when they're near you makes it very difficult for them to mindgame or juke you in a chase. So between them already being close since they were trying to blind you, and you seeing their aura for a while afterward, this perk often leads to a free quick hit on the flashlighter. Now I don't necessarily think a couple free hits is worth a perk slot, but it's still probably more than you'd get from Insidious. 🤷♂️
On a tangent, Lightborn is also the centerpiece of one of the funnier gimmick loadouts, basically just leaning all in on punishing flashlighters
The Dim Bulb Build
- Lightborn - Immune to blinds, see aura of survivors who try to blind you
- Brutal Strength - Break pallets and gens more quickly
- Agitation - Move 105% speed while carrying a survivor (so you can outrun a survivor while carrying)
- and either
- Endurance - Reduces pallet stun time; or
- Mad Grit - Allows for free swings and hits while carrying someone
This build is basically made to give free quick hits against anybody who flashlights you either at a pallet or while carrying someone. Because you break pallets so quickly with Brutal Strength there's virtually no chance someone who tries to blind you while you break the pallet will more than a couple of meters before you smack them. And with Agitation you can punish both flashlight blinders and body blockers more easily and still have time to reach a hook. If you really want to go all in on the gimmick, Mad Grit plus Agitation is the ultimate F-U to people messing around near you while you carry someone. On the other hand, Endurance is a bit more broadly useful since pallet stuns are more likely to happen even against good survivors. It's a terrible loadout but hilarious when it works. 😄
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Because i like the slow realization of the survivors when they are having fun with their beamers trying to flashlight me in a row that she has lightborn. I love the dcs the flashlight groups take when they cant bully me with 3-4 flashies.
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Till they see u got it and dont keep anymore.
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Starstruck has never really affected me as a survivor. I've been downed once in the number of times I've seen it. It's garbage and a waste of a killer perk slot if you ask me.
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I had to afk before a match started. When I came back, it was Trapper in Midwich with Startruck, Madgrid, Agitation carrying me.
I decided not to play and see how the games going. Literally Infinity Tier3 Myer with 108 speed + traps. Beat up other 3 survivors real hard.
When he dropped me to setup traps. It was the 4th drop so counted as wiggled out, I ran away while he stunned.
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Well in that case I make sure Im aware of my surroundings, turn around, and become the wall
Its such a versatile perk!
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I dunno about you guys, but i find it funny when a 4-man flashlight bully squad dcs the moment they realise that i have lightborn
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The problem is that it warns you. Any time I got close to help and that sound plays, I just dip before the killer even knew I was there.
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Because when you're running Starstruck it makes their whole screen flash and say "YOU ARE EXPOSED" when you pick someone up, so they'd have to be stupid to get it with it.
Anyone who's good with a flashlight will blind you well before you can take a swing at them and be gone by the time your blind and stun is over, so you still lose the person you're carrying them it's just a chance that you get the exposed person after. Lightborn just means I'm not ever going to lose the person at all to a blind, and I often get free hits on people who stay behind a pallet trying for way too long to get the blind.
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I meant flashlights are annoying without lightborn. Sorry if I didn’t get the joke.
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Because we are Lightborn Gamers.