I need to uninstall

I just looked at my player level and I'm at Devotion 8 Level 99.
Why do I do this to myself? Someone sneak in my house and uninstall for me pls
Also it can't be a forum post without a controversial opinion so ummmm, the CoH perk was good enough and NOED is a great designed perk
Then do it. It takes one click.
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You know what must be done.
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Five years + of playing, and I'm at Devotion 4. That makes you feel better, right?
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Technically more than 1 since I have to double click Steam, click DBD, go to properties, and then uninstall. That's at LEAST 4 clicks if not more. A lot of effort XD
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If you happen to have Steam open, you can just left-click DBD and choose the uninstall option.
That reduces it to two clicks.
Not much effort now XD
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I’m still so far from uninstalling. I need help.
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ive played for 1 year almost exactly and im devotion 6, i feel like a no lifer now 😅
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I've uninstalled like 2-3 times at this point, it's not an escape tbh.
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Save your sanity and do so maybe see about alternatives that are coming out.
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I uninstalled. It was easy.
The hard part was staying away. I ended up reinstalling after 2 days.
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Haha, if it makes you feel better, Devotion is pretty new so it only recently started tracking your playtime for iri shards. Back when I was hardcore the game was peer to peer and PC only. I wasn't smart enough to go for Legacy though. Only beeg regret.
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I am devotion 6 lvl 98....well #########
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Three years and devotion 15. This is my religion.
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Play Dying Light 2 when it releases in two weeks. It looks really good!
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Isn't that the tagline of the game?
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Devotion 8? Lmao amateur
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Damn. I need to git gud.
No bull though, if I didn't take a few months off this game because it used to irritate my soul, I think I'd be around devotion 12 by now. I fell in love with Apex Legends and also started playing more open world games like 7 Days to Die and ARK when I dropped DBD last time
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Hell yea Devotion 15 gang
where the rest of yall at!?
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U miss being the bush? Lol
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That will happen, when they're done with my Amanda Panda and come for what's left of Spirit...
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A little over three years and I'm at Devotion 21 on PS4.
oh god.... 🤢
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Yes it does! I'm so excited, playing the first one over again in preparation lol
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Devotion 18 checking in. There's no brakes on this train
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Do what must be done Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy
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I did it once, you can too!
Did I come back? Well, yes. But you don't have to!