I Care More About My Rank Than My MMR

Here's why!
1. I can see my rank. I know what I'm going for, and the progress I've made to get it.
2. I'm awarded BP with my rank. The higher the rank, the more BP.
Those are my two main reasons but I was just thinking about it and yeah, I don’t really care about having a high MMR. I can't see it and I'm not being compensated for it, so the payoff isn't quite obvious.
What do you think?
I think this is exactly what the developers wanted, and exactly why we didn't actually know how the MMR system worked at first.
I don't think you're supposed to care about your MMR. It's not a ranked ladder or anything- it's supposed to be puttering away in the background while you focus on emblem scores or other personal win conditions/tests of skill.
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I care more about the MMR because it dictates what my experience playing the game will be. If it's too low, I'll be massacring confused newbies, or getting massacred by confused newbies that crouch in the corners of the map all game. If it's too high, I'll be constantly wrangling with Haddonfield/Badham/The Game sweat squads and I'll be stuck with Nurse/Blight Simulator every survivor match.
Getting BP once a month is nice, but I'd rather have a good experience the rest of the month, you know?
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Pretty much this.
I get a LOT of BP normally just through regular play, though the grind definitely needs fixing. But inconsistent matchmaking due to a flawed SBMM system is incredibly frustrating. I played last night and alternated between 3-4 person Iri squads that were playing as if their actual life depended on getting gens done in 5 minutes or less and teams that had players who were multiple Ash IV level players running 0-1 perks who, I actually think, might have been playing their first ever DBD game (at least, by the way they acted, it seemed that way). That type of gameplay wasn't fun for anyone involved.
On a different note, I want to point out that I see your posts on a lot of subjects -- and I'm always impressed by your well-thought out take on things in the game. Just wanted to throw that out there. 👍️
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This makes sense. This is why I made the thread. I was having trouble seeing why caring about MMR would be a good thing and you perfectly summed it up. Thank you.
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Ah, well if this is what they intended they did a well fine job then! Thank you for your response.
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Who cares for Grade? You already end up Iri 1 at the end of the season pretty easy, at least on one side.
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I mean, I've never actually tried on the survivor side so I couldn't confirm this.
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Aww... thank you for saying so. That really means a lot to hear.
I've had a similar experience. Most often the complete mismatches come at night. I can get matched with a 4-TTV Haddonsquad, get completely destroyed, and suddenly the next team is running past pallets and blowing up gens and I just feel bad about killing them. Then, whether I spare them all or pull the trigger and give the last one hatch, the next match is another high-end SWF that makes me sweat for every hook. And I play less survivor at night because of the queue times, but when I do, I'm bizarrely likely to run into obvious newbie killers. Basic perks, lots of whiffing, loop confusion.
It seems like my fairest matches come during the afternoon. I'll get players that make me work for it, but not to such a soul-draining extent that the game isn't fun. Then the moon rises, DBD shifts into were-DBD, and you have no idea what you're going to get except that it's probably going to be a stomp for someone.
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Fully agree
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That is normal and that is the reason everybody is comparing the ranks at the end.
You compare what you see.
And therfore it will always be difficult to get that ranks are not used for matchmaking.
And even if i believe them that the only reason MMR is not working may be the backfilling thing, this is still not a good thing then.