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Are iri shards really "fine"?

Member Posts: 5,923

One outfit per 100 levels (roughly). 9k for characters is less time consuming sure but it is still a lot of hours.

This game doesn't really reward you for the hours you put in taking into account that it is not a f2p game.

Just my opinion.

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  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Game & Dlcs are cheap. So i have not problem with shards. I am using them for cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I love how my natural reaction was "No, nerf them" when I read the title xd

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    I'm grateful we get anything at all for free. They could've decided against Shards at all and charge for everything. That being said... yeah, shard gains are abysmal. 9K for a character feels fair imo. But 21,600 for 1 outfit is absurd.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Better than nothing.

  • Member Posts: 867

    I think it's nice the game rewards players who play a lot. It could easily make everything cash shop, Including each battle pass like other games with cynical, greedy devs.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    I mean, apart from the 9k to buy a character which is not a lot (something like 150 games gets you to 9k shards), what do you need shards for? Cosmetics aren't needed to play the game so the fact that they give you the option to buy them by investing your playtime can only be considered a bonus, because even if they look "expensive", they are basically free.

    The only thing they should do is putting some shards in the empty level of the free Rift track, the fact that it's half-empty sucks

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    It's the norm for every online multiplayer game. Most of them you can get stuff for free but it takes a ton of time.

    For me it's fine the way it is. Outfits require a lot of playtime but they have little to zero impact on gameplay, and the stuff that actually matters (characters and perks) is very cheap. You get around 150 shards every 4 games (1 hour) so a new character (9k shards) takes around 60 hours. Very cheap compared to some other games I know. Battlefront 2 for example takes more than 3k hours to unlock everything if you don't pay.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    I just wish more cosmetics were available for shards,all of Kate's good outfits (except the Rift one) are auric cell only. (which I'm assuming is because she's popular)

  • Member Posts: 449

    BHVR doesn't owe you anything. They don't need to, and are not nor have ever been required to gift you anything. They give free BPs, you can earn shards to buy cosmetics, AND characters, and they also give out free skins and other cosmetics frequently.

    Complaining about not being given enough free stuff is incredibly selfish and entitled

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It's a free reward for playing a game that ultimately allows the player to get an outfit for free (more, depending on what you're looking for). Alongside events which give iridescent shards sometimes (like the winter event), and free cosmetics on the rift, it feels to me perfectly fine now.

    Actually, a thank you to the devs for including shards as part of event awards. I've always wanted another way to gain them besides just levelling them up, and I know this is delayed, but I feel it's a nice gesture to include them.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Rightfully so. I respect everyone else who didn't call me names regardless of their opinion.

    I just can't stand hipocrisy and people like that.

    People are at the Patrick's and devs throats in other threads and I am the one aggressive for defending myself I guess.

    Some days I am really not in the mood for this community man. I should just refrain myself from posting.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    I will now just to make you happy. Since you didn't even provide anything to the discussion except trying to make me a villain for defending myself.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited January 2022

    Iri shards and BP should fill up all those empty slots in free rifts.

    This is a misconception. Just because you aren't paying money for something does not make it 'free'. You buy it with your time instead. Which is, arguably, enormously more valuable than plain money. There are, at this point, hundreds of games that are vying for our daily attention that give vastly more 'reward' for that time spent than DBD does.

  • Member Posts: 175

    I love all the people going 'I already bought this game at a full price, and had to buy more dlc for these characters, I'm perfectly fine being nickle and dimed EVEN MORE with in game purchased for cosmets!' Tell me you lick boot wtihout saying you lick boot.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I'm motivated by unlocking new cosmetics, and the unlock speed is too slow in this game for me. Pretty much every other multiplayer game I play has a must faster unlock rate on free cosmetics and/or characters, and I play them more because of that.

  • Member Posts: 449

    You're complaining that you aren't earning enough free ######### as quickly as you'd like to. And it's pathetic.

  • Member Posts: 449

    If you don't like the free ######### they give out, go play something else. If you feel your time isn't be spent well, play something else.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Remember that when you dislike anything about dbd as well.

  • Member Posts: 449

    Also, yes. Time is valuable. Ya know what requires time? CREATING COSMETICS. it costs BHVR time to create that #########. You wanting it for free is essentially you saying that your time is worth more than their time. This is an incredibly entitled viewpoint.

  • Member Posts: 449

    Yeah, I do keep that in mind. What exactly is your argument? I'm not the one complaining here.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Well I got all the shard unlockable characters for free using them so it worked for me. 🙂

    Cosmetics costing money is perfectly ok with me too. Some people like them enough to buy them so why not?

  • Member Posts: 709

    Buying the entire game (dlc and base game) is nearly over 100 dollars the last time I counted. And with all of the good skins being around 10-15 bucks, it wouldn't kill them to give us more shards. Especially considering that fact that you can only buy like 1 or 2 skins max with shards for most characters. They don't actually have anything to lose. They're just being greedy as per usual.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    You complained about other things in dbd at one point. Same thing really. Just pointing out the hipocrisy.

    Also your "arguments" make zero sense. According to you any content in a game that you can earn is something we get for free. In a game we payed for btw.

    Also I am not crying or screaming about it being changed. I just said I don't find it ok personally and you took it so bad that you had to resort to personal insults and continue to do so while everyone else was civil about it.

    You are not very pleasant to talk to so I won't respond to you anymore until you learn some manners. No need for swearing.

  • Member Posts: 449

    It's still free. Yeah it takes time to earn but you aren't playing the game ONLY to unlock whatever it is you want. You're playing the game to play a game, the bonus free loot is just that. Bonus loot. You payed for the game, you got the game and can play the game. You want extra stuff in the game, you buy or earn the extra.

    Think about ordering a pizza. You buy the pizza, right? And on most cases, you don't get to add 50 toppings for free. You are charged extra for them. It's the same concept as dlc in a game.

    The fact that you don't think it's ok is an entitled opinion. Simple as that. You feel entitled to everything the game has to offer simply because you bought and play the game. That is literally the exact definition of being entitled. It's less an insult and more a statement of fact.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Again bad argument.

    There is stuff that is behind paywall in this game and I pay for that when I feel like it. Fine by me. That would be food comparison you mentioned. I am not asking that to be free.

    Shards are something that you earn playing the game and the rate is ridiculously slow imo.

    I am not entitled for having an opinion about something. I am also not demanding free stuff that you claim I do.

    I just felt like I should earn game currency at a more reasonable rate.

    But keep going I guess.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    On console its not on sale that often and even if its on sale that not neccesary a reason tbh.

    I dont want DBD to be free but then i could understand the prices but the way it is now... Hell no.

    10€ for a skin while there are tons of skins for a game you pay 40€ for when not in sale.

    Dont forget all the DLCs.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    It’s funny that in this era of gaming you can have a buy to play game, with buy to play dlc, operating on a free to play model, and people think it’s a gift that there’s any “free” content available at all.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    They're... kind of not? Individually, sure, but if you buy the game and all the DLCs, you're looking at $230. That's on the high end and that number climbs four times a year.

    I'm almost Devotion 8. I bought all licensed DLCs and also Demise of the Faithful, and I still haven't unlocked every character with shards - I'm missing 2 killers and 4 survivors. That's over 2000 hours of playtime.

    Now, the ability to buy what would otherwise be paid content with shards? That's actually really great, and it's generous of them to have it in there at all. Chapters are way more universally appealing to the average player than cosmetics and many more people would and will shell out the money for them. They lose out when people do what I do and take the back route, and obviously they need to be pretty expensive with shards to get people to buy DLC at all.

    The cosmetics is where the grind starts to get nutty. There are oodles of them, far more than chapters, so you don't need to worry as much about your market drying up. Taking the cost out of the question for a second, most players would want a full outfit for every character they play, and could be tempted to obtain more when new outfits come out. But each full outfit costs roughly an entire devotion level's worth of shards. It's more than buying an entire chapter - both in cell cost and in shard cost. And that's wild. I don't understand how that lines up at all in terms of value. Spending 80% of a new character to unlock Mr. Puddles' head is a bit crazy.

  • Member Posts: 1,252

    The income of shards for the players hasnt changed at all over the years while there are by far more opportunities to spend them. It totally feels like no reward anymore, cause theyre gone faster than bloodpoints. There are already so many outfits you could get with shards plus you can buy new survivor, killer and perks from shrine for shards. The amount you can get will just cover a measly percentage of those "items". Also we never got any sale on shard outfits (despite some shop scam disaster). there are so many possibilities to increase the income as reward.

    My take:

    • Increase the shard income for player levels / add bonus for devotion levels (like: choose between 200k BP or 7200 Shards after each devotion tier up)
    • Put in shards on empty free rift pass slots; there is probably half of the free track empty. put in 200 shards each so you can get at least one new outfit part (7200) with each initial rift pass. Give players an incentive to get to the next level in their free rift pass!
    • Add bonus slots after completing the initial rift pass and add BPs and shards, to get at least another outfit part. Like, give players a reward for keep on playing even after they completed the initial rift pass.
    • Give out shards as rewards during events
    • Add shards as rank rewards (Iri 1 = 7200 Shards)
    • Do sales on outfits with shards too
  • Member Posts: 968

    Its also their JOB to make the cosmetics, they GET PAID for doing their job which is to make us, the community, a good game. Your argument is also moot because not every cosmetic can be bought for free with iri shards so the business is always going to make pure money from those cosmetics. So in this sense my time IS more valuable because I'm not getting compensated to spend it on DBD like they are as devs. Which returns back to my original argument that DBD is just not worth the time investment.

    Especially when they say ######### like "Removing perk tiers would only kick the problem down the road, SO WE ARE JUST GOING TO ALLOW PERK TIERS TO CONTINUE TO BE A PROBLEM BECAUSE ######### YOU"

  • Member Posts: 606

    Your math is a bit off. 100 Levels is a full Devotion. You earn over 22,000 shards for a single devotion.

    That is more than enough to be able to get characters or cosmetics for free, that are meant to be purchased.

  • Member Posts: 449

    If it's not worth your time, don't play it. Yeah you're right it's their job to create cosmetics. Playing dbd is not your job. Your time compensation is a matter of enjoying the game. If it's not worth your time, don't play. Pretty simple concept

  • Member Posts: 968

    I don't really play DBD anymore, just clear out the dailies every so often. Currently I'm actually getting into bloodborne, not to get too off topic.

  • Member Posts: 180

    honestly i'm perfectly ok if they removed the function to buy skins with shards and improved the way to earn shards. and its not free, i buy the damn game lmao, it's kind of absurd that it's 50 levels for one character

  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited January 2022

    One full outfit is 21k on average. It is not far off.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    The game is more often than not on sale at something like 5€

    Apart from licensed DLCs, which are often on sale also, you can get every other DLC by simply playing

    Half the store is available to buy with shards, and you get regularly free skins with every rift

    I personally don't mind using only free skins when I play, and I'm happy with the ones I have

  • Member Posts: 449

    Then why are you even posting..? Like dude if you don't play, what's the issue?

  • Member Posts: 968

    I can still want positive change for a game I used to enjoy without abandoning it completely?

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Your mentality is "if you don't enjoy the game anymore, you can't hope that the game gets better."

    I don't even play DBD that much anymore but I would still like BHVR to make good changes to this game. I still deeply love DBD, I just want the game to be better than it currently is. It's not in a good state right now.

    I'm kind of neutral on the iri shard grind. I guess it could be better, but eh, the entire grind in general just sucks.

  • Member Posts: 1,032

    I think the amount you gain per level is fine, but the devs should consider including Shards in the Grade Reward, since you need to play a lot to possibly get to high grades as both killer and survivor.

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