Killers who've mastered their mains

So I made one of these threads a while back and I really enjoyed some of the new things I learned last time and thought why not do it again?
Basically I know there are people who've put thousands of hours into the killer they main alone and they probably have really neat tips and tricks that they use that not many may know. So the question I have for these masters of their mains are what obscure tips and tricks have you learned while playing your killer? It can be a tech, a piece of advice to keep in mind while playing, or just a correction to a common mistake you see other players make.
So let's hear em!
Placing a Portal while standing over a downed Survivor may bait any nearby flashlight savers, tho it won't work right under Pallets
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Oh yeah that's true. I've done this with Trapper a couple times, but Demo would probably look a little more believable.
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I dont really main a killer, al though I've been really enjoying these 2
Trickster: Moving to the side while throwing knives drastically helps controlling the recoil
Hillbilly: If youre using Lopro Chains, the initial camera sensitivity is reset if you break a pallet or wall, making it possible (al though VERY difficult) to perform an S shaped curve.
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Wait does sawing a pallet or wall at an angle with lopro chains reset your pov to face it directly?
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I have a few for clown
- If you assume the survivor has dead hard you can pull out a bottle and quickly put it away. This might fake them out and make them use it early
- If you have 1 bottle left and need to reload throw a yellow bottle and reload in it for extra move speed
- If you know you’re going to be head on/DS stunned then throw a purple bottle beforehand to give them the least distance possible.
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No, you know how your camera is sensitive for the first 0.75 seconds of your chainsaw sprint? If you chainsaw a pallet or wall within that small time frame itll reset that timer. Allowing you to curve after youve broken it
Its kind of difficult to explain, and even harder to get use to. But the pay off is definitely worth it as you can get some pretty nutty shots
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A fun one for the artist
It takes about 6 seconds if walking forward between crow placemenents to be able to swarm and damage a survivor in a single volley
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It's the little things like getting into the habit of doing stuff like this that separates the good from the best.
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Ah yeah I gotcha I was just curious on if in addition it snapped your camera forward the way it usually does when breaking something without the addon. In theory you should be able to circle around one side of the loop but thinking about it now it probably wouldn't be all that practical as the survivor should be on the far opposite of the loop.
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That's actually sick. I didn't even think about that. I wonder if that may be seen as an exploit and patched though.
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Not a killer main but if your playing Wraith, you can bait out a dead hard by pretending to ring your bell.
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A classic. You can also give a quick tbag with ghostie for the same result.
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No, I can’t. When playing ghost face, if I t-bag, I usually end up doing ten. I dunno why, it’s just so fun being able to t-bag at survivors. If they respond in kind I usually end up having a twerking contest and letting them all leave.
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It’s definitely not an exploit, if they actually didn’t want it to be possible to damage people at long range like that they would have put a range limit on the damage.
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I don't think so. It's really hard to pull off in a match and the survivor gets a audio queue and briefly sees the aura of birds being set up.
If you get damaged by the 2 crows from a single volley the first time it might be surprising but you can't blame anyone but yourself if it happens multiple times
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Hmm but what about using it for cross map snipes on unsuspecting survs on gens? It's sick but it seems like something that'd be patched like tricksters piercing exploding blades. Either way ill definitely be having some fun with artist for a while knowing this is a thing. It would have to be on the survivors to not sit right on the gen for a second after being hit with the first crow.
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You see the crows aura when she's setting it up and you hear when she shoots them. It's just a matter of going of the gen when she shoots them to avoid it completely.
It's a cool little thing you can do to catch survivors off guard once in a while.
Tricksters piercing aoe knives applied to every single chase outside of high wall ones and there was nothing you could do against it as survivor. Artist double tapping people is a neat thing to do but only really works if the survivor isn't paying attention
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Oh ok see i didn't know that. I havent played against her yet but thats kinda weird that her power gives away her position like that.
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-If you are in Frenzy and you see a survivor whose killer instinct is positioned a little higher than usual, it means they are in a locker.
-You can use frenzy to stop survivors from unhooking each other to give you time to get out of frenzy and down them. Position yourself directly behind the unhooker, stab them, then wait until they start the animation again and stab them again. They will still be able to get the unhook, but you will be delaying them just long enough to pretty much guarantee a down most of the time.
-Probably well known, but you can dash backwards if you look at a wall at a certain angle while dashing. (I can provide a picture/ in dpeth explanation if needed)
-If you're scared of getting pallet stunned, you can pull a downed survivor away from the pallet by standing behind them and putting a trap on them. I also used this to bait out a flashlight save once, but that was more because the survivor was bad.
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Dashing backwards? Thatd be interesting to see. Its crazy how people learn stuff like the killer instinct locker thing. Had no idea but that could come in handy to an attentive killer.
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EDIT: Double post, stupid phone
Post edited by Shroompy on1 -
Trick topic: Every time people learn tech for a killer, they get nerfed and it gets removed. :)
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quickly tap the cloak button and he will make a gurgle and bone rattle noise just like when he lunges to fake out dead hard and 360's
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Pyramid Head:
-If you're trying to land a Punishment attack on a survivor who ISN'T actively running away, (say, they're on the other side of a window and trying to dodge/spin around) wildly flick your camera from left to right while charging Rites of Judgment. Then, the moment before the blade hits the ground, aim at where you think they'll be. This camera flicking looks ridiculous from the survivors' POV and makes it nearly impossible to guess where you're going to aim.
-If a survivor is running away from you and you don't want to chase, quickly lean and 99% stalk them. They often can't reveal you in this situation, and they never expect it - and now that survivor is instadownable at the press of a button whenever you want. This also works for injured survivors, as they'll probably heal eventually.
-If you chase a survivor off a generator, but have to leave them because there's a strong loop nearby or something, leave their line of sight and activate Night Shroud. Then, circle around the nearest object/structure (like a hill, or a tile, or something) to the generator. If you crouch while doing this, the survivor will often assume you've left and start working on the generator again, in which case you can quickly lean and mark them from behind, or just go up and grab/stab.
-Try to keep at least 2 people 99ed at once. Obviously this is harder than it sounds, but your chances of snowballing dramatically increase the more survivors are ready to pop - and it makes Ghostface even deadlier in ambushes. 99ing people lets Ghostface completely bypass chases, which no other killer can really boast of except from Artist, because she's busted good at everything.
-Ghostface has great synergy with loads of off-meta perks. Knock Out, Fearmonger, PWYF and Surveillance are all fantastic on him and I regularly slot them into my build. Experiment to find something you like.
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Pyramid Head's shockwave does not work against higher skill players. Considering they even stay at a loop long enough for you to use it. More often than not the most you can do is fake it. It works well at shack or places with low visibility.
The reason I stopped maining PH was because of this. Smart survs run away from loops and it just becomes you chasing them down as a m1 killer. The best counterplay against him makes him extremely boring to play as. Not really complaining about survivors countering him, because obviously that's what they're suppose to do. Just wish the counter was more interesting.
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Tbh the locker thing is pretty niche but it can definitely be helpful to know
As for backwards dashing, you can only do it on the side of a building. It can be anything though: cars, walls, killer shack, even piles of junk, although that's less consistent.
You have to look at the wall at a slight angle. It's pretty hard to explain and I'll send a picture when I can, but a baseline I used when learning it is that you want the edge of the wall to be in the center of your screen. Then, you hold left or right (or A/D) TOWARD the wall as you dash. The applications of this are truly endless once you master it.
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Anyone have anything for Pinhead?
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Use short burst on short loops to guarantee hits but there are some loops where the pallet is dropped where it’s better to try something different. It’s important to know when to shift the audio to bait the survivors in vaulting the pallet while being attentive and listening where exactly they are. Some pallets you shouldn’t bother trying to mind game like shack so just kick the pallet and use your speed to catch up to them.
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Pyramid Head.
Use PoTD as much as possible.
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The killer that I mained no longer exists, but I can share with you one or two things that I remember:
1- Old Freddy's power locked on through walls. While you couldn't put them to sleep if there was an object in the way, you would know their precise location, meaning that you could use it to sweep areas or Coldwind's fields.
2- The glimpses during the Dream Transition happened every 2 seconds. Such timing was easy to memorize and would give you a free hit 100% of the time, as long as you played your cards right.
3- Freddy raised both of his hands while casting Dream Demon, meaning that you could use the animation to bait a Dead Hard. A bit tricky, but definitely possible to pull off.
4- Overcharge was probably not the first perk to come to mind when you thought about Old Freddy's builds, but it was actually pretty useful. Forcing Survivors to constantly regress the gens while trying to wake up was a huge deal.
5- Last but not least, we have one of my favorites. Exclusive to his very first version, A.K.A the only perfect in the game's history, was a tremendously powerful slugger. Back then, you had to manually wake up a Survivor before saving them from the dying state, which could be used to your advantage by running perks like Knock Out and Thanatophobia.
There is definitely more to be said, but those are the ones that immediately come to mind.
Pay attention to my tips, bit*
Because, if I have my way...
They will be useful in the future.
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Doctor main.
Like clown, you can tap your shock to bait out DH easily.
Don't immediately blast after hooking a survivor, as most survivors expect this. I typically walk a bit forward first.
BBQ is particularly great on doc for a number of reasons.
1. Doc naturally gets more BP than other killer's due to all of his different interactions.
2. Once you hook a survivor if you don't see the survivors then you know they're either close by, which means you can blast to reveal them, or they're in a locker.
3. When paired with iron maiden means you can know where all survivors are at all times. Very good for learning survivor movements and behaviors.
And my last tip, stop shocking at loops! I know this seems counter productive to his power, but I promise you it'll help. Most doc players try mind gaming and shocking too much. But most of the time, due to his slowdown when shocking, you can actually save a lot of time by just brute forcing it than actually trying to land a shock.
This last one kinda goes hand in hand, don't use shock to rank up madness. Takes too long. Instead use blast for madness, and shocking only when you know it'll land and prevent them from getting a pallet or vault.
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Aside from the obvious ones you'll get in beginner guides, one of the biggest tips is to pay attention to where survivors are looking in a chase. If they're looking back at you as you charge a blink, they're most likely going to double back. Not looking back you = probably holding W. You can make the odds of a double back close to 100% if they're looking back at you by faking a prediction blink and flicking back to a corner at the last second.
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You can also sleep survivor when they enter a locker. I remember doing that to a meg when she hid in a locker.
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Blight trick that I have only ever shared a few times (and to mclean while he still worked on the game)
You can strafe during your first rush
as long as its not a lethal rush you can use a and d during your first rush to give you a bit of extra mobility to it, it gives you about 3 meters in either direction if holding it running straight, which is just a small boost for maneuverability, it used to also affect lunges out of rush but they have since patched that to no longer work
And that is my small trick that isn't very well known
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Nurse :
- you can cancel fatigue of the second charged blink spamming m1. It’s hard to do but it’s still a thing.
Pinhead :
- use your chains at key moments because summoning them will make you slower. Survivors cannot dead hard when they have chains, and they will often underestimate how much time it takes to break them to reach a pallet. Punish the greed.
- this killer is a good tunneler, survivors will have a very hard time solving the box 1vs3.
Blight :
- you can use rush to phase into a survivor trying to bodyblock for another survivor
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Pyramid Head:
This entire forum post
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That was actually a glitch
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Oh, I got a few!
- Don't hit survivors that are already injured or have Deep Wounds. Just cancel your power, because hitting them will give them a speed boost.
- Try not to lunge at survivors while in Frenzy, because you'll be easier to juke. Try to just hit them normally.
- Hitting a survivor while in Frenzy can delay them from doing an action. If you see someone unhooking or repairing, stabbing them over and over could buy you a bit of time.
- This ones kinda popular already, but Nemesis's tentacle lingers for a moment after you use it. So, at loops, you can throw out your tentacle and side-step and sometimes you'll be able to hit a survivor as they're rounding a corner.
- If you can, try to always M1 over hitting a survivor with your tentacle.
- Try to lure or force survivors into areas that have zombies in them.
- Height is your best friend. Always try to have the high ground while stalking survivors, as they won't expect it and you'll have a better line of sight.
- Ghostface can peak through a lot of small holes and objects. Use this to your advantage when stalking survivors.
- If you're spotted it, just try random bullshit. Crouch, weave back and forth, just generally act unpredictable as you make your way back to cover.
Hope this helped!
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Hell yes.
Using Lethal Pursuer guarantees that you will find the box first if you understand the spawn logic (Pinhead has a 40m radius where the box can't spawn, whereas survivors have half that at only 20m. The box will typically spawn either around the edge of your 40m radius.) If you find the box and solve it, you have a short duration where you can move around and if you can quickly get to a corner of the map, you can force it to spawn elsewhere giving you a much better shot at finding it again. And lastly, don't try to protect the box if you find it at the beginning of the match. Try and use the chain hunt to secure an early down while forcing the other survivors to solve the box.
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It's concerning how many people, including Legion mains who've played him since he came out, will assert the idea that you should never Frenzy injure Survivors. Legion isn't about getting rapid injures; he's about making people mend—he is a hit-and-run Killer and should be treated as such.
If an injured Survivor is good at looping you in a chase, Frenzy them and run off. If an injured Survivor is trying to pull you away from a gen, Frenzy them and run off. If an injured Survivor is trying to get you away from where you want be in genereal, Frenzy them and run off. If an injured Survivor is being healed by a healthy Survivor, Frenzy them and run off.
When it comes to using your power on people who are already injured, people seem to just... forget that Deep Wound and Killer Instinct exist. Sometimes it's better to use an injured Survivor as a vessel for finding others instead of just going for a down. There are incalculably many scenarios where an injured Survivor can waste too much of your time, but if you make them mend and go find someone else, you'll accomplish the reverse of you wasting their time.
I know this seems like a simple tip, but for as irrefutably simple a Killer as Legion is, people REALLY have no idea how to play him properly and it's both hilarious and depressing. They only think about the 1v1 when they should be thinking about the 4v1 since that's kind of what Legion was designed to be, is a Killer who trades a weak 1v1 for a good 4v1.
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Billy main:
Pick someone else.
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Blind corners or grass that is on the way to a hook, in the direction from a generator, sometimes yields better trap hits than placing a trap near a survivor.
Always place traps 1m out from a window to catch fast vaults.
When placing traps, think about how you would move about the map and place there.
Sometimes, you can't win games, and that's okay, just focus on maximizing point gains and move onto the next match.
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Playing the Pig, very few use her Ambush Dash effectively, which is a shame, since I think it's definitely an underrated part of her power. I've far from mastered her, but two things that have made me better using her Dash:
-- When chasing a survivor to a pallet loop that isn't one of the gargantuan ones that aren't worth trying a dash to begin with, you obviously want to get inside the pallet itself, so you actually want the survivor to have a little distance so they DON'T pre-drop the pallet. When I go for an Ambush Dash in those cases, I'm already starting to crouch as I'm moving into the pallet, rather than getting in the pallet itself first before crouching. Once you get the timing down, you can literally glide to the middle of the pallet as you're crouching, ready to charge the dash, at that point, lowering the time the survivor has to react to your movement and increasing your chances at confusing them and landing the attack.
-- Reading survivor reactions to your Dash is important. Smart survivors often know to run from a pallet loop once they realize a Pig is charging their Ambush Attack. If you know -- or think -- that a survivor is going to bail from a loop in that case, you can start to charge the Ambush but then cancel it -- the Pig will still sound the beginning of her roar, and if the survivor hears it and runs thinking you're dashing at the loop, you can come out of your crouch and quickly catch them out in the open away from safety, before they can get to another loop.
Post edited by ChiSoxFan11 on1 -
The Ghostface tips helped me in a few games I played a little while ago