How would you buff Coulrophobia?

Would be funny to buff it to counter exhaustion perks but that would never happen.
I don’t think buffing the numbers would really do anything either. So, How would you buff the perk/Rework?
buff distressing to be 100% terror radius increase instead of 26%.
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That’s sounds like fun
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Its not an easy question. Its very situational to begin with, certain players are very comfortable being injured so they wont heal at all. Also with the current boon meta, people can heal insanely fast.
It might be too strong, but it could apply broken status effect so you cant heal period and it could linger for a few seconds after you leave the terror radius. This would prevent people just healing with basically mid chase or quickly patching up before attempting a save (brings back memories when self care was at its peak :D
As a phobia we can go with the fear factor and it could work like an alternate version of nurses calling. It could increase skill check frequency in the terror radius and if you dont hit a great skillcheck you will scream and loose healing progress. This would make it pretty random, so maybe making it always trigger a hard skillcheck would be better.
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Most TR perks are really lacking and weak with how the game is now.
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I would pick Plague in the pre-game Killer screen.
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This would be too OP on Doctor. Maybe if they can buff it to 100% but exclude doctor?
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Before the Wraith nerfs and boons I unironically enjoyed wraith with his unsupppressed tr addon and purple movespeed with coulrophobia, nurses, sloppy and distressing lol. Throw up a midwich for extra fun.
Maybe give it a linger effect
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How about making it like a healing Ruin?
If you are injured, healed up a bit and then cancel healing then the healing progress will regress when you are in the terror radius.
This comes on top of slower healing of course.
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I like this idea, it'd still be niche but it'd certainly be a more interesting perk than it is right now.
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Allow it to affect the Snap Out of It action, as it once did.
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Yes, niche indeed but it could be viable to some play styles or builds..
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To buff the perk it needs to be powerful enough to warrant being only in TR. I would increase the numbers to 100% healing penalty while in TR. but make it so when you leave the TR the effect lingers on you for 3/4/5 seconds. All TR should have the effect where it lingers on you for 3/4/5 seconds
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A quick idea I've had when I thought about the perk in the past: Make it so that the healing speed debuff applies outside of the killer's terror radius, but inside of the radius healing speed is increased. That way it's a serious slowdown as survivors heal at half speed map-wide, but as a trade-off they can try and heal faster within terror radius, even attempting to do so mid-chase. Would make for a fairly interesting dynamic, leading to more interaction since survivors are encouraged to actively seek out the killer, and do so while injured, allowing the killer to capitalize.
Obviously pairs well with Nurse's Calling. It would also be the first true synergy for Furtive Chase, lol (albeit still more of a meme combo, of course).
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That is actually a pretty solid idea. I think players wanted Hemorrhage to do this.
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I think adding basekit haemmorhage effect would help in terms of tracking. It would have similar effects to Sloppy except its better at slowing down healing, but has a range attached. Or even incapacitated while they are inside the range(aka, not being able to do gens untill they leave first)
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I think this is the simpliest solution really. The problem with coulrophobia is that if you got no idea if it's actually affecting anyone or not so you could walk past healing survivors for a grand total of 1 second and not even realize. Having the effect linger on for a little while long after they're out of the terror radius will make the perk more attractive, the duration can be played around with but I'd say 15 seconds at most would be best.
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Actually, is very easy. If you dont want to rework It, you can just put "It lingers for 8, 10 or 12 s when you leave the terror radius". It sounds balanced to me.
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All of the "in terror radius" perks could really use a lingering effect
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I’m sure a map wide infectious fright won’t be a problem at all on mobile and slugging killers /s
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Survivors in your TR are broken. It's not just stronger but you also get info which injured survivor is currently in your TR
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doctor with purple calm and yellow calm has 44 meter base terror radius. 0.26*44 is 11.44. When not using static blast, he already has 56 meter terror radius. 56 meters is a really large area considering that killers are not stationary and most survivors do not go on very outskirts of the map. so for most maps, its covering a good chunk of maps. doctor might be only character that can actually these type perks on 90% of the maps and still nobody really uses them because there are simply better options.
Like anyone would run distressing over monitor&abuse with infectious. who really runs both monitor&abuse+distressing at same time with infectious. its just overkill and not effective.
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Buff the penalty and make it grant 3s exhaustion to injured survivors in the terror radius
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wouldnt be that op
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Either a lingering effect OR add an 8 meter increase to TR effect on the perk. So 40%-100% healing debuff and increases your TR by 8 meters. Broken means they can't heal...which means they sit on gens so no thanks. You want survivors healing as much as possible and broken give you the opposite effect unless ofc you play babies. They might sit in a bush until a heal is available but no decent survivor would.