If Solo Queue is buffed what should killers get to compensate?

I see a lot of threads about nerfing camping and giving solo queue more information so they are closer to swfs, but I rarely see what people are willing to give killers in return. I'd love to hear your ideas (with the exception of just buffing ghostface/legion - not trying to hear that at all lol).
Probably nothing based on what the devs just said in the last Q&A.
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Either some slowdown Perks as basekit or forcing Survivors to search for gears or something to start working on gens
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FOV slider and make some maps smaller. Joking btw, nerf pig.
I dont think killers will get any baseline buffs. Not anytime soon at least
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We're not sure that killers need anything in return. All we have are vague numbers given out of context. We know that there's a difference in escape rate between solo and SWF, and that difference is sometimes as much as 15% for some players at higher MMR brackets. They have not said whether those numbers are considered to be problematic or not though.
I think it will be a case of wait and see. There's a whole lot we don't know about kill rates as MMR increases. We can't go by the forum posts where every killer believes they're somehow losing games but also at peak MMR 9000 at the same time
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Nothing. Just because solo queue survivor becomes more bearable doesn’t mean it makes the killer role any worse.
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I'd caution against assuming that game balance works that way- that "one side" gets something, so the "other side" must get something too. It's not really that simple.
That being said, if there were some things changed to make the killer experience smoother, I'd probably be looking in the realms of bonuses to healing and repair speeds. Those values are fine without any perks or items changing them, but there are quite a few things you can stack quite aggressively to boost them. That, or maybe just survivor and totem spawns, those things could be looked at for the benefit of everyone, not just killer players.
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Hopefully some m1 killers buffs, so this game can stop being so repetitive
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FOV slider, hook state info, basekit tinkerer or surveillance
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Gen slowdown to counter base improved efficiency, or map adjustments to weaken chained tiles and increase average chase speed.
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I don't understand how people keep thinking "buffing" solo means buff killer.
Not when 90% of the reason solo has a bad rep isn't because lack of comms.
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nothing? solo being buffed is to match up to killer why would you then buff the thing you are trying to match solo to
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Speed +5%
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Because the devs are also hinting that they will be nerfing another killer strategy (camping) along with buffing solo queue. Do you really think giving survivors more information and killers less options will have no impact?
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Let's be honest, 90% of the reason solo is bad is because most survivors aren't that good without 1 or 2 teammates carrying the game lol.
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If any changes are made, it would likely be fine tuning each killer's power individually. As for blanket changes to benefit all killers, a few could be:
1. Adjusting surv spawns so they all start near each other, and also not begin with their teabags already dragging on top of a totem or gen.
2. Trim the few remaining oversized maps. Crotus, Red Forest, and maybe Ormond come to mind, while the RPD is likely to need its own thread.
3. Reach Bloodlust teir 3 quicker. I have no problem with the times for getting BL tier 1, just to 3 to finish off rhe chase quicker at that point.
4. Just tossing out a nugget for those select few missing him, resurrect the splinter offering for old Freddy.
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Exactly, but see a lot of people don't mind doing the carrying whether it is via chases or taking aggro. It is the fact that many of these random survivors (for whatever reason) aren't efficient. You will run the killer for what seems like 2 gens should pop, and suddenly go down and see everyone just running around or crouching. For absolutely no reason.
So when I hear about "solo buffs", to me solo buff would be giving these players a lesson on how to be efficient and stop relying on others to get chased AND do gens for them. Not giving them an idea of who is getting chased, many times they know who is getting chased, they just don't care.
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Make all Survivors spawn together
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Idk if killers will get buffed, but I hope the devs be very careful with whatever they come up with for solo queue, it may all need to be scrapped.
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Will need to see what, if anything, gets worse for killers from solo survivors buff. Could be adjusting gen speeds. Could be based on killer - some get buffs while others stay the same. Could be nerfs to survivor perks.
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they made it very clear that gen speeds will not be getting adjusted.
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Nothing, because we are able to handle swfs as well. Maybe just the most elite swfs not, but a buffed soloq will be no problem.
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We don't know. We don't know what the kill rates for top killers are right now. If solo queue is a slaughterhouse at higher MMR or throughout all tiers, buffing solo and leaving killer would be the move for the time being.
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I love how some people think that if you buff 4 people with a blanket buff its not going to effect the other side. They are trying to bring solo closer to swf so there not 2 different survivor groups to balance around. If you give 4 survivors a fifth perk how can you justify giving 4 free perks to one side and saying the other will be fine. One side is losing any strategy they have(hit&run, camping,) if you keep taking from one side and giving to the other your going to statt losing players.
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i mean you dont really have to camp solos to win and if you buff solo its still solo
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30s Corrupt Intervention basekit so that survivors don't jump on the first gen they see and have two pop by the time that you down the first survivor, if everything goes to plan.
Also, besides gens, this effect also protects all totems in the first 30s of the game. It aint much but might let you milk them a little bit before they get blessed.
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People really need to stop pretending like 100% of solo games are people hiding in corners and/or dcing at first hook. Sure are some games garbage? of course. But not every solo game is a slaughterhouse.
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Well that's what everyone is saying, buff solo's to the same level as SWF, then adjust accordingly for the killers
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Solo will never be the exact same level as SWF, as they’ll never have voice comms. Adjustments to solo doesn’t automatically mean killer needs changes too.
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I would say probably the best and most universally equal option is to add 2.5% instant damage to the kick, and increase base gen regression to equal Ruin (so the only difference between the hex and normal play is that the hex does it automatically.)
This would primarily achieve a few things:
- Force survivors to go even in the time investment for killers to use the 'kick' animation
- Cause 'gen tapping' to not ALWAYS BE the right choice by adding the opportunity cost of possibly getting that instant extra bit of gen regression
- Allow more fluid back and forth on gens, making games last longer if played well without necessarily just jacking up the gen completion time in raw numbers.
- Add an opportunity cost to Ruin in which you'll be unable to use the 2.5% instant regression, for the privilege of starting regression automatically. This passively buffs all other hexes and gen regression by reducing the 'peak' of what either should be.
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Things to Help Killers......
1. Look at Gen Regression and how survivors stop it.
2. Map Balance.
3. Totem Spawns.
4. General QoL Changes.
Any of those things if not all are the main things that need to happen to make things more fun for Killers.....
Remember the Killers are SUPPOSED to be the power role of the game not Survivors and how they became it astounds me.
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True, I escape 70% of my solo games and use only 2 perks (kindred and WGLF). I don't think I'm particularly skilled either, and have only about 150 hours in survivor so maybe I'm not high MMR but I have been facing Blights and Nurses with meta slowdown more than other killers so I assume I'm approaching an upper level. I do like being underpowered as a survivor since it adds a lot of tension to the game.
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gen tapping needs to go.
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It's exactly that simple. Survivors have been getting the lion's share of buffs and exemplary perks all last year. Combined with MMR, the killer experience is getting more and more hostile all the time. Anything that positively affects survivor efficiency and gen times is gonna be problematic because it's already close to a tipping point.
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In this instance I think it's fair to say the changes to the overall game's health would include things that help out killers too, yes, but you can't assume that all changes the game would need can be boiled down to buffs or nerfs to """either side""". Sometimes it won't be that simple, and it may not be in this case! It might be that the changes made aren't strictly buffs or nerfs, and something that benefits everyone rather than one player.
Game balance and design is much more than just buffing or nerfing things.
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Yeah, I agree completely with buffs to one not necessitating buffs to the other. Like when folks say "oh yeah boons can be relit so hexes should as well". Like that's ridiculous, the two things aren't remotely equivalent.
However greater information would be a huge blanket buff to survivors in general. It's gotta come hand in hand with something for the other side precisely because it's a big thing. Maybe bigger than you think, depending on how much information is presented and how slowly behavior rolls out changes.
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In this instance yes, I think more net information for solos would be enough of a leg up that some other things would have to be changed to keep pace. It's just important to remember that while this will improve things, the intent here isn't to buff something weak - it's to close an information gap that makes balancing the rest of the game tremendously more difficult.
So, it's not a case of "one for them, one for us", it's a case of making sure the entire game feels better for everyone, and is in a healthier state for future balancing decisions.
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A hanky for less tears eventually?
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Closing the information gap IS a buff, regardless of how much you apparently don't want it to be. There are items and perks that survivors sacrifice that give information, if that information is freely given then ya, that's a buff.
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Well, part of why the specific change they've mentioned is such a good idea is that it doesn't cannibalise those perks or items. They'd still get far, far, far more info from the aura-reading abilities in the game, this just helps them get brought more in line with the generalised callouts a SWF team can give.
But yes, it is a buff. It's just important to remember that the point isn't just to buff them for the sake of making them stronger, and so the next move can't be to blindly buff something else in a continual arms race, it needs to be done carefully and with the actual point in mind.
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Considering that it takes them eight months to a year to change anything significant, I don't think anybody has to worry about power creep, or an arms race as you term it.
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I don't think they're going to do that, no. I do think everyone on the forums is going to get increasingly angry that they're not, though.
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They aren't gonna give slowdown perks as basekit or make gens take longer. Just imagine how broken those would be. We don't even know how much these buffs will impact the game. They will need to see the impact, then adjust killers accordingly.
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Wow lots of people not wanting the devs to throw killers a bone. Probably SWF players that don't want baby handholding bully simulator mode to get harder
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Honestly there's plenty they can do. Reduce gen and gate speeds, make totems protected for 30 seconds, have the ability to reduce the number of gens and space them out further much like hook offerings, make a new mechanic for survivor objectives that isn't boiled down to a time waster but, I have no hope for the survivor biased team to do any of that. Most killers might get is a slight increase in blood points as an apology that they ######### up the balance or just tell killers to suck it up and play something else which most are now.
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You should watch the Q&A again.
There is nothing of all the mentioned dreams here coming. If one thing was clear in the Q&A that everything is difficult and takes a lot of time. So i won´t expect much changes soon.
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Well if they get as strong as SWF... Then yeah they do
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Probably nothing which means I'll still be playing survivor only until playing killer gets even remotely fun again
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Actually, if they happen to buff it closer to SWF, it will definitely get worse for killers.
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Their words are bringing soloq up to swf level and then adjust killer accordingly. Swf is the most broken thing in the game so it will negatively impact killer and merit killer buffs. They also said they don't want to touch gen speeds and are looking at slowdown meta.
My guess is they will look at killer map presence and control to make that more appealing than running 4 slowdown perks every match.
I do think that get regression vs progression should get looked at. Maybe add a 3 second gen start up from the damage state,maybe with a skill check to reduce the timer by 1 second, before progression starts again so survivors can't just keep gen tapping to stop regression.
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Ok. Solo survivors will now have what should arguably be minimal info of what the other survivors are doing. But it still won’t provide them with SWF-levels of communication and coordination to counter things like camping, tunneling, totem-hunting, etc. etc. It won’t say what gen they’re working on, or how far along it is, etc.
I’m really at the point I don’t even want to load DbD anymore after the disgusting solo matches I played today. Sometimes teammates to blame (three early DCs in a row), but definitely some less than skillful killer play styles defended day after day here on the forums too. Kinda just ready for the game to die if the devs don’t care about its health.