Just ran a bubba for 5 gens and died after, everyone but me got out, im not skilled :(

the rest who did all gens are the skilled ones and will go up :(
my hole thread is sarcasm. i know i was the only one skilled that match, holding m1 on gens means nothing.
22 -
Hey, your MMR goes down, theirs goes up.
At the moment i would they you won and they lost.
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Better not tell Patrick otherwise he'll give us another lame hockey analogy as to how you lost 😄
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Eh. It’s only one match that won’t influence your score greatly.
if you are so skilled you won’t die every match.
and no, I don’t think the current implementation of MMR is great. But this is not a good example to prove that.
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If you evaluate yourself over the outcome of a single game, you're being completely disingenuous.
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Well, to prove how bad mmr is you need more than examples.
I can prove it's bad in a simple way:
Emblem system was implemented because pips based on kills was proven to be a bad one. It means that mmr right now is nothing more but a step back.
6 -
So your MMR dropped slightly that match making your next game so much easier…
never understood why people whine about a 10 minute effect!
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The thing is though, do you really care about that? They'll get tougher games, while you (in theory) should have more relaxed ones.
I lose 0 sleep not knowing my MMR rating.
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I like how you think 1 game determines your skill. You ran one killer for 5 gens and died, but played a bunch of other games and got out. Using outlier games in your examples are a moot point.
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So what? Lol literally nothing happens. Ggs next match.
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Imagine dying to killer that got ran for 5 gens? Omegalul, that is more cringe my average posts. Peepoblush.
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running bubba for 5 gens is not skill because what's skillful about pre dropping every single pallet, and jumping windows in connected buildings.
eventually you will go down because you used all the pallets. once the pallets are gone you are not that skillful.
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To say you were the only one skilled that match is a bit much. You can say the system is faulty, but your teammates did nothing wrong and did a smart play while the killer wasn't pressuring them. Would you prefer that your teammates do nothing while you get chase the entire time?
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Well, looping killer is a risk that sometimes ends up like this. Especially when killer saw he wont win so he catches one and takes care he/she will die on a hook.
typical DBD
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mmmmmmmmmm, but was that REALLY a skilled 5gen run in the first place, though???? did you REALLLLLY put forth any skill if you ended up DYING?! MMMMMMMMM IDK MAN...
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Hey, I can shoot straw-men in a field. I'm totally really for armed-combat.
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Well you see, it's like in hockey, where one player scored 20 goals for their team, but then the opposing team just broke that players ankles. Their team still won, but ######### you, you couldn't play til the end so you're a loser.
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It was sarcasm aimed at a particular lead dbd dev. 😉
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An why do you want to go up?
Not to mention: The other players did nothing wrong, hammering generators while you run is the way to go. There is no reason for them to go down.
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But… Hockey!
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I hardly believe that surv have enought time to fix all gens if surv just predrop and bubba break it instantly
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But you got caught and died.
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That match was only 1vs1. These 3 survivors were just bots. That's all. You won even if you died because you looped the killer for like 5-6 minutes until these bots repaired all gens.
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would make sense if it wasnt cause my teammates will also be worse not better (for the most part)
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kek, eventually the killer will catch up by the time 5 gens are done especially agaisnt a bubba there wont be any resource left
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Lmao should have gotten good by equipping Bond and running straight to generators
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i don’t get people who just blindly agree with the devs. I agree with them on a lot of their decisions but come on dude really? This is by far the worst they’ve ever made and you’re gonna sit here and justify it?
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As always, this sort of thread is proof your online sarcasm can never be too obvious and people will still take you dead seriously.
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In the recent Q&A the lead dev said they really don’t have plans to change MMR from being only about escapes and kills because those truly are the only factors which actually determine who’s better.
IE 12 hooks doesn’t count as a win because the survivors still escaped and only were able to escape because they were better.
And running the killer all game and dying at the end means the killer was better than you and so you still lost.
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Where did i justify anything directly here? I just said that it’s bad that the community desperately tries to find something to cry about (instead of criticizing something that actually needs to be criticized)
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You’re justifying their decision by saying it isn’t something we as the community should rightfully complain about 💀
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I know this is more of a joke because of that hideous comment during the Stream, but it might say a thing or two about the failure we know as MMR.
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This has become one of my least favorite things lately. People purposely leading the killer to other survivors who are working on unsafe gens, then just leaving and letting them get one hooked.
they always do it with killers like Bubba as well.
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I definitely did not do that. At all. I actually stated that I think the current implementation of mmr isn’t great.
i merely said that this kind of example/one match experience thread is not a good argument against the system.
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play more hockey bro idk what to tell u
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If you were truly skilled, you would have hidden in the basement until the others did the gens, then escaped. Nothung else matters according to Patrick. Skill baby!!
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i cant agree more than just voting up and responding saying you are right. sorry
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It’s actually a pretty great argument because this scenario happens very frequently especially when you’re playing with peopleso far below your skill level. Not to mention it encourages you to be a toxic POS just to raise in MMR
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Lower MMR - worse teammates - harder games - easier to die - lower MMR - ...
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Yes, but over time your skill will even out to more victories, and your MMR will stabilize at a higher level.
The same will happen to them.
I do think that SBMM needs to be more nuanced for survivors, but one match isn't going to shift your MMR much.
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Isn't it great how the game considers you and only you skill-less even though you singlehandedly won the opportunity for the escape of your teammates
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Unfortunately, that is correct. But all those Claudies in the corners that do nothing and still get out are absolut gods /s
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But it’s still only one single match where you still outplayed your opponent and your score won’t be going down significantly.
if this actually happens frequently, maybe you are not that good after all of you always die in that scenario? (But it’s really not happening that often, and if it happens the MMR matchmaking was obviously pairing you incorrectly due to waiting times or something else - which they already said is happening often and they want to adjust that)
but nice that you accused me of something but still don’t even try to explain where i said people shouldn’t complain about it?
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because you’re getting mad at OP for complaining about it? It shouldn’t take me dumbing it down for you to understand yelling at someone for complaining also = telling them they shouldn’t complain
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Just because I don’t agree with OP I am getting mad at them? I never yelled at all. I started my comment with ‚Eh‘ which is pretty much the opposite of yelling. And in the same comment I also stated I don’t think the current implementation of MMR is great.
OP made a weak argument here. That’s my opinion. Where is your problem here? It seems like you want to shut me down and not the other way around.
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Haha you lost newb. Real skill survivors get out. Get rekt loser!!
/s (incase someome dont know)
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Learn to play dude.