Does Hag need nerf?

I personally hate playing against hag because of her having a lot of traps that can be countered with a flashlight or crouching. The thing is that you sometimes don't take flashlight with you and crouching reduces your speed significantly, so you want to avoid doing that. She has a lot of traps to hold and place, and it slows the game really bad.
Does Hag need nerf? 56 votes
I don't think so
Yea, good Hags can be annoying as f.
But good survs can really outplay her badly.
6 -
Yes, some small nerfs will make it better
And it does depend on maps too. But still, the amount of her traps is not little though
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I don't think so
But she need some as they can activated fast by just running past if you know where they are. It is not like trapper.
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Yes, some small nerfs will make it better
The 1 change she needs is the traps around hooks.
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She's balanced well
She's one of the more balanced killers in the game with a counterplay mechanic built in. People just don't use it.
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I don't think so
she is fine as she is now
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Yes, she needs a big nerf
Where's the delete option?
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Nah bro
She's kind of annoying to play against, but she's definitely not powerful enough to warrant any kind of nerf.
5 -
Yes, some small nerfs will make it better
Just make her camping game less strong.
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I don't think so
Reduce her camping capabilities while make it so her traps can't be destroyed by flash lights.
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Yes, some small nerfs will make it better
She needs a couple of changes, but she doesn't need nerfed to the ground.
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Nah bro
I think she's fine as she is personally.
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Nah bro
Being annoying to play against doesn't constitute the need for a nerf. Nerfs should be used to balance elements of the game that are overpowered. If you removed the crouch element then her traps are pointless. She has so many counters that she really doesn't need a nerf
2 -
Yes, some small nerfs will make it better
If they made her have a cooldown on trap use, they can limit her snowball while also allowing for items to play around.
If they are keen on a rework, they can give her another trap type that can be switched at any time. This would make her more interesting to play as and play against. Hopefully her secondary trap or item can match her lore.
Regardless, by tweaking a reset time to her traps, this alone would make Hag players have to pick and choose how they approach situations without being able to smack 8 health states out of a team in under 30 seconds.
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Nah bro
As much as I HATE Hag, I honestly don't think she needs any changes as of right now.
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Nah bro
Stop nerfing killers because you cant beat them a lot of a class killers getting nerfed because people cry over them then complain that they are weak and boring its annoying