Boil Over & Dead Man's Switch

Do you think both perks will come to live? Because both perks had so much complains on PTB.
Boil over is another ptb hated perk you won’t see in a match again
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I think Boil Over will probably get its bonus drop effect removed since there are certain ways the hooks can spawn on maps with second-story buildings that can make a Boil Over user impossible to hook. If DMS gets nerfed, it will likely be because of its synergy with Pain Resonance, since on its own it's still quite mediocre.
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Probably not, or if they do, they'll get played for a week and dropped
Both sides will never give up their precious metas unless forced to
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Actually it is fine with Pain Resonance. Problem is DMS is broken on Artist and this already confirmed by some forum users. She can camp hook and she can spam crows to generators. This was issue about DMS.
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Then that's not a problem with DMS; that's a problem with Artist being able to do damage at an infitite range through walls.
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Dead Man's Switch looked great at first, and a contender for another strong gen delay perk, but certain killers had the ability to go ham with it and knock people off every gen without having to be there - Artist was the worst of the lot, but Freddy and Doctor can pull it off too with certain builds. I'm not sure how that can be fixed and I suspect it's either going to make it to live with that gaping loophole or it's going to be useless again. I think I prefer useless - nothing should force 30-minute games.
Boil Over was either garbage or you abused it with map + hook offerings and running to hook dead zones, no in-between. It's a perk that has almost no value if you're playing the game normally and might trigger once every dozen matches. Definitely not worth running unless you want to troll.
I'm pretty sure they'll nerf this one from PTB - moreso than I am that DMS will be nerfed. Whether that nerf will fix its problems, who knows.
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Boil Over might be a real mess. The effects of Boil Over are really drastic on killers playing on controller compared to mouse & keyboard. There probably weren't a lot of controller users on the PTB, so when that perk goes live it's going to cause hell for console players.
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You are right but do you think BHVR will fix Artist or nerf perk? 🤔
Sad, i will never have chance to try DMS on Freddy. It was chance for Forever Freddy.
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My prediction is that you will see boil over for a few days and then beyond that it’ll be something you see in bully squads and that’s about it. In most “normal” scenarios, it’s not much better than it was before, but on certain maps it may create hook deadzones/more abusable spots like RPD library, which I’m not looking forward to.
I think DMS will be borderline meta on some killers if it doesn’t get nerfed. It won’t appear as often as your typical ruin/undying/pop/corrupt intervention but I am expecting to see it a fair amount (and at the very least it will be used more often than before). I am a bit worried it may be too strong on Artist, but I will wait and see how it feels before making a definite opinion on it.
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DMS on Artist is probably going to be like Huntress with Iron maiden, the two perks on their own range from ok to awful, but on certain killers they become very strong.
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Boil over, will become the next overcome/flashbang, everyone will scream about how op it is, but after a week, they will all go back to their usual meta build.
But DMS worries me, if an artist player decide to go all out with it, it will become the most oppressive build to exist as long as the killer can camp and down survivor consistently.
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This is absolutely not like Huntress & Iron Maiden. Let me picture for you. I am Artist and i got down one survivor. And hooked him. DMS started. I send my crows to gen (I can use some info perks for this: BBQ, Discordance etc.) And i catch you with Crow. If you stay on gen, i will snipe you with next crow. If you leave gen, it will block by DMS. And i am doing this while i am camping hook.
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I'm not saying that new DMS on Artist is equal to Iron Maiden on Huntress, I'm just saying that new DMS is not that powerful on other killers, but on Artist it would be very strong, similar to how Iron Maiden is terrible on every other killer, but on Huntress it's actually pretty good.
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DMS is strong all map mobility & teleport killers. It is just broken on Artist, this was issue about perk.
Well i disagree with Iron Maiden & Huntress. I mean yeah it saves you time for reload but i would use better perks. But yeah, it is good perk on Huntress and Trickster.
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if DMS comes to LIVE I'm sure good survivors will show us how they play around it and the hype will blow over.
I agree its toxic on paper but I'm going to reserve judgment until I see for myself.
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