Killer Mains, I'm Calling You Out! A *Lunar Event* Challenge.

Or...well, anyone else that wants to try this.
So, this is what I'll be doing - in an attempt to both improve my game and also as an interesting experiment. A little challenge that should work for anyone from the lowest to the highest MMR.
It's designed to:
- Improve my fundamentals.
- Get better at chasing, gamesense and skill use on all killers I own, not just my favorites.
- Give me and my opponents a more varied experience.
- Improve my tracking of hook states across all survivors.
- Give everyone a more 'fun' game.
The rules:
1. I can play as hard as I like early on. However, I am not permitted to kill any survivors until *everyone* is on their death hook. If I accidently violate this rule, I must let all remaining survivors escape on 2 hooks. Suicides and DCs are not my fault though.
2. No camping unless all 5 gens are done and all four survivors remain.
3. I'll be starting as Trapper. I have to play Trapper until I 'win'.
4. After I win (note: a win is defined as sacrificing a minimum of 3 survivors. Games with a DC, suicide or AFK do not constitute a win) I have to switch to the next killer I own, proceeding linearly along the list, from left to right and from top to bottom. When I win as the last killer on my list, I go back to Trapper.
5. All perks and addons are acceptable.
6. Slugging is only permitted if it's to move directly to another chase, or to prevent DS/flashlight saves etc. Mass slugging is not permitted.
7. Slugging, camping and tunneling are acceptable if you encounter a teabagger or clicker. As always, BM = safeties off.
At the end of the lunar event, we all post our rough experiences in this thread. What was our win/loss ratio, and how survivors reacted to this playstyle, particularly in postgame.
Who's in?
EDIT: Postponing this until tomorrow for myself, in the expectation of Boil Over getting a look. Right now things are just too much of a mess, with 2/5 matches being discarded due to griefer squads abusing this.
Good luck with that.
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We'll see how it goes. I'm hoping that it'll be fairly enjoyable, and maybe I'll rediscover killers I've ignored for a while.
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Sadly my short term memory isn't that good anymore so the "accidentally killing someone before everybody is on deadhook" rule is going to apply to me way to often.
Might try it without that rule though
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Sounds like fun, count me in, tho I will probably break the rules and start as Demogorgon, hope you don't mind
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So, I can either choose to play how I enjoy the game, be it sweaty or casual or with a niche or an oppressive build and get told to kms in the post-game chat by Survivors who feed me free wins with their terrible plays, or I can choose to actively gimp myself and go out of my way to play nice... and get told to kms in the post-game chat by Survivors who feed me free wins with their terrible plays.
I think I know with what I'm going with.
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What's the point of this?
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Good luck trying to 12 hook with 5 minute gen speeds and the Survivors whopping 16 second-chance perks.
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Up to you mate.
Go for it.
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Just an experiment, and something to encourage me to play more killers and get better at the game. I'm also curious as to how kill rates will shift when tunneling and camping are removed from the equation.
It's certainly going to be challenging. I'm planning on a lot of side objective/downtime minimalization builds.
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Never say never, and don't forget tunneling is allowed, up to death Hook
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I'll definitely give this a try, although unfortunately I'm on console I won't be getting much feedback from the survivors.
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Honestly, if I was still playing this game I would give it a try.
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Not me.
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Honestly, sure, I might try it. It’ll be something different.
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I might come out of retirement briefly to try it.
Key word is might.
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This is somewhat how I often play as killer, but it only works if the survivors are potatoes and are doing gens really slow. I'll let the 4th one leave depending on if I'm near maxed in BPs with deviousness.
And some games they just rush gens getting 3 gens done by the time I get 2 hooks meaning I can't do it and have to tunnel someone out. Then they complain about tunneling then I just snap back at them "dirty gen rushers" rush gens someone getting tunneled.
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One of the things I want to test is how this interacts with SBMM, which might be interesting to you.
If it's working correctly, I'll lose quite a few games initially, then stabilize.
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I mean, I'm all for a challenge but I think I'll more or less play like normal and just observe certain stats. I like the idea of cycling through your killers til you get a win, but I'm curious about...different things.
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Interesting. Please post your own experiment after you are done. It's always interesting to see these things.
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And if you are winning without tunneling, camping etc they will force you take DS stun just to troll (spamming in lockers) then when his dead hard failed they will usually DC. Yes, please DC. Punish yourself for being a scum. 💁
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One of the stats I'll be tracking is how often people DC. I'm guessing it's about 20% of my games.
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Nah. I just bought Bubba in preparation for the event.
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Are you main survivor?
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Seems like how I normally try to play, minus the part where I have to play every killer (because you can't make me touch Billy or Nurse with a ten-foot pole. I got my achievements; never again.)
But it probably is a good idea to switch up more. I find most of my games these days are Plague, Artist, and Pig, with a smattering of Spirit and Blight since I just got them.
I do plan on letting survivors do what they need to do for the Lunar Event, as well as the white glyphs (though I'll expect some consideration in return afterwards or it's no more ms. nice killer.)
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No, I'd reckon about 85% of my games are as killer.
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Im in, I like to have a challenge and stats to keep it interesting.
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Ah, you said more killers. I thought you play less killer lol. But you meant to try another killers
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I wonder what the first killer is i'm going to ger stuck with.
Probably huntress. I'm a terrible huntress
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Sounds like you're going to be trashing your rating until you get matched up against new players.
I guess that'd be a fine set of rules if your goal is to reset all your killers to minimum MMR without just going afk every game.
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Huntress, Slinger, Trickster are the three that are going to be tough for me I think.
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I got you. I already play this way for most part. Exceptions are basement (which I will proxy if I hook down there) and slugging. If I see another survivor when i get a down I will at the very least chase long enough to hit. Slugging entire lobby I usually don't do unless I am twins (which btw is where this challenge will end) so won't have to change much.
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We'll see. I don't think it'll play out this way, with a few of my weakest killers excepted. I already play this way to some extent and I don't see too many newbies aside from situations where MMR poops itself.
Yup, slugging is totally permissible if there is another immediate, viable chase.
Proxying is fine, as long as you aren't hanging out by the hook or deliberately trying to force multiple hook states. If it's purely a matter of getting another chase, go for it.
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That's why I said Twins. When I down with Vik I don't switch to charlotte. I immediately go find a survivor to latch onto which forces the switch then I pick up. If multiple are injured I just keep going and going. To much of a handicap otherwise. Hell maybe I won't even make it down to them so won't matter....this game has gotten as stale as couch chips.
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Good luck with the challenge and keep us posted with results.
But whatever you do, do not forget who the final boss of this event really is
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You know what? I might try this. Though I'm guessing my stats with certain killers will be terrible.
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I'm gonna be stuck on 4 maybe even 3 for sooooo long, lol
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Events are ALWAYS a nuclear arms race; I have zero intention on limiting myself to take a moral high ground.
Godspeed though
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Great tactical/strategic meta call for Circle of Healing there!
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It's strange as i do play trickster often and do very well with him.
I just can't do huntress
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Okay, I got myself psyched up and started a day early. Here are some of my thoughts so far:
I'm going to be looking at BM's...namely, flashlight clicks, t-bags and hits on hook. (That last one will be on me obviously). I will be paying attention to tunneling and camping but I'm not completely disallowing it. (I don't want any situational play to be restricted.) Also, I am counting suicides and dcs as kills. Lastly, instead of playing one killer until I win, I'm going to rotate my killer each time, starting with Trapper and ending with the Artist. I will still be playing each killer until I win, but will be rotating instead.
So far I've played Trapper and Wraith, 4ks on each. I'm most worried about Blight. I'm trying to get to iri 1 and I'm already a week behind because of bans so hopefully this doesn't hurt my chances any more.
Other things I've decided to keep track of are match times and the challenges I'm currently doing at the time and how I am progressing on them through each match.
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Seems like a lot of artificial, convoluted rules.
Not being able to kill survivors until everyone is on death hook is challenge enough, no need to make all these secondary challenge objectives.
You can tie your wrists, no need to tie each finger individually.
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Sure dud, why not. But How will i manage with half the killers on level 1 and me playing on console :(.
Well I'll post how that turned out after the event lel
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The MMR should drop eventually to levels, where rather new players won't know what they are doing, so that OP should be able to get a meaningful experience.
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Shrug. You are free to do as you like. These are just the conditions I've layed out for myself, and exceptions as far as I can see them arising to prevent any ad-hoc concerns.
Have added an exception - someone teabags or flicky flickies you, all bets are off. Tunnel them out.
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are u seriously asking the dbd community to have fun? with an event?!!?!
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Haha no. I'm just saying what I'm going to be doing and inviting anyone who wants to come along to join me.
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Sounds like a hidden survivor rulebook.
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Nah. Just looking to test a few theories out.
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Sounds like a decent lil experiment. Pretty sure we all know how it’ll go though. I’m not good enough on console yet, still getting used to everything being a different shade of black, trying to discern what I’m looking at.
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in response to this im gonna reinstall only to play bubba with noed, deadlock, corrupt, and insidious and will be exclusively camping and slugging and see how many kills I get on average per game