I faced a fog whisperer today.

And it was pretty fun :D
We actually managed to do 5 gens against a 3 blink nurse, and when I was last she did just a tiny bit of trolling.
Look for a hatch with me on the back, find it, close it in my face. Then let me wiggle of, teleport behind the exit gate, I open the gate and then she downs me and mori's me xD
Was really fun, I just wish i knew which fog whisperer it was :/
She wore the red gown with the black mask and on hooks there were: a blue charm from... a tome I think, definitly a fog whisperer head and what looked like an oni mask.
So yeah, gg wp xp
(Me and my buddy were on console, so yeah... couldn't even give +rep on the steam account)
You can give props, it's "hidden" in the report menu, the leftmost option. That should work across platforms.
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Also sorry for this post not really being a disscussion, but idk just wanted to share and maybe someone knows who I played against :p
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I know and I did at least that :p
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Would you know the name is you saw it because there's a list of all the Fog Whisperers here: https://deadbydaylight.com/en/news/fog-whisperers-program
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Bro... the name was "SWEATY ." xp
As far as I looked through the list there was no fog whisperer named like that (and they could've been just playing off stream, so)
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They change their names all the time
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Exactly. But hey, I had fun and got to save as video the last 15 minutes of the game, including the trolling. That's enough for me
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You met a human being. Nice.
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As me, I entered in lobby and I heard some voice. So I thinking, it was voice from cutscene dbd mobile??
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There are 2 of them I heard ,, Huh, what is this place? " ,, Let's go"
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That sounds cool!
Personally fog whisperers drive me nuts. They're never on gens. They all play a reagent offering and go around sprinting from fog particle to fog particle whispering to them. It's clearly compulsory.
Like what are they even whispering? Is it some source of nourishment?
The fog is a mysterious place.
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I've played against a dev once, I even uploaded that video.
She was a lot of fun to play against.
Glad to hear you had a positive experience.
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When I was playing against "fog whisperer" they were pretty toxic as killers...