My solution to the hatch problem

Debuff: After beeing hit by the killer the survivor loses their sense of balance and are unable to jump in a hatch for 3 seconds. (Debuff only shows after the hatch has spawned)

This removes the standoff but still lets the survivor enter during a chase.


  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    Do gens 
  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    Do gens 

    Very constructive. If only everyone was like you then playing against braindead people would be easy. Sadly I main survivor so it would suck a lot.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I think get it, lets say the Killer and Survivor is at the Hatch and Trapper hits Meg, she can't jump into the Hatch for 3 seconds allowing Trapper to chase her and potentially down her. If he can't catch her she just jumps in, and probably gets grabbed or hit at the Hatch again and can't jump in.

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    @HatCreature said:
    I think get it, lets say the Killer and Survivor is at the Hatch and Trapper hits Meg, she can't jump into the Hatch for 3 seconds allowing Trapper to chase her and potentially down her. If he can't catch her she just jumps in, and probably gets grabbed or hit at the Hatch again and can't jump in.

    Yes. The 3 seconds makes it so the killer has enough time to hit someone in injured state and then again in dieing and then pick them up if the survivor just stands on the hatch. This suggestion is pure to get rid of the stalemate only survivors can win.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    Is this a new normal side effect on all killers or a new perk?
    If first: nice
    If second: band-aid fix, doesn't solve the core issue 
  • Deebo
    Deebo Member Posts: 16
    I like that hatch. Both as killer and survivor. It's that last element.

    The problem right now is that it's a Mexican standoff. But only if the survivor is at full health.

    Here's the play by play for hatch standoffs

    Survivor at full health results in a Mexican standoff where the most patient player wins.

    Survivor in injured state tilts the odds in favor of the killer.

    There are a few perks, and add-ons that alter the odds.

    It's not unbalanced. It's just not fun for either party.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    So your solution to the hatch is to just give the kill to the killer?

    OMEGALUL, sounds fair.

  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186
    I like your suggestion, mine was to have the hatch close automatically after 30 or 45 seconds since it becomes a race for the hatch as well as letting the Entity give the survivor that last whiff of hope before potentially snatching it away.

    The killer should only ever be rewarded for finding the survivor, not play a waiting game or lose the 4K, and the reality is that the killer beats the survivor 10/10 when they’re face to face. 

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Is this a new normal side effect on all killers or a new perk?
    If first: nice
    If second: band-aid fix, doesn't solve the core issue 

    This would be a passive normal thing not a perk :)

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Is this a new normal side effect on all killers or a new perk?
    If first: nice
    If second: band-aid fix, doesn't solve the core issue 

    This would be a passive normal thing not a perk :)

    Sound good then!
  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    @SenzuDuck said:
    So your solution to the hatch is to just give the kill to the killer?

    OMEGALUL, sounds fair.

    Its a solution to a standoff where survivors can just wait untill the killer no longer wants to play. But yeah I guess you think survivors should get free escapes in all "fairness".

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Shadoureon said:

    @HatCreature said:
    I think get it, lets say the Killer and Survivor is at the Hatch and Trapper hits Meg, she can't jump into the Hatch for 3 seconds allowing Trapper to chase her and potentially down her. If he can't catch her she just jumps in, and probably gets grabbed or hit at the Hatch again and can't jump in.

    Yes. The 3 seconds makes it so the killer has enough time to hit someone in injured state and then again in dieing and then pick them up if the survivor just stands on the hatch. This suggestion is pure to get rid of the stalemate only survivors can win.

    This would make the hatch skill related instead of the mockery we have now. A Survivor with self-care or Dead Hard could win this with skill. But a Survivor without those would have to work harder, be sneaky, be patient, do Gens, etc. This puts the Hatch in the Killer's favor instead of 100% Survivor sided if fully healed and basically Survivor sided if injured and manages to get close.

    This could work, I would like to see it in action and see if it's fair in practice.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @Shadoureon said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    So your solution to the hatch is to just give the kill to the killer?

    OMEGALUL, sounds fair.

    Its a solution to a standoff where survivors can just wait untill the killer no longer wants to play. But yeah I guess you think survivors should get free escapes in all "fairness".

    Not really - I think both should have a fair chance to escape.

    If a survivor has survived the onslaught that a killer can create then they deserve a chance to escape.

    For the hatch to spawn everyone has to be dead and at least 2 gens have to be done, that's a fair amount of work to grant a CHANCE at escaping for a survivor.

    If the killers brings the game back towards the end, 4 gens and one survivor is left they DESERVE A CHANCE, not a free escape.

    But sure, paint me as the biased survivor when one of your comments is "This suggestion is pure to get rid of the stalemate only survivors can win". Both the killer and survivor suffers from stubborness on both sides when there is a hatch stand off, not just the killer, but you'd like to make it seem that way, eh?

    Again, hatch needs a rework, last kill should be earned by the killer, not handed to them, and the escape should be earned and not handed to them.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Shadoureon said:
    Debuff: After beeing hit by the killer the survivor loses their sense of balance and are unable to jump in a hatch for 3 seconds. (Debuff only shows after the hatch has spawned)

    This removes the standoff but still lets the survivor enter during a chase.

    That would most likely mean: If the killer knows where the hatch is, the survivor won't get it.
    I also find the current situation annoying and want a hatch rework but I'm afraid that is not the solution we are looking for.

  • The_Yellow_Flash
    The_Yellow_Flash Member Posts: 3
    I don’t think completely stopping the Survivor from jumping in the hatch for any amount of time is a good idea. Here’s what I would do. Once the hatch appears spawn a random chest somewhere in the map with a new item called “The Entity’s Key” (this chest only spawns if there’s only one Survivor left in the killing ground). This key would be immune to Franklins demise and grant the user the ability to jump in the hatch without being grabbed out. It is also consumed on use. It cannot be found in the bloodweb or in any other chests and if escaped with (through either exit gate) The Entity breaks it becoming a “Broken Key”. This would force the last Survivor to do something while also giving the Killer time to look for the Survivor bcuz it wouldn’t matter who finds the hatch first. The Killer could still camp the hatch realistically which is why I gave whoever uses TEK immunity to being grabbed out and immune to Franklins demise. Therefore there can not be any hatch standoff. The Killer is then only worried about finding the Survivor since it wouldn’t matter if they knew where the hatch was. 
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    The greatest minds in Dead by Daylight have pondered the hatch problem since time began.

    No one has ever found a solution.

    There is no solution....

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208
    edited January 2019

    The only idea I have is that if a killer grabs the survivor as they are jumping in the hatch some sort of skill check face off occurs and if the survivor wins they escape else they are picked up.