Is Anyone going to play the new event tomorrow?

I’m not sure if anyone made a post like this but I figured I ask anyway. But anyway I was wondering if anyone is going to play the Lunar Event? I only made the question because I was thinking maybe playing or skipping it. The reason why I mentioned about skipping it is I don’t really want to deal with SBMMS like everyone else because killer and sometimes survivor can be sweaty or even boring to play due to how the game works currently like others mentioned. I also Know that SBMMS won’t leave anytime soon. But anyway I just thought I share my thoughts on the subject matter but let me know what you are all planning to do.
I’ll play a little bit, but i’ve been on a break.
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I'm going to, but I'm going in casually. I haven't seen what the item criteria is yet but I'll be going for whatever I can so long as getting the items aren't obtuse/require ten bucks.
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I'll play tomorrow as usual, don't really care about the event either way. 🤷♂️
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I am stoked! It will be the first time that I am there right from the beginning of a new tome and I actually toyed with the idea of investing some time into pig, so now I got even more of an incentive to do so.
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I might check it out and play for a bit, but I probably won't play the whole event. It really depends on how I'm feeling.
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Only if it comes with the mid chapter update. It's been a Long Time since I played Nurse, and that update fixes the majority of the reasons for why I quit playing her in the first place, so I've been eagerly awaiting it, and haven't really been playing for the past few weeks. Otherwise, I'll wait for the mid-chapter before I jump in.
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gonna stockpile on the event items. but I’m trying to get to red rank on both survivor and killer. I did it before but right now I’m at gold II for survivor and bronze II for killer
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Awesome man! That’s great to hear, the last tome had an uptick on tricksters so it will probably be the same for pig.
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I will get all the free cosmetics and also stash some of those event toolboxes for later.
Also day after event new tome is out so I have finally challenges to spice my gameplay.
I am pretty into playing right now tbh. Only thing I hate is timing of patch, which is after I get home from work and depending how big update is, I probably wont be able to even play today
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Meh, might as well. It's going to include a few new content aside from the event anyways, so yeah.
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Imagine if the majority of players boycotted the event. Too bad it's unimplementable in any decent scale, it would be a good feedback for the devs, something that would show them DbD is not Hockey.
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Im not playing the event i was dissapointed in the boon answer and the reason twin are getting nerf. I hate to much the way i feel i need to play the game right now and i dont like to play survivor long enough for the queue to be worth the time i pass in game
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Maybe? I have Genshin and Overwatch events too. It all kind of depends on how these events shape up. I need to see how long they last, what the rewards are, blah blah blah. For instance, as far as I am aware, our Tome doesn't start until the 26th. So it might be wise to skip DBD for that day.
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I'll wait and see what it looks like.
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Depends if it actually feels like an event and not "here's just another obstacle". If I don't feel I'm taking part, no.
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I am. Going to be doing a funky challenge where I rotate through all the killers challenge.
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I will. Free cosmetics, cheap, pretty good Items, a few Firecrackers and StarLost came up with a fun challenge that will for sure lower my MMR, while also getting me to play Killers I don't usually play
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I'll play but can't till this weekend after my mandatory OT.....uggggggg. But I'm going into it with a grain of salt.....Boil Over I'm watching you.....but heck I'll try using it when I play survivor for a bit before getting board of the hold m1 meta or looping the poor killer for 3 gens or even getting camped or left to die by my fellow "SURVIVORS"
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I'll 100% play it. There's a hat for Kate, and that's enough for me to enjoy this event lmao
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Today no cause i have to work till pretty late and the downloading of a patch takes forever for me.
The second i can ofcourse i'll play it
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Yes, I like collecting event cosmetics, and I finally have a bunch of P3 characters where I can get and keep event items!
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Probably not for the first week cause I’ve night shift.
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SBMM is here to stay so I don't think avoiding or boycotting an interesting event because of it will achieve anything. Hopefully the event will not rely on "sweaty" play.
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Aw...feck. I forgot about there being an update. I hope it's not hours long, good lord.
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The update is supposed to be big because they actually changed how future updates are gonna work you gotta re-download the whole game this time.
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Do I care about the event? Not at all.
The day after though.. with the new Pig skin.. I'll be on for a decent bit to get an early start on the grind.
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Yea, I like collecting like every cosmetic in this game. I have problems, Free cosmetics
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Not likely. I typically can't stomach more than 20 minutes of the game anymore. Since MMR it got too sweaty.
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It’s explained in the dev update:
IMPORTANT NOTE: In both cases, these improvements will require you to completely redownload the game. This means there will be a very large download when updating or opting into or out of the PTB. Don’t worry, this is normal! Afterwards, updates will go back to being much smaller.
More info here, the very first topic
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Ah, I see. Well, thank you for the information.
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I don't think so. I'm busy studying
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I will probably just unlock the artist skin and call it a day.
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watch it be random like the Winter Event cosmetics and you have doomed yourself now to get the artist skin as last.
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Am I the only one going to enjoy the event? Or anyone here is an East Asian like me? Lunar new year to us is even a bigger holiday than Xmas.
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Ya probably. Sure wish they could just release the tome same day instead event today....tome tom. Anyway if the patch comes in I will play. Not excited about Twin add-on nerfs but I am apparently the only person excited about new gearhead.
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I'll be playing for the Saw tome, but if the cosmetic rewards are what we've seen so far then I have sub-zero interest in the event.
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That’s cool and yeah I haven’t played much either.
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I get it, sometimes the rifts can be kind of worth it but sometimes not depending on what the rewards are.
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No I mean the lunar event rewards. They all look just terrible.
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I bet, I also hope the new saw stuff is good too and if it’s good then maybe I play a little more but if’s not good then I’ll probably continue my little break that I’ve been having.
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Oh I’m sorry I miss read what you said and yeah some of them look a little weird but I thought the trapper weapon and Jane’s shirt seem kind of nice.
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Hope everything goes well with the OT and yeah games for both sides have been really hard lately so maybe the event will tone things a little bit but I doubt it.
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I'm thinking of coming back after the break I took, so I think I might play. Though I don't like the skins they showed for the killers more than the skins I already have so I probably wouldn't really participate in it
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Maybe. Originally I wasn’t going to but I might play for the first few days because Haddonfield and Cowshed are disabled according to the patch notes. That almost makes up for the lack of understanding shown through the add-on nerfs. Almost.